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Cambridge American Cemetery and Memorial | Cambridge | England | Großbritannien

Cambridge American Cemetery and Memorial

Sehenswürdigkeit | Cambridge | England | Großbritannien

Der Cambridge American Cemetery and Memorial ist ein bedeutender amerikanischer Soldatenfriedhof und ein Denkmal des Zweiten Weltkriegs, gelegen zwischen den Dörfern Coton und Madingley, etwa 7 Kilometer nordwestlich von Cambridge, England. Der Friedhof erstreckt sich über eine Fläche von 30,5 Acres

Auf dem Friedhof sind 3.811 amerikanische Soldaten bestattet, die während des Zweiten Weltkriegs ihr Leben verloren haben. Zudem sind die Namen von 5.127 Vermissten auf der "Wall of the Missing" eingraviert, die meisten von ihnen kamen bei der Atlantikschlacht oder bei strategischen Luftangriffen über Nordwesteuropa ums Leben.

Das Gelände wurde sorgfältig gestaltet, um sowohl die Würde der Gefallenen zu ehren als auch den Besuchern einen Ort der Reflexion zu bieten. Die Architektur des Denkmals stammt von Perry, Shaw, Hepburn & Dean, während die Landschaftsgestaltung von den Olmsted Brothers entworfen wurde.

Ein zentrales Element des Denkmals ist die Kapelle, die aus Portland-Stein erbaut wurde. Die Türen aus Teakholz sind mit Reliefs verziert, die militärische Ausrüstungen des Zweiten Weltkriegs darstellen. Im Inneren der Kapelle befindet sich eine große Karte, die die Luftangriffe von Ostanglien aus sowie die Konvois über den Nordatlantik und andere Kriegsaktionen schematisch darstellt. Die Wände und die Decke sind mit Mosaiken von Engeln und geisterhaften Flugzeugen geschmückt. Buntglasfenster an der Südwand zeigen die Siegel der US-Bundesstaaten in zeremonieller Anordnung.

Im Mai 2014 wurde ein Besucherzentrum eröffnet, das Ausstellungen über einige der hier bestatteten oder geehrten Personen sowie über die breiteren Kriegskampagnen des Zweiten Weltkriegs präsentiert.

Der Cambridge American Cemetery and Memorial dient nicht nur als letzte Ruhestätte für die Gefallenen, sondern auch als Ort des Gedenkens und der Bildung für kommende Generationen.
Cambridge American Cemetery and Memorial Cambridge




Madingley Rd
CB23 7PH Cambridge



Sonntags9:00 - 17:00
Montags9:00 - 17:00
Dienstags9:00 - 17:00
Mittwochs9:00 - 17:00
Donnerstags9:00 - 17:00
Freitags9:00 - 17:00
Samstags9:00 - 17:00


213 Bewertungen


This cemetery was very beautiful, I felt very emotional reading about how amazingly brave the soldiers were in the war. I felt it was insensitive to take pictures of the crosses themselves, so i only took pictures of a few of the lovely decorations. The place is very well looked after as it should be. It's a perfect place to remember the loss of all-American soldiers. R.I.P
Sharon Perry

The most beautiful place for the memory of usa service personnel The visitor centre has a lot of information and really worth a visit
Arun Thomas

Mark Rippingale

Im going there today its going to break me as i went to the one in america🥲🌹🌎🇺🇸
thomasfantomas thomasfantomas

Nádherné pietní místo a důstojné poslední rozloučení s hrdiny co položily životy za naší svobodu.Pokud budete mít možnost určitě navštivte a vzdejte hold a tichou vzpomínku. Nezapomínejme svoboda není zadarmo.
Seth MacCutcheon

Beautifully done. Respectful and very pretty. Absolutely recommend for anyone…especially former service members and families
Mark Anderson

What a moving place to go to pay your respects to the fallen who gave there lives so we could enjoy ours . Was surprised that the ages of the fallen were not displayed and also that instead of crucifixes the star of David was on some headstones . All in all a place that makes you feel quite humble . God bless the fallen we owe you our world.
Anastasia Artemyeva

It always impressed me how Americans treat their soldiers. The cemetery is perfectly maintained. A lot to learn at the visitors center. So peaceful. Bus #4 stops near the entrance. Open daily from 9 am till 5 pm. Few visitors. We just walked there from downtown, but as I mentioned you can take bus #4.
Faith Payne

This is an impressive war cemetery laid out with care & respect. It is very large and this certainly has an impact when you walk around.
Andrew Edwards

Very nice and well kept memorial space. Be mindful no dogs other than guide allowed - this isn’t well sign posted, nor on the website
M Nadeem

Beautiful and touching place! So peaceful and the grounds are kept immaculately as expected. Cemetery for the American soldiers that fought in the world wars. Great was to pay tribute to the heroes that fought for our country. Parking is free.

