Langley Park Gardens | Montrose | Schottland | Großbritannien

Langley Park Gardens

Sehenswürdigkeit | Montrose | Schottland | Großbritannien

Langley Park Gardens ist ein beeindruckendes Gartenanwesen in der Nähe von Montrose, Schottland. Die Gärten befinden sich auf dem Gelände des historischen Langley Park House, einem georgianischen Herrenhaus aus dem frühen 18. Jahrhundert, und bieten Besuchern eine vielfältige Mischung aus formalen Gärten, Wildblumenwiesen und alten Baumbeständen.

Die ummauerten Gärten
Im Herzen des Anwesens liegen vier ummauerte Gärten, die sich über fast drei Hektar erstrecken. Diese Gärten sind bekannt für ihre prächtigen Staudenrabatten und einen traditionellen Küchengarten. Die Mauern bieten Schutz und schaffen ein Mikroklima, das das Gedeihen einer Vielzahl von Pflanzen ermöglicht. Die sorgfältig gestalteten Beete präsentieren während der Blühsaison ein beeindruckendes Farbenspiel und ziehen zahlreiche Bestäuber wie Bienen und Schmetterlinge an.

Wildblumenwiese und Naturpfade
Angrenzend an die formalen Gärten erstreckt sich eine 20 Hektar große Wildblumenwiese. Durch diese Wiese führen gemähte Pfade, die Besucher zu verschiedenen interessanten Punkten führen, darunter ein Wildteich und ein stehender Stein. Diese Bereiche sind Lebensraum für eine Vielzahl von Wildtieren und bieten Gelegenheiten zur Vogelbeobachtung und zum Genießen der natürlichen Schönheit der schottischen Landschaft.

Historische Bedeutung und Restaurierung
Das Langley Park House und seine Gärten waren über viele Jahre hinweg unbewohnt und verfielen allmählich. Im Jahr 2001 begannen umfangreiche Restaurierungsarbeiten, um die Gärten und das Anwesen wiederherzustellen. Heute sind die Gärten ein Zeugnis für die erfolgreiche Wiederbelebung historischer Landschaften und bieten sowohl Einheimischen als auch Besuchern einen Ort der Ruhe und Erholung.

Ein Spaziergang durch die Langley Park Gardens bietet eine abwechslungsreiche Erfahrung. Die Kombination aus formalen Pflanzungen, offenen Wiesen und historischen Elementen schafft eine einzigartige Atmosphäre. Die erhöhten Lagen des Anwesens ermöglichen zudem weite Ausblicke über das Montrose Basin und die umliegende Landschaft, was den Besuch zu einem besonderen Erlebnis macht.

Die Gärten sind ein Beispiel für die harmonische Verbindung von Kulturgeschichte und natürlicher Schönheit und laden dazu ein, die Vielfalt der schottischen Gartenkunst zu entdecken.
Langley Park Gardens Montrose




Langley Park
DD10 9LG Montrose



Sonntags10:00 - 16:00
Freitags10:00 - 16:00
Samstags10:00 - 16:00


38 Bewertungen

Ian Ross

Lovely owners made us feel very welcome. Gardens are absolutely beautiful with views over to Montrose. Well worth a visit
Peter Kamei

Lovely set of walled gardens with some historic orchard trees but largely new planting from the current owners, and a pleasant walk round the meadow and lake. The big round fish pond in front of the house (where tea and cake was served - yum yum) was a highlight for the children who loved being invited to help feed the fish! Thank you for a lovely afternoon out.
Stuart Cowen

Great way to spend a couple of hours with your wife, dog and camera. Owners are very friendly and make a great cup of coffee and a cake.
Kev Thomas

It’s a rare privilege to visit a garden that is being brought back to life by passionate owners who are creating a space that is both beautiful and restful. The garden is not “finished” (I’m not sure that it ever will be) but whilst you’re there you are part of that journey and we will certainly visit again. The owners are really good company and the tea and cakes are outstanding.
Nathan Bourne

Fantastic gardens, would fully recommend a visit. We spent an afternoon there with young kids and still didn't manage to see everything but had a great time. The owners are very friendly and the homemade cakes are not to be missed!
Kerry MacIntyre

Well worth a visit. There is also a bbc podcast on Scotland Outdoors - Langley Park House and Gardens which is very interesting.
Richard Procter

Marvelous place. Restful. Well tended, and a delight to the eyes. The staff are welcoming. A real family atmosphere. We'll worth another visit.
Pauline Turner

