Kinneil Museum

Museum | Bo'ness | Schottland | Großbritannien

Das Kinneil Museum in Bo'ness, Schottland, befindet sich im ehemaligen Stallgebäude des Kinneil House, das im 17. Jahrhundert erbaut wurde. Das Museum ist ein faszinierendes Ziel für Besucher, die mehr über die Geschichte der Region erfahren möchten, insbesondere über ihre römische Vergangenheit. Es zeigt eine Vielzahl von Artefakten, die bis in die römische Zeit zurückreichen und bietet damit einen tiefen Einblick in die frühe Geschichte Schottlands.

Das Museum beherbergt interaktive Ausstellungen und eine Audiovisual-Show, die die Geschichte von Kinneil und seiner Umgebung lebendig werden lassen. Besucher können mehr über das Leben in dieser Region während der römischen Herrschaft erfahren und entdecken, wie diese frühen Einflüsse die Entwicklung der Region geprägt haben.

Zu den Ausstellungsstücken gehören unter anderem römische Artefakte, Münzen, Schriftrollen und Alltagsgegenstände, die in der Gegend gefunden wurden. Das Museum ist der perfekte Ausgangspunkt für einen Besuch der historischen Kinneil House-Ruinen, da es wertvolle Hintergrundinformationen zu den historischen und archäologischen Stätten bietet.

Das Kinneil Museum ist nicht nur ein historischer Ort, sondern auch ein kulturelles Zentrum, das sich aktiv für die Bewahrung der lokalen Geschichte und das Interesse an archäologischen Entdeckungen einsetzt. Es bietet eine einzigartige Gelegenheit, in die römische Geschichte Schottlands einzutauchen und mehr über das Leben vor vielen Jahrhunderten zu erfahren.




Duchess Anne Cottages
EH51 0PR Bo'ness



Sonntags12:30 - 16:00
Montags12:30 - 16:00
Mittwochs12:30 - 16:00
Donnerstags12:30 - 16:00
Freitags12:30 - 16:00
Samstags12:30 - 16:00


107 Bewertungen

Kateryna Katashynska

A small, quiet museum with a huge park and lakes. Here you can have a good time enjoying nature. There is a playground for children.
James Martin

Excellent place to visit and have fun day 😀
Tshepiso Ramaboa

Richard Payne

A small but enjoyable and informative museum on the local area and history, perhaps a bit small for a special trip but if you are in the area it should be a great addition to a day out. The staff are excellent, friendly and there's interactive things to do for kids too.
Ali R

Alot in here for a small museum. Worth a look when in the area. The staff were friendly and welcoming too.
Mark McNaught

Lovely little museum with great interactive displays. A little bit of everything here, local history going back to the Roman times. Good jump off point for a walk round the grounds. Helpful staff. Good information on the town and surrounds too. The walk round the grounds is not too difficult though if you had a buggy or wheelchair expect challenging sections where you need to go on grass or gravel path. Good kids playground on the site. Toilet available as long as the museum is open.

It's a very small local museum but really nice to visit.
Andrew Catmur

Gives you a good background to the local area. Worth a 30 minutes visit.
country music by dode

Very informative museum Amazing old photos too Free entry Videos Artifacts
Christine Lewis

Very Lovely visit. Small museum. Very informative. Activities for kids to interact. Public Bathrooms. Free entrance.
Zvjezdan Kisak

Vrijeme, koje je prolazilo, ali nije prošlo. Vrijeme je lebdjelo iza otoka poput oblaka; ponekad bi ga otpuhao vjetar, ponekad bi ga zaustavila bonaca, ponekad bi se zgusnulo, ponekad bi se razrijedilo – tko kaže da vrijeme teče ravnomjerno? Vrijeme se zalijeće i vrijeme stoji, vrijeme puže i vrijeme juri, vrijeme gmiže i vrijeme poskakuje – eto. Ali ostavimo vrijeme vremenu.“ Vrlo detaljan i informativan s posvećenim osobljem i postavljen u lijepom mjestu Kinneil ( saznajte više o Rimljanima, povijesti Kinneil kuće i imanju)u blizini parobrodske željeznice. Vikendica Jamesa Watta (parnog stroja) također se nalazi na zemljištu u blizini šarmantne kuće pravi škotski dragulj Posjetili Kinneil House koji je istovremeno bio nevjerojatan i tužan. Ukrašeni zidovi su prekrasni i u nevjerojatnom stanju za svoju dob, ali uništavanje kuće nije ništa drugo nego katastrofalno. Većinu vremena utrošeno je tamo šetnjom oko terena gledajući Forrest, staru crkvu, zid Hadrianskog zidina, rimsku kuću i veličanstvenu staru kuću.
David Hamilton

Interesting history
Adam Johnston

Excellent day, great variety of cars
George N

No access to main house which is a shame but small museum next door is interesting
norma johnstone

Visited Kinneil House which was amazing and sad at the same time. The decorated walls are wonderful and in amazing condition for their age but the destruction of the house by the council is nothing short of disastrous.
stuart rodgers

Nice little local museum
William Scotland

Lovely place to visit and surrounding areas are lovely also
mike dunlop

Loads of history :)
Deborah Wallace

Very lovely grounds ..and good wee museum with plenty of information and pleasant staff.
Bartosz Łuczak

Stunning historic location
dean christie

Lots to see and do really nice place to visit


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