Adel Dam Nature Reserve | Leeds | England | Großbritannien

Adel Dam Nature Reserve

Sehenswürdigkeit | Leeds | England | Großbritannien

Das Adel Dam Nature Reserve ist ein idyllisches Naturschutzgebiet in der Nähe von Leeds, England. Es umfasst etwa 19 Hektar und bietet eine vielfältige Mischung aus Feuchtgebieten und Wäldern. Das Reservat grenzt direkt an den beliebten Golden Acre Park und ist über diesen leicht zugänglich.

Ursprünglich wurde das Gebiet als viktorianischer Garten mit beeindruckenden Baumkronen angelegt. 1968 wurde es als Naturschutzgebiet ausgewiesen und seit 1987 vom Yorkshire Wildlife Trust verwaltet.

Flora und Fauna
Adel Dam zeichnet sich durch seine reiche Biodiversität aus. Die Mischung aus Feucht- und Trockenwäldern schafft einzigartige Lebensräume für eine Vielzahl von Arten. Besucher können hier über 100 Vogelarten beobachten, darunter Spechte, Eisvögel und Mandarinenten. Zwei Beobachtungshütten ermöglichen es, die Tierwelt aus nächster Nähe zu betrachten, ohne sie zu stören.

Wege und Einrichtungen
Ein Rundweg führt durch das Reservat und bietet Einblicke in die verschiedenen Lebensräume. Die Pfade sind gut gepflegt, jedoch können einige Abschnitte bei nassem Wetter rutschig sein. Es wird empfohlen, geeignetes Schuhwerk zu tragen. Informationstafeln entlang des Weges bieten Wissenswertes über die lokale Flora und Fauna.

Das Adel Dam Nature Reserve liegt zwischen Bramhope und Adel, unweit der A660 Otley Road, etwa 17 Autominuten vom Stadtzentrum Leeds entfernt. Es ist gut mit öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln erreichbar, und Parkmöglichkeiten stehen in der Nähe zur Verfügung.

Ein Besuch im Adel Dam Nature Reserve bietet eine willkommene Auszeit vom städtischen Trubel und die Möglichkeit, die natürliche Schönheit und Ruhe der englischen Landschaft zu genießen.
Adel Dam Nature Reserve Leeds




Otley Rd
LS16 8AG Leeds



Sonntags0:00 - 0:00
Montags0:00 - 0:00
Dienstags0:00 - 0:00
Mittwochs0:00 - 0:00
Donnerstags0:00 - 0:00
Freitags0:00 - 0:00
Samstags0:00 - 0:00


203 Bewertungen

Madrasa Modaser

A beautiful place worth visiting during the weekend.
Matt H

A really nice nature reserve and park that is very peaceful and beautiful. This is a great spot to take a pleasant walk through nature and enjoy the wildlife the area has to offer.
Joanne Woodhead

Beautiful little spot and only a few miles from home. We were lucky enough to see a kingfisher doing several laps of honour around the lake too
Gary Fisher

Great place for peace and quiet
Michael Dalton

Someone's been busy while I've been away. New open access entrance with a big new shelter which includes a table and bench, and signage to encourage people in. A new open access view spot for the lake, replete with newly rebuilt water outlet. And a new 20m walkway at the back end of the trail which removes the worst of the muddy sections of the trail. Suitable for prams and wheel-chairs but you'll still struggle to get around other sections with those anyway. It also removes some of the natural charm. But no wellies needed. All this together with previous work to rebuild bird hide 1, and titillation to hide 2. Seems like they're serious about getting people to use the reserve. And they've finally unlocked and latched the top gate too (thank you) so you don't need to jump over the fence to get out.
Jackie Aspden

What a wonderful area. I saw a nuthatch which really pleased me no end. To say it is next to a busy park it was so peaceful, just fabulous, could have sat in the peace and tranquility all day!
On Heath And Moor

Great spot for leaving the hubbub of the park and enjoying a spot of solitude. There are two bird hides, both adequately positioned. The route is quite obvious and well laid out, it can be muddy so boots or wellies in periods of wet weather are advised. The biggest attraction I found there - as there weren’t many birds around on the day I visited - were the really characterful, mossy trees. Just a wonder to walk between.
Helen Milton

Mandarins, Jay, Woodpecker and Nuthatch seen from hide.
Paul W

back to nature 😁 First visit for me being February nature was not at its best but as i walked through the gate the first thing i saw was a deer in the distance but before i could get the camera out it had vanished . will visit again in spring summer when every thing is more active. you can pas the golden acre park and lake on the way back to the car
Ra Ra

