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Keighley & Worth Valley Railway - (Damems, Station)

Sehenswürdigkeit | Keighley | England | Großbritannien

Die Keighley & Worth Valley Railway

Die KWVR ist bekannt für ihre authentischen Dampflokomotiven und historischen Waggons, die regelmäßig auf der Strecke verkehren. Die Eisenbahn hat sich einen Namen als Drehort für verschiedene Film- und Fernsehproduktionen gemacht, darunter die berühmte Verfilmung von "The Railway Children" aus dem Jahr 1970. Die Stationen entlang der Strecke, wie Oakworth und Damems, wurden dabei prominent in Szene gesetzt.

Damems Station, die an der KWVR liegt, gilt als der kleinste Standardspur-Bahnhof in Großbritannien. Trotz ihrer geringen Größe verfügt sie über eine Wartehalle, ein Fahrkartenschalter, ein Stellwerk und einen Bahnübergang. Die Station ist mit Gasbeleuchtung ausgestattet und wird in den kälteren Monaten mit Kohleöfen beheizt, was ihr einen authentischen historischen Charme verleiht. Damems Station wird hauptsächlich von Fahrgästen genutzt, die während belebter Zeiten, wie beispielsweise bei Sonderveranstaltungen, die Züge wechseln. Zudem diente sie als Kulisse für die BBC-Serie "Born and Bred", in der sie den fiktiven Bahnhof Ormston darstellte.

Die Keighley & Worth Valley Railway bietet Besuchern die Möglichkeit, eine Reise in die Vergangenheit zu unternehmen und die Atmosphäre der britischen Eisenbahngeschichte hautnah zu erleben. Die liebevoll restaurierten Züge und Stationen, kombiniert mit der idyllischen Landschaft des Worth Valley, machen eine Fahrt mit der KWVR zu einem unvergesslichen Erlebnis für Eisenbahnfans und Familien gleichermaßen.




39 Damems Ln
BD22 7AP Keighley



Sonntags9:30 - 16:00
Samstags9:30 - 16:00


114 Bewertungen

Alistair 1234

Fantastic little branch line, really friendly and helpful staff, great day out.
Steve Beckett

It’s a simple and very small request stop. It’s mainly useful as place for switching between trains without having to wait long.
Andrew Dennison

A little off the beaten track.
David M Petyt

It's the smallest station in the UK. Not easily accessible by road but always worth a visit. You get a set of steps to get on and off
Mark Asquith

This is where I played as a child over 70 years ago, lovely childhood memories of Damems, and the steam trains, the river and allotments, lived at Bracken Bank and would wander the moors and fields, Happy days, visited in June 2024,
Mark Ormston

Lovely little stretch of line approx 6 miles long with a considerable gradient. Take your children, they will love it
Shaun Jasper

Stunning looking village station in the West Yorkshire countryside
Donny Pete

It's one of the best Kept Secrets. It's an absolutely awesome little time capsule of a place.
Dean Trevarton

A superb experience completely all round . For me it was predominantly about the " Railway Children" . On bank holiday Monday in May with half term week also I was delighted to find the line open all week . On the Monday I visited Oakworth Station to find it open with three volunteers in guards uniforms and was overwhelmed with a one on one tour of the station given by David including historic information and charming insights into the filming locations . Throughout my day I benefited from generous guidance regarding film locations along the line and in the area . On the Friday I bought a rover ticket and traveled the line all day long while stopping at the station museum's . The volunteer staff are amazingly nice to you what ever your interest might be . A highly worthwhile day out for any person . I enjoyed another tour of Oakworth Station with Steve later that day also . On the Monday I also found that some time spent in Haworth was enjoyable and absorbing including the fish and chip shop around from the station . Go there and enjoy and absorb yourself into it and it will stay with you . 😊
Nigel Buck

Passed through this pretty little station once thought to be the smallest mainline station in England.
Matthew Nichols

Lovely little station, I visited last year and it was excellent!

Voor de tweede keer binnen het jaar bezocht.. Gezellige sfeer en bijzonder mooi materiaal te bewonderen.. The flying Scotsman in 2023 en nu de Pendennis Castle. The Wort Valley heeft zelf ook een uitgebreide collectie van stomers en rijtuigen. Een rit door het prachtige landschap, stops aan de pittoreske stationnetjes, gooien je helemaal terug in de tijd. De Worth Valley Railway is meer dan een bezoek waard…
Dan Kane

Excellent day out
Dave Lawday

Had an absolutely fabulous day today on the spring steam gala..well done to all the team.. well worth a visit..loads to see and do
Nathaniel Chang

Amazing heritage railway
Simon White

Great fun

Worst station on the line. Upon arrival, was greeted by a dog who wouldn't stop barking, and drove me mad. When I tried to talk to the stationmaster, he wasn't much help either. He said "the dog's not gonna go anywhere, but you can!" Nice station but look out for the worlds loudest dog before you park.

Nice quiet place to enjoy trains.
Ferdie Habing

Lovely little train station. Picture perfect and a great place to watch steam trains
Elizabeth abeth Dennis

It was lovely riding on the Flying Scotsman
Norah Britton

Passed through on flying scotsman. Waited for another steam train to pass.
Al G

Friendly volunteers and a nice little station.
Mr E Mann

Lovely place to visit
kath dawson

Lovely day out.
Majella von Zahn

Wonderful little train station with friendly staff of ancient times. They don’t sell train tickets, but you can get them in the train (better bring cash, card does not work well)
Mike Holden

Lovely little spot here. The field overlooking the signal box is great for spotting. See attached phots.
Philip Shaw

Wonderful small station
Stephen Steptoe

Very small,"back in time" station, Unfortunately when i was there due to covid restrictions unable to access the platform, Well worth a visit and some lovely walks nearby,

Lovely little request stopon the kwvr near the nature reserve


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