Lynford Arboretum | Thetford | England | Großbritannien

Lynford Arboretum

Sehenswürdigkeit | Thetford | England | Großbritannien

Der Lynford Arboretum, ehemals Teil des Anwesens Lynford Hall, liegt in der Nähe von Thetford im englischen Norfolk. Das Arboretum beherbergt eine beeindruckende Sammlung von über 200 Baumarten, sowohl Laub- als auch Nadelbäume, die aus verschiedenen Teilen der Welt stammen. Diese Vielfalt macht es zu einem besonderen Ziel für Naturliebhaber und Botaniker.

Im Frühling verwandeln Schneeglöckchen, Blausternchen und Narzissen den Boden in ein farbenfrohes Blütenmeer, während im Herbst die Bäume in leuchtenden Rot- und Goldtönen erstrahlen. Diese saisonalen Veränderungen bieten Besuchern zu jeder Jahreszeit ein einzigartiges Erlebnis.

Der Arboretum ist bekannt für seine reiche Vogelwelt, darunter Arten wie der Karmingimpel, das Sommergoldhähnchen und der Kernbeißer. Zudem sind im Frühjahr zahlreiche Wildblumen zu sehen, und im Herbst gedeihen verschiedene Pilzarten. Diese biologische Vielfalt macht das Gebiet zu einem beliebten Ort für Vogelbeobachter und Naturliebhaber.

Für Spaziergänger gibt es mehrere markierte Wege unterschiedlicher Länge, die durch das malerische Parkgelände führen. Die gut ausgebauten Pfade sind auch für Rollstuhlfahrer und Kinderwagen geeignet, was den Arboretum für alle Besucher zugänglich macht.

Der Lynford Arboretum bietet zudem Picknickbereiche, die zum Verweilen und Genießen der natürlichen Umgebung einladen. Es ist jedoch wichtig zu beachten, dass es vor Ort keine sanitären Einrichtungen gibt. Besucher werden gebeten, ihren Abfall mitzunehmen, da das Arboretum keine Mülleimer bereitstellt, um die natürliche Schönheit des Gebiets zu erhalten.

Die Geschichte des Arboretums ist eng mit dem Lynford Hall Estate verbunden, und viele der ursprünglichen Parklandschaftsmerkmale sind bis heute erhalten geblieben. Dies verleiht dem Ort einen besonderen historischen Charme und bietet einen Einblick in die Landschaftsgestaltung vergangener Zeiten.

Der Lynford Arboretum ist ein Ort der Ruhe und Besinnung, der zu jeder Jahreszeit mit seiner natürlichen Schönheit beeindruckt. Ob für entspannte Spaziergänge, Vogelbeobachtungen oder einfach zum Genießen der Natur – dieser Ort bietet für jeden etwas.
Lynford Arboretum Thetford







Sonntags6:00 - 18:00
Montags6:00 - 18:00
Dienstags6:00 - 18:00
Mittwochs6:00 - 18:00
Donnerstags6:00 - 18:00
Freitags6:00 - 18:00
Samstags6:00 - 18:00


1000 Bewertungen

Spencer Wasley

Nice walks and gentle walk around the arboretum. Good coffee shop next door and toilets.
Dawn Wharf

What a lovely walk we had on such cold morning in January, so pretty! We love coming here with the dogs in all weather's.
Hannah H

Lovely calming place to walk and learn different trees. Quiet and tranquil.
Sky Lark

Lovely place for a walk but is a bit popular for the facilities (only one unisex toilet). We go to birdwatch but we were told that there are fewer birds to see now they have stopped feeding them. Not sure whether this is correct - it was Christmas so feeders in evidence were empty but assumed it was because it was the holidays. Nice place with different habitats.
Lyndsay Potter

Looks like an amazing place ! We had a short walk as I and another friend use walking sticks . All the trees have a small plaque on them saying what they are which was a good idea. There was a very nice shepherds hut cafe with seats and a huge awning for shelter .
Oliver Yarrow

Nice for a good walk. Lots of dog walkers. If you want quiet, head in the direction of the lake from the car park. Much busier in the direction of the coffee shop and arboretum, although still a nice circular walk this way.
Clare Roo

Always a great place to take the dog for a walk
Frederique Orgill

Beautiful arboretum with a lot of birds to watch and wildlife (if you're quiet). I did a circular walk around the lake. It's an easy route, very peaceful in early January. There's a little hut selling refreshments & bonus a large free car park.
Gerhard Geldenhuys

Great place for a walk.
Sue Collom

Lovely walks through the grounds of lynford hall and surrounding forest. Great little coffee and snack bar. Much busier since covid especially at weekends.
gareth hughes

A wonderful sanctuary ♥️
Peter Warburton

Shirley Watling

Lovely walk around picturesque grounds.
Nicola 551

Beautiful place, large car park, I spend here all days on walking, reading books in peace,
Red A. Book Recently

We enjoyed our walk but the signposting could have been better.
Steve Watling

Beautiful walk in autumn sunshine.
David Bailey

Lovely place for everyone and especially for those with dogs. Parking can be an issue.
Abbie Storer

Beautiful place to walk around. There are some lovely trails that are pushchair friendly. The little cafe is a great part of Lynford Arboretum! There are toilet facilities (with baby changing). Picnic bench areas are dotted about, too.
stobart stig

Lovely place for a peaceful walk. Loads of different trees and interesting to read there labels for when they were planted. Great coffee place as well
Kate S-W

I've been twice recently to Lynford and it's a lovely place - but the first time was a bit rocky... I've not walked down to the lake (left side of the road). I visited with my Mum. She's disabled and a wheelchair user (but does have a scooter on occasions). I decided we would have a little walk and a coffee at the hut on the way back from a trip out. It had disabled spaces, the parking is free and I thought that was a sign it was disabled friendly. No - it's really not. The pathways are ballast stone and are not hardcore making it extremely hard to push someone and very unsettling for the disabled individual. The trees were lovely and the walk we did (small walk to the water tower and back) was pretty. Her scooter may have been better but the arboretum side was not for wheelchair users. I visited last weekend with my children and they loved it. We walked again the same area and further on and around. It was very pretty, lots of trees to tick off in the eye spy book and it wasn't too busy for them to run around. The colours are so nice this time of year. The cafe is good - Gluten free cakes, nice tea, what's not to like!! I think overall it needs maybe a few more signs (trail signs seem to suggest routes/ view points/sculptures that are no longer there) and the pathways should be given some attention for disabled visitors.
Deb Barnard

Beautiful area
Luc Hansen

Great place to walk around with the kids and to have a picnic. If you are a tree nerd like myself you will love how well they label all the trees. There is a good little coffee shop by the parking lot that was nice as well!


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