Alpamare UK

Sehenswürdigkeit | Scarborough | England | Großbritannien

„Alpamare UK“ in Scarborough, England, ist eine der modernsten und beliebtesten Wasserpark-Attraktionen Großbritanniens, gelegen in der malerischen Küstenstadt in North Yorkshire. Dieser Freizeitpark, der im Stil eines alpinen Erlebnisbades gestaltet ist, wurde nach Jahren der Planung und Bauarbeiten eröffnet und repräsentiert eine bedeutende Investition in die touristische Infrastruktur der Region. Mit seinem Fokus auf Abenteuer, Spaß und Entspannung bietet Alpamare eine einzigartige Mischung aus adrenalingeladenen Wasserrutschen, beheizten Pools und einem Wellnessbereich, der das ganze Jahr über Besucher anzieht, unabhängig vom typisch britischen Wetter.

Der Wasserpark erstreckt sich über eine großzügige Fläche und kombiniert Innen- und Außenbereiche, die durch eine Vielzahl von Attraktionen miteinander verbunden sind. Zu den Hauptattraktionen gehören vier hochmoderne Wasserrutschen, die jeweils nach Skirennstrecken benannt sind und unterschiedliche Schwierigkeitsgrade bieten – von familienfreundlichen „blauen Pisten“ bis hin zu herausfordernden „schwarzen Pisten“. Eine der längsten Rutschen, die „Olympic Run“, ist über 100 Meter lang und ermöglicht eine rasante Fahrt in zweisitzigen Schlauchbooten, während die „Snow Storm“ mit ihren vier Personen pro Raft und einem dramatischen Trichter für besonders aufregende Momente sorgt. Diese Rutschen sind darauf ausgelegt, Nervenkitzel und Spaß zu kombinieren und machen Alpamare zu einem Highlight für Abenteuerlustige.

Im Innenbereich dominiert ein riesiges Wellenbad, das regelmäßig meterhohe Wellen erzeugt und eine lebendige Atmosphäre schafft, die an einen Tag am Meer erinnert. Für jüngere Besucher gibt es die „Splash and Play“-Zone, einen sicheren Bereich mit kleineren Rutschen, Wasserfontänen und interaktiven Spielelementen, die speziell auf Kinder abgestimmt sind. Im Außenbereich beeindrucken zwei beheizte Infinity-Pools mit Blick auf die Nordsee, die eine entspannende Alternative zu den actionreichen Attraktionen bieten. Diese Pools sind mit Whirlpool-Blasen ausgestattet und von Liegestühlen umgeben, die an sonnigen Tagen eine alpenähnliche Wellnessoase schaffen.

Ein weiteres zentrales Element von Alpamare ist der Wellnessbereich im alpinen Stil, der eine ruhige Zuflucht inmitten des lebhaften Treibens des Wasserparks bietet. Hier können Besucher in warmen Salzbädern entspannen, Saunen nutzen oder sich bei Massagen verwöhnen lassen. Dieser Bereich ist besonders für Erwachsene konzipiert, die nach einem ereignisreichen Tag Ruhe suchen, und hebt Alpamare von traditionellen Wasserparks ab, indem er sowohl Abenteuer als auch Erholung vereint.

Die gastronomischen Einrichtungen des Parks sind ebenfalls ein wichtiger Bestandteil des Erlebnisses. Das Restaurant bietet eine Auswahl an frischen, gesunden Speisen wie Pasta, Pizza und Salate, die den alpinen Charakter des Parks widerspiegeln, sowie eine breite Palette an Getränken, von alkoholfreien Optionen bis hin zu bayerisch inspirierten Bieren. Die Speisen werden oft an den Tischen entlang der Pools serviert, was den Besuchern ermöglicht, ihre Mahlzeiten mit Blick auf das Meer zu genießen. Die Einrichtungen sind modern und sauber, mit gemischten Umkleideräumen und individuellen Kabinen, die den Komfort der Besucher erhöhen.