Delightful surprise. Ongoing restoration already at very good standard. 3 walled gardens and wildflower meadow. Owners very welcoming. Recent history of house (no access) and garden is fascinating - a real labour of love - am sure will go from strength to strength. Well worth a visit for keen gardeners and even just a chill out hour in beautiful surroundings. No refreshment facilities but we brought our own and sat on a bench overlooking the wildflower meadow with distant views of the nature reserve basin. Lovely calm atmosphere. Will Def call again when in the area.
Mark Harding

Loved it. Nice gardens. Nice views. Friendly owners. Was made to feel like a guest and a friend rather than just a visitor. And some of the admission goes to charity too.
Camilla Gilbert

Beautiful walled gardens,wildlife walk and ponds.Thoroughly enjoyed the homemade cakes and posh tea service.Will definitely visit again.
Rhona Cuthill

I actually haven't been to Langley Park but my horses are at the back of it So it looks like I'm there haha.
Alison Carmichael

Fantastic unexpected find, after visiting a nearby national trust property we spotted the sign so went to investigate, and wow, what a lovely spot, beautiful walled gardens that had much more to offer than that of the nearby national trust
Gareth Evans

jane tierney

Spent a wonderful 2 1/2 hours wandering round these beautiful gardens. So many different plants and 4 walled gardens, so much to look at. Wild flower meadow too but didnt manage round that. Owner so informative and helpful. Very peaceful and relaxing morning thank you.
bob nicolson

Beautiful and peaceful garden. Well worth a visit. Allow a couple of hours to enjoy the 4 gardens and the 20 acre wild meadow walk.
Laura Anisha Rana

Beautiful gardens full of wildlife. Dog and child friendly, toilets on site. Bring refreshments.
Leslie Anderson

Lovely owners, beautiful walled gardens, stunning old Yews and Oaks and the views are awesome
Bridget G

Absolutely lovely place to visit for the day. Really lovely owner, couldn't have been any nicer to us. The children had a great time here. The gardens here are beautiful, so many beautiful sites to look at. If you love animals, plants, walking, insects or just nature in general like we do, then you'll enjoy visiting these gardens. Would be a great place for a picnic. The pond/water fountain is full of fish, really amused the children looking at them all. There's a toilet and plenty of parking, just remember to take a drink, you'll need it if you plan on walking around the entire place twice like we did.
Polina Platova

Lovely place and owners. We felt like in the tale of the Red Riding Hood.....all the wild animals we spotted and red squirrels.....Thank you!
Paula Grainger

These gardens are truly spectacular. Formal walled gardens with all kinds of shrubs, perennials, bulbs etc in wonderful borders and displays. There are also lawns with ample room for picnics or just resting and enjoying views over Montrose basin. Not to be outdone, there are wild flower meadows too with ample walkways. Also, if monoliths are of interest, there is a fine example here. If you want to holiday here, there is also a fantastic holiday let. Whilst there, we heard Stock Doves and were informed that Red Squirrels often visit. I much preferred this area compared to the NT place further along the road!
Mike Abel

What a lovely place, and a fantastic secret garden. Really tranquil. Owners are lovely and worked really hard to convert this house and gardens as the place was left to ruin by previous owners. Well worth the visit and 10% of the price goes to MS charity.
Chris Mackel

A labour of love & ingenuity by Philip & Marianne. A beautiful peaceful oasis in a series of restored walled gardens dating back to 18th century. Also well worth a visit for abundant wild life - rich variety of birds, red squirrels etc. At £5 per adult - amazing value.
nicci forbes

Absolutely tranquil serenity This place is a must visit Use it or lose it The hosts are so friendly and I feel very lucky to walk the grounds
Nigel McDowell

Outstanding gardens and a very warm and informative welcome from your host. Langley Park Gardens are a hidden gem of a place just north of Montrose basin and beside the House of Dun. Blessed with 4 south facing inter-linked walled gardens in an enchanting setting, and an enormous wild flower meadow, it is an enchanting place to spend an hour or two.
Julia Clarke

Marianne and Philip, we adored walking around the tracks that you mowed in your wild meddow, then around the organised walled in garden. We loved seeing your loose guinea fowl, my JRT was on a lead of course but she sure was thrilled to see the guinea fowl walking and flying around 😆 Along with the rabbits that also crossed our paths, a grouse and a squirrel also shot by, all very thrilling! Thank you for chatting to us so fully, you made the visit so much more enriching. Thank you for your info and for feeding the fish just for our entertainment. The teenage girl with me was most impressed with her first sight of Koi fish, and what whoppers they are too. Loved your tale of feeding peanut butter sandwiches to the foxes so they keep their chops off your guinea fowