LEGOLAND Discovery Centre

Sehenswürdigkeit | Manchester | England | Großbritannien

Das LEGOLAND Discovery Centre in Manchester, England, ist eine beliebte Indoor-Attraktion, die sich speziell an Familien mit Kindern im Alter von 3 bis 10 Jahren richtet. Diese von Merlin Entertainments betriebene Einrichtung wird oft als der „ultimative LEGO-Indoor-Spielplatz“ bezeichnet und bietet eine kreative und interaktive Umgebung, in der die Welt der LEGO-Steine zum Leben erweckt wird. Im Gegensatz zu den größeren LEGOLAND-Themenparks ist das Discovery Centre eine kompaktere, wetterunabhängige Alternative, die sich über eine Fläche von etwa 2.800 bis 3.300 Quadratmetern erstreckt. Es liegt in einer geschäftigen Umgebung, die leicht mit öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln erreichbar ist, und ist ein ideales Ziel für einen Familienausflug, insbesondere an regnerischen Tagen.

Das Herzstück des LEGOLAND Discovery Centre Manchester ist MINILAND, eine beeindruckende Ausstellung aus über 1,5 Millionen LEGO-Steinen, die berühmte Wahrzeichen Nordwestenglands nachbildet. Hier können Besucher detailgetreue Modelle von Sehenswürdigkeiten aus Manchester, Liverpool und Blackpool entdecken, darunter die Straßen der fiktiven Coronation Street oder die Blackpool Illuminations. Die Szenerie wechselt von Tag zu Nacht, wobei Lichter und bewegliche Elemente wie Luftschiffe die Atmosphäre lebendig machen. MINILAND ist nicht nur ein visuelles Highlight, sondern auch interaktiv – versteckte LEGO-Minifiguren laden dazu ein, genau hinzuschauen und sie zu finden.

Die Attraktion bietet eine Vielzahl von Aktivitäten, die Kinder dazu anregen, ihre Fantasie auszuleben. Zu den Hauptattraktionen zählen zwei Fahrgeschäfte: „Kingdom Quest“, ein Laserritt, bei dem die Besucher in Wagen steigen und mit Lichtpistolen auf Trolle und Skelette zielen, um eine Prinzessin zu retten, sowie „Merlin’s Apprentice“, bei dem die Gäste pedalgetriebene Gondeln durch eine zauberhafte Welt bewegen. Beide Fahrten sind kindgerecht gestaltet und bieten Spaß für die ganze Familie. Ein weiteres Erlebnis ist das 4D-Kino, das mehrere Kurzfilme zeigt, bei denen neben 3D-Bildern Effekte wie Wind, Regen und Schnee die Illusion verstärken. Diese Filme, oft mit LEGO-Charakteren wie den Ninjago-Helden, sind ein Publikumsliebling.

Für kreative Köpfe gibt es mehrere Bau- und Spielzonen, in denen über zwei Millionen LEGO-Steine bereitliegen. Kinder können hier Autos bauen und diese auf Teststrecken rasen lassen, Türme errichten oder an thematischen Bastelbereichen wie dem „Space Mission Build Zone“ teilnehmen. Ein besonderes Highlight sind die Workshops mit den sogenannten Master Model Buildern, Experten, die den Besuchern Tipps und Tricks zum LEGO-Bauen vermitteln. Diese interaktiven Sessions bieten die Möglichkeit, eigene Kreationen zu verfeinern oder sogar den Profis eine Herausforderung zu stellen. Für jüngere Kinder gibt es zudem eine Softplay-Area, die „LEGO Ninjago City Adventure“, die mit Kletterelementen und Rutschen zum Toben einlädt.

Das LEGOLAND Discovery Centre legt auch Wert auf Bildung und Inspiration. In der „LEGO Factory“-Einführung erfahren Besucher spielerisch, wie LEGO-Steine hergestellt werden, und erhalten oft ein kleines Andenken. Die Attraktion ist komplett auf Kinder ausgerichtet – alles ist in ihrer Größe gestaltet, und Erwachsene dürfen nur in Begleitung eines Kindes eintreten, außer bei speziellen „Adult Nights“, die regelmäßig stattfinden. Für Familien gibt es zusätzliche Annehmlichkeiten wie einen Café-Bereich mit Snacks und Getränken sowie die Möglichkeit, Geburtstagsfeiern mit privaten Party-Räumen und einem Betreuer zu buchen.