Die Umgebung von Alpamare UK profitiert von der Küstenlage Scarboroughs, einer Stadt mit einer langen Tradition als Seebad. Der Park liegt in der Nähe anderer Attraktionen wie dem Scarborough Castle und dem Peasholm Park, was ihn zu einem idealen Ausgangspunkt für einen Tagesausflug macht. Die Landschaft rund um den Wasserpark ist geprägt von sanften Hügeln und dem weiten Blick auf die Nordsee, was dem alpinen Thema eine interessante maritime Note hinzufügt.

Die Bedeutung von Alpamare UK liegt in seiner Rolle als moderne Freizeiteinrichtung, die Scarborough als touristisches Ziel aufwertet. Der Wasserpark wurde mit dem Ziel entwickelt, eine Attraktion zu schaffen, die sowohl Einheimische als auch Besucher aus anderen Teilen Großbritanniens anzieht, und hebt sich durch seine ganzjährige Nutzbarkeit und die hochwertigen Einrichtungen von anderen Wasserparks ab. Er ist ein Beispiel dafür, wie traditionelle Seebäder durch innovative Ansätze neu belebt werden können. Ob man die rasanten Rutschen erleben, im Wellenbad planschen oder im Wellnessbereich entspannen möchte – Alpamare UK bietet ein vielseitiges Erlebnis, das Abenteuer und Erholung auf eindrucksvolle Weise vereint.




28 Burniston Rd
YO12 6PH Scarborough



Sonntags10:00 - 19:00
Montags10:00 - 19:00
Dienstags10:00 - 19:00
Mittwochs10:00 - 19:00
Donnerstags10:00 - 19:00
Freitags10:00 - 21:00
Samstags10:00 - 21:00


3653 Bewertungen

Mike Wright

Positives-since the spa had been reopened we have been twice,most of the maintainance issues have been fixed and the Spa staff are by far the best we have come across(and we do visit a few) cannot praise them enough.The facilities are all here apart from a hot tub on the area outside the finnish sauna. Negatives-when we arrived we were told by the excellent downstairs reception lady that the infinity pool would not be open until 11,so far no problem,when we enquired in the spa at 12 we were told that we just had to ask a life guard to take the cover off so we went down and there was a lady dressed in grey with a large yellow radio walking round the pool,I said excuse me and she said can't hear you,no sorry cant hear you or ill be there in a moment,so she came round, we asked about taking off the cover and were told BLUNTLY its not open,we explained what we had been told about asking as she said dldnt kmow why they have told you that,its closed for cleaming ( whem we lookd out at 1045 the cleaning vac was on the side and hadnt moved by 1pm) ,no applogy and felt like we were school children been told off,she needs to go wherever your other staff go for training as some people are obviously not cut out for hospitality.Up until then we had ,had the perfect experience.Also I notice that no Management comment on the posts meaning that they either dont look or just don't care.
Jennifer Beulah

It was quiet, my kids got straight on the slides no wait. Was lovely.
Ewa Zakrzewska

Amazing place ! A lot of fun for all family. Very nice and warm pools, main pool inside have very good waves, toddlers have good place to play and slides. Garden pools was amazing. Nice cafe inside with food and drinks. The only one negative is the fact showers was dirt and have muld inside . Hopefully they will improve that soon.
Daniel Williams

Fantastic water park with 4 great slides, a wave machine in the main pool and an outside pool. We went in half term and it was quiet but local schools must have had their half term the week before. The kids had a superb time
Helen PS

Absolutely brilliant. We stayed the full 3 hours and got food. No real wait for slides and pools at a lovely temperature (especially considering it's winter)
David Slater

We went slightly off peak and the queues for the slides weren't too bad. I can see how it would be insane being in there at it's busiest though. The kids had a great time and the lines for the slides didn't take too long.
Dannielle Thompson