Absolutely immaculate. Interesting and respectful.
Srinidhi S H

Nothing more to say. It's a memorial graveyard for the brave hearted Americans who lost their lives during the WW2. Peaceful place, not very crowded as it is away from the main city.
Peter Cheney

The most beautiful and quiet corner of America in Britain. It's especially moving for the Memorial Day service which takes place on the last Sunday in May - a bank holiday in England - each year.
Carl A

This is a beautiful cemetery. The grounds are immaculate, the chapel is stunningly colorful, and the visitor's center/museum is interesting, informative, and well presented.

Beautifully maintained, and insightful!
Olaf Taylor

relaxing place to view the history of USAs masive and vital contribution to these isles in WWII and more generally too.
Alan & Chrissy Crossley

Such a beautiful cemetery. A most respectful and tranquil experience and the grounds were constantly so well looked after. Beautiful
Hubert BORDE

Un lieu émouvant où sont enterrés le saxophoniste de jazz Glenn Miller et l'un des frères Kennedy.
Me Myself

Amazing and humbling
catt 3553

A beautiful tribute. Very well-maintained. A humbling experience.
Marcus O’Rourke

It was an honor to visit with my wife and two sons. The grounds are stunning and the memorial was informative, moving, and beautifully restrained. One can’t feel thankful enough for the sacrifice these brave men made. Thank you for the bottom of our hearts.
Clare Selway

Peaceful and worth visiting
David Greaves

Always moving experience. Please shed a tear for these brave people.
James Robert Dylan

Poignant. It’s well looked after. There is a chapel and visitor center either end of the wall of the missing. Heartbreaking to see.
Thomas Kus

Incredibly moving and informative memorial to the American soldiers who gave their lives in WW2, many of them in the defence of the Atlantic supply lines to Britain and Europe and in the air raids over Germany towards the end of the war. The visitor centre is a must. Plan to spend about an hour going through the interactive displays at the centre and then take your time to visit the wall of remembrance and the actual graves. Especially suitable for children aged 10+ who can learn much about WW2 and the importance of remembering those who gave their lives for peace and freedom in Europe.
Darrell Tyson

Absolutely breathtaking. To see row after row of perfectly aligned white crosses with neatly mown grass all round is very humbling. To then turn and see the names etched on the wall of remembrance just reinforces the feeling. This cemetery is not here to glorify war or violence but to remind us all of the true cost of war and violence. It must be remembered that each cross and each name on the wall was a person who sacrificed their lives to preserve our freedom.
Lisa Parsons

Very informative and clean.
Tezza de Grey

A stunningly beautiful and peaceful place to reflect upon the American lives lost in the second world war
stephen mudie

Thank you to all those brave men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice
Dan P

A truly humbling place to visit. A place where over 3,800 American service personnel are buried, a further 5,127 names are listed on the wall of the missing. The entire site in immaculately maintained and is a fitting tribute to those buried, or commemorated, here.
Anthony Hammond

Beautiful well kept Cemetery. Nice peaceful walk around the grounds . Do look inside the Chapel, There are brilliant maps, explaining a timeline scale of various actions in time .There is a plaque outside the main door highlighting the lost souls at Cambridge and around the world.
KMG Reigate

Dignified and moving. Beautifully maintained. Excellent visitor centre. Beyond all the controversy and conspiracy theories, the best of the USA.
Kathryn Hall

A very beautiful and peaceful place to visit. I came with my friend and we hopped off the tour bus to arrive. We had a good walk around and felt very humbled seeing all those men and women that died for our liberty. I saw JFK’s brother’s name on the wall of the missing, and said a prayer for him.
Durgaprasad N Nair

This cemetery have a rich history to be told and purely a historical place to visit. Visitors charge at Cambridge American Cemetery is totally free. And worth the effort. Its a calm and quiet place. They organised the place very clean and tidy.


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