Der Park wird für seine familienfreundliche Atmosphäre und die engagierte Belegschaft gelobt, die oft als besonders herzlich und hilfsbereit beschrieben wird. Dennoch gibt es kleinere Kritikpunkte: An belebten Tagen, etwa während der Schulferien, kann es voll werden, was zu längeren Wartezeiten bei den Fahrgeschäften führt. Einige Besucher empfinden das Angebot im Café als begrenzt oder die Attraktion insgesamt als etwas kompakt im Vergleich zu größeren Themenparks. Dennoch bleibt das LEGOLAND Discovery Centre ein Ort, der die Kreativität fördert und für Kinder ein unvergessliches Erlebnis bietet.

Insgesamt ist das LEGOLAND Discovery Centre Manchester ein lebendiger Treffpunkt für LEGO-Fans und Familien, die einen unterhaltsamen und interaktiven Tag verbringen möchten. Es kombiniert Spiel, Lernen und Abenteuer in einer sicheren, überdachten Umgebung und bleibt eine der Top-Attraktionen für junge Besucher in der Region. Die Nähe zu anderen familienfreundlichen Orten wie dem SEA LIFE Manchester macht es zudem zu einem perfekten Ausgangspunkt für einen abwechslungsreichen Ausflug.




Trafford Palazzo in TraffordCity, next to, The Trafford Centre
Trafford Park, Stretford
M17 8AS Manchester



Sonntags10:00 - 18:00
Montags10:30 - 15:00
Dienstags10:30 - 14:00
Mittwochs10:30 - 14:00
Donnerstags10:30 - 14:00
Freitags10:30 - 15:00
Samstags10:00 - 18:00


4318 Bewertungen

Anthony Wills

Very busy
Piotr Kula

It’s a good day out with kids
Febe Martin

lovely day out and great for rainny days as it is inside the shopping center. Lots of activities to do.We loved the cinema and also the rides. plenty of lego to keep busy and soft plays for when a break of building is need it. I also recommend the creative corner where you get to build a lego piece and then for you to keep. We build a shark 😍
Olumide Abikoye

Parking available. Nice and polite staff. Not as big as Windsor Legoland.
Jeanette scentpotjen Selby (Scentpotjen)

It was pretty good. There were rides and screens ai headsets and lots of Lego to play with and make but they only gave us two hours which wasn’t enough to just sit and play with the Lego.
Shonda W

Great Hands on experience with my Grandson
emma p

was a very cool experience with kids ranging from 3 to 12, wasn't the cleanest in corners etc could do with a deep clean. however people were wandering about with dust pan and brush so keeping on top of the general
Matthew Wilkinson (Matt Wilks)

Overall disappointing visit to Manchester discovery centre. The very first thing you do when walking in after paying the ticket prices, is sit down to have a photo taken, which you then need to buy as an extra. The LEGO factory rooms were very dark with the objects on display not exactly engaging you or the kids. Then when you get into the main room with LEGO build areas, there was LEGO everywhere on the floor. I can imagine it only being tidy at the start of the day. All the bricks available to you were not really best suited to the theme of the attraction. For example, multicoloured basic LEGO bricks, in front of an inspiring moon landing or space station setting.
Milán Barta

Great place to spend several hours, close to the food places too.
Sean Lang

Far too over crowded. Almost impossible to get on any of the activities.
So So

Second visit : Famtastic experience , 4D cinema was best part , to avoid issues dnt book combo tickets with sea life , as sea life is def worth visiting , book them separate a bit more exp but u dnt have below issues from my last years : First vist : Long queue, booked it and then they said they dont have space? So why did they book online then no space?? Had to ask for refund
Amy Lyons

Currently here at the moment, first time visiting. Absolute waste of money. It's just chaos. No staff walking round trying to maintain the mess or tell kids not to absolutely launch lego everywhere. It's so poorly ran. I was going to book it for my daughters birthday in June and I'm so glad I decided to visit before I did because that's a massive NO. Spilt drinks on the floor that aren't being cleaned up. Queues upon queues for everything. SOO many over 5s in the under 5 sections, no one was monitoring these sections to make sure it was only age appropriate kids going in there, which meant my 2 year old wasnt safe to play. The "master class lego building" took an HOUR to build a hand sized koala because of how slow the person running it was at guiding the session, it was so painfully slow that i had to swap with my husband half way through and he finished the session with the kids. We 100% won't be coming back.
Jennifer Campbell