A great time had by all the family, plenty of parking spaces, was too busy, all the slide and pools were available to use 😀
iPRO Electricial Services

Bit of a wait to get in even with pre booked tickets.
l w

We had a great time here. We have been going every now and again since it opened and it was one of our best visits today. No major queues. We booked for 10am and first hour very quiet on the slides, so chance to do plenty of runs. Even later when busier it didn't take long to get to the front. Temperature really good around the pool. Warm outside pools. Food all very good amd clean changing areas amd showers. Reccommend a spare towel or swim towel to keep warm in the cafe area. Staff really friendly and all professional, it felt well run.
Richard Beadnall

Great once you get in, but shambolic queueing/entry 'system' since Flamingo Land took over. It was never this chaotic on previous visits. Took us 40 minutes from entry to getting past the ticket checks and then another ten to get poolside. Once in, the scrum died down and the wait for the various slides etc weren't overly long. Absolutely no benefit to buying tickets in advance as you just rock up in the queue with everyone else. If they operated a fast track for pre-booked tickets, that would help enormously.
Joanna Jurkiewicz

Appalling conditions. Fungus in the shower, blocked drains, dirty mats for sliding, toilets in a horrible state. The water is quite cold, outside pools extremely cold. Safe to say I won't be back.
Sandra Pickering

This is our third visit to Alpamare in the last 6 months and I have honestly not experienced any of the things mentioned in the negative reviews on other review sites. Customer services helpfully changed my booking when I had inadvertently booked the wrong date online and all other members of staff on the day were friendly and helpful. There were a few lockers out of order but still plenty available and large enough to share anyway. The changing area was clean and regularly mopped. It was a bitterly cold afternoon but the indoor pool area was lovely and warm, as was the large/wave pool. The garden pool was still closed, so do check before you go if this is your main driver for visiting. The infinity pool did involve braving the cold to get to it but once in the temperature was comparable with the garden pool, so very lovely. Although the first weekend of half term, it was not too busy and there were no queues for the slides, though why you'd not expect queues at this sort of venue when busy is a bit beyond me - it is not a 'swimming' pool but a water park, so no different from visiting a theme park and expecting some queues. All in all we and our Grandsons once again had a brilliant afternoon.
Lee Cowling

Had a great time here with my son. Will go again. Recommend
Marcin K (Subtel Kashmir)

We was in alpamare many times 😍😍😍 But last time we tried saunas 🥰🥰🥰🥰 Thanks to people like Charlotte (which works in sauna area) you really want to come back 🥰🥰🥰🥰 Great aquapark too :)
Laura Bell

Absolutely amazing. We've been to a few water parks where the slide loops are inside. Here the slide loops are so huge they are not only outside, but take up an enormous space. Absolutely exhausted by the end, its a real work out too climbing up with the 4 person inflatable. It is extremely worthwhile though. As long as your child is 1.2m tall they are fi e to go on the rides (white lie, we did say our 6yr old was 8, which is the minimum age for 2 slides). I would say ypu definitely wouldn't want a nervous child going on the slides, but my son loved it and we all shed a few pounds getting to them. Wonderful fun. Not too busy and the wave machine and outdoor infinity pool was warm water and great too!
Renee Cottle

We’ve been visiting since it opened and we have just visited again after a long time and it’s so sad to see how badly standards have fallen. This was our last visit because it’s no longer worth the money. It’s no better than a council leisure centre. Such a shame. We’ve many happy memories here but it’s nowhere close to worth the admission costs. It seemed like everyone in the wave pool were overcome with coughing fits and my children left early feeling unwell. Terrible really.
Jaffa Holland

Went to Alpamare 1 February 2025, staff were really nice and friendly, changing rooms really clean. The wave pool was fanastic, the children loved the slides, the outdoor pool was hot and great. The food was wholesome if a little pricey. Will definitely be going again

Great fun for the adults and kids, had a great time!


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