Lovely reserve - great for every age group! Lake, woods and the Golden Acre Park on the other side. The Park also had a café that offers some vegan food and coffee as well which is very welcome after a long walk.
Chris Sharpe

A great little property on which to easily see a range of woodland and wetland birds. I've been visiting this nature reserve for over 40 years and seen some big changes, including regional extinctions and arrival of exotic species.
Stephen Foster

1. Its not easy to find. Its next to Golden Acre Park but not signposted. 2. Google Maps took us to a Mercure Hotel car park which is not what you want. 3. Its titchy 4. Hides are good but little happening on the day we visited. 5. Pull this in with Golden Acre Park and its a good visit.

Lovely. Saw a woodpecker and a roe deer
Keith Dickinson

A great little nature reserve. The new hide and the pool are starting to look very nice indeed. One of the best places locally for seeing mandarin ducks.
Tara Hampshire

Gorgeous views and is one of the best places to see wildlife in Leeds
Daniel Garnett

A good why to the burn some energy
Asma Razzaq

Always a lovely walk at Adel Dam, kids love it and we saw some amazing wildlife. We were especially lucky to see the Mandarin Duck, one of the most beautiful ducks in the world.
Paul Marfell (AmPluralElf)

It is surprising the variety and amount of wildlife that can be seen here.
Graham Spencer

A really nice pocket sized Nature Reserve. One trail around the big lake through the woods means you are unlikely to get lost. Yorkshire Wildlife Trust often has staff on site to help advise and inform. No entry charge. 2 hides to sit in. One is wheelchair friendly. There is also a new screen to stand behind and observe nature. Some boggy areas have wooden walkways around to the lake hide. Beyond that you will need boots if we have had rain or snow as the ground is muddy and there are lots of roots to get passed. Things to see Many duck breeds, little Egrets, Herons, Grebes, Kingfishers, Red Kites often overhead. There are also Roe Deer.
Stephen Goodall

Good for a short walk (30 minutes) and birdwatching.
Peter Rywczuk

I was alerted to this place on social networking, and having visited some years ago I was interested to see it now. And what a great job they have done to the site. I had a great walk around the trail with my daughter who also found it interesting. The bird hydes, sculptures, nature and wildlife information was a great educational, calming and enjoyable experience. We were wondering if it could be classified as wheelchair friendly, but we thought not as the entire route would nit be manageable. Maybe in time to come. A very nice walk. Many thanks.
Tom White

Love the new building they've done- great new hide and circular walk, with lots of boardwalks

Adel dam is off to the side of golden acre park. I've walked around this anumber of times of the years. It a great place to go for a walk. Avoid the wet periods as it gets really muddy. There areca number of pathe around the nature reserve, with a wide range of widelife to be seen. There are a number of huts to watch the wildlife from. A lot of work is being done to improve the site and the experience for all those visiting the site. Lots of paths, bridges, etc... have been built to improve the experience.
Peter Simpson

Autumnal colours and reflections at Golden Acre.
John Gifford

Although this is a great site they have put in a new hide, it's great but attention to detail is sadly missing, you are sat down and right in front of you is a contaminated pool of water, it's contaminated by the workmen who built the hide , the feeders are all filthy you can see the residue of the cement everywhere this is the contamination i am talking about, Yorkshire Wildlife Trust as big as you are need to speak to the Lancashire Wildlife Trust, they will give them pointers on how a site should look, lets face it your wife puts a roast dinner in front of you great but the plate is filthy would you eat from it, that's another thing the feeders the whole point of the feeders are to put some sort of seed etc inside them this will encourage more birds to come. now i say this is a great site it is there are plenty of small birds about what we would call the usual suspects but Jays are no longer here probably don't like the sound of chainsaws, now before YWT gets annoyed by saying it all takes time and money, yes i appreciate that but cleaning and filling the feeders should come before a Magnificent 3 meter high sculpture of a Kingfisher. there is a new wood structure being built but when i went he is on his tod so i can see it will take some time. i will be back but when, Harwood Hall and St Aidens is so inviting, one last dig (sorry about that) upto the first hide the paths are passable with my mobility scooter but the second hide needs a bit of thought, get on a scooter see what we have to put up with, fitting wooden pathways is great except getting the wheels onto it is a bit of a problem then when the path ends and big bump back onto terra firma is in the offing.


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