Visited on the Sunday before Feb half term. Immediately on entering the play space noticed the amount lego on the floor, scattered everywhere. Daughter went straight to the car building area...there were lots of wheels but not enough parts to properly build a vehicle. In comparison we have visited the discovery centre in Birmingham & the Legohouse in Denmark...and both were much tidier and organised with plenty parts to use in the building this was a disappointment. We were given bands on entrance limiting us to 2 hours. We entered at 1pm & had the building experience at 2pm( which cost extra)...which should have been about 20mins...1hr in and the build wasn't finished, a new class was coming in and we got given instructions to build it at home later. The member of staff running the class seemed out of his depth & wasn't engaging or inspiring the kids...again felt very disappointed....and that was our time done! Considering the entry price is almost the same as the Lego House in Billund, where you get a full day, inclusive photos & some bricks to take home...with none of the messy floors & lots of engaging staff & endless building areas...maybe that has spoiled us & our expectations. Overall we found the Manchester experience to be dark, messy & uninspiring...which was a shame.
Danny Yates

Great spot for the young kids though the time slot system did make us feel a bit rushed especially when the queues for rides were pretty long. Kids had a great time though!

We know attended today due to the Blue Light offer of Sealife tickets and Lego for £50, otherwise we wouldn't have come on its own. I feel it's very expensive for how long you are in for and my daughter didn't particularly enjoy the activities. We were probably only in for an hour.
Nikolai Dante

Came on a busy day, wait >30 minutes for a ride and then it breaks down, limit your time to 2hrs, the 4d effect movie had poor 3d execution Stations too busy, and lego a mess to build with Wouldve had more fun spending the price of a ticket on a set of Lego to build with my kids Come off peak if you do.. far better kids entertainment available
Victoria Miller

Really really disappointed. Took our 13 month old after purchasing the dual ticket with the Sealife Centre on Saturday 8th Feb. The website says there’s lots of areas for under 5s so we decided to take our Son. First of all the whole place was beyond jam packed - why they give booking time slots is beyond me! It wasn’t safe to let our toddler walk because of the sheer volume of people - it was intimidating even for me as an adult getting knocked and shoved all round the centre. Secondly the under 5s large brick play area was the dirtiest play area I have ever seen - the bricks look like they have never been cleaned and the soft pads near the slide were covered in mud, dirt and vomit. There were adults trampling and standing on all the soft play mats with shoes on making it even dirtier and not safe to let my toddler down to play as he would have had to crawl and play between peoples legs!. The under 5s soft play area was over run with older children and parents again with dirty footwear on - it’s a very small area and it says the maximum number of children is 20?!?! Wow - it would safely fit 10 babies at best. We couldn’t even get into the area. We also couldn’t get near the car are which was again overrun with older children not under 5s. The place was absolutely overrun and swarming with people - and pretty much all the adults had a hot Costa coffee whilst walking around. We couldn’t let our toddler down to play with anything - a disgusting heaving nightmare of a centre. Really truly disappointed and will not be returning. The Sealife Centre on the other hand was beautifully clean and great value for money. Stay clear of the Legoland Discover Centre if you have under 5s.
Danielle Cooper

We visited Legoland Manchester on the weekend, not during half term! I think the price point for what you get is fair! Good points: suitable for kids age 2-8 only. Plenty of Lego exhibits to look at and even add to. Lovely car area for ages up to 5 years of ride on cars VR experience ride Lego 4D movie theatre ( 20 minute movie all day ) One actual little ride A baby soft play area Building stations all over Older kids 3 story soft play area Cafe Free parking at Trafford Centre Offers student discount Master builder area Pram parking station on 1st floor Staff really nice and very helpful when needed Bad points: No parking available after 12pm. Food at cafe was very minimal and over priced There is literally no seating around building areas, and minimal seating around cafe It is so dimly lit, which if you’re neurodivergent like me it’s great, but many hard to see and keep track of your child Only parents wear bracelets and there’s no sense of keeping your kid safe as a result because you can’t see Adults have to ride the ride with children Far TOO MANY people in the centre itself which made it not enjoyable and hard to even do anything If you need a pram in the main area, there’s really no room Hard to find a bin outside of the cafe Leaving Trafford centre is enough to cause a mental breakdown as you have to snake your way around and around to even get to the exit 😟 On a non busy day this place would be so brilliant! But they let far too many people in at once and sadly the gift shop at the end you’ll need a second mortgage for to even buy a Lego set! The pick and mix had zero small tubs available to buy on our visit.
Noreen Bano

Located in the Trafford Centre, Legoland Discovery Centre is a fun, interactive attraction for kids.It features a 4D cinema, two rides, and hands-on building zones Engaging activities like Lego racing and interactive rides Family-friendly facilities with pushchair access. It can get crowded, especially on weekends. A great short trip for young Lego fans, but best visited during off-peak hours for a better experience. Love it 😀


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