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Black Country Living Museum

Museum | Dudley | England | Großbritannien

Das Black Country Living Museum in Dudley, West Midlands, ist ein Freilichtmuseum, das die Geschichte der Industriellen Revolution und des Lebens im Black Country über einen Zeitraum von mehr als 250 Jahren lebendig darstellt. Es erstreckt sich über 10,5 Hektar ehemaliges Industriegelände und umfasst eine Vielzahl von historischen Gebäuden, darunter Häuser, Geschäfte und Fabriken, die aus der Umgebung hierher verlegt wurden.

Hauptmerkmale des Museums:

Historische Gebäude: Das Museum beherbergt über 50 rekonstruierte Gebäude, die das Leben und Arbeiten im Black Country vom 18. bis zum 20. Jahrhundert widerspiegeln. Dazu gehören Wohnhäuser, Geschäfte, Schulen und Werkstätten, die originalgetreu eingerichtet sind.

Interaktive Ausstellungen: Besucher können an verschiedenen Aktivitäten teilnehmen, wie dem Besuch einer funktionierenden Schmiede, dem Erleben von Handwerksvorführungen und dem Fahren mit historischen Straßenbahnen und Trolleybussen. Ein Highlight ist die Nachbildung eines Kohlebergwerks, das einen Einblick in die Arbeitsbedingungen der Bergleute bietet.

Thematische Bereiche: Das Museum ist in verschiedene Bereiche unterteilt, darunter eine viktorianische Straße, eine 1930er-Jahre-Straße und eine historische Werft. Jeder Bereich vermittelt spezifische Aspekte des Lebens und der Industriegeschichte der Region.

Veranstaltungen und Aktivitäten: Das Museum organisiert regelmäßig Veranstaltungen, darunter historische Nachstellungen, Festivals und saisonale Feierlichkeiten, die das ganze Jahr über stattfinden. Besonders beliebt sind die 1940er-Jahre-Wochenenden, bei denen das Leben während des Zweiten Weltkriegs nachgestellt wird.

Das Black Country Living Museum bietet einen umfassenden und interaktiven Einblick in die Geschichte einer der bedeutendsten Industrieregionen Großbritanniens und ist ein faszinierendes Ziel für Geschichtsinteressierte und Familien.




Discovery Wy
DY1 4AL Dudley



Sonntags10:00 - 16:00
Montags10:00 - 16:00
Dienstags10:00 - 16:00
Mittwochs10:00 - 16:00
Donnerstags10:00 - 16:00
Freitags10:00 - 16:00
Samstags10:00 - 16:00


12465 Bewertungen

P Re

Fantastic place. History, technology and cullinaire visitation. Recommend for everybody.
Alex Berger (bergAIR)

Excellent experience, great volunteers and staff, could spend ages here!
Elizabeth Fellows

Excellent day, new 40/50/60s was great whole family loved it
Mal Yeats

Absolutely amazing place
Tristram Moore

Wow amazing place booked online can use ticket for the whole year after 1st visit. Brilliantly set out took us right back to the old days how people lived. Spent majority of the day here loads to do even a fair and pubs on site to explore.
Phil Evans

Had a brilliant day at the museum. Weather was great which helped. So much to do and see. Had the best fish and chips and a pint at the elephant and castle pub .Prices was surprisingly good. Spent 5 hours there in total and could have stayed a bit more to be honest . Bought back my childhood memories.
Katy Fawcett

Really lovely family day out
Ho Melody

Great experience. Lovely place and worth to go.
Kate Rose

We bought a season ticket and definitely had our moneys worth. Sometimes even just somewhere to walk around. Plenty of good family memories for all generations.
Elizabeth Winch

So much to learn about and explore! Second time visiting and love it. Lots on to do Fish and chips are so good! Forgot about the steam fair, kids absolutely wanted to do it and it isn't cheap but worth it for the look on their faces !

Very cool place to go to especially school trips
Janet Sackett

I loved our day out at the museum. So much nostalgia, brought back memories of my childhood and how we used to live. Best fish and chips ever, well worth queuing for! I bought a very reasonably priced fedora hat from the gents outfitters (a few doors along from the fish and chip shop) A very nice well dressed man served me and let me try the hat on. I had a babycham with a cherry at the old fashioned pub, my goodness I haven’t had one of those since I was a young woman. Tasted better than it did years ago. We were with a group so time was limited as we had to get back to the coach. Unfortunately it started to rain torrentially but we were saved of a soaking as we were able to catch a ride on the old fashioned bus. Bought some sweets of our childhood from the museum shop, made our way back to the coach. There was loads more to see and I would love to come back again. My plan is to bring a group next year and hope they enjoy it as much as I did.
Helen Luckman

Fab when everything is open. Visited on a Sunday and not everything was open. But still good a great day
Lisa Ferrara

It wasn't wheelchair friendlu at all which made it impossible to see everything. We were told the ramps were taken down due to health and safety. The website needs to reflect this as it was a waste of money. Will not visit again
Dr E Fong Lee

Love the Victorian school and the entertaining head master. We missed the mine as it was closed too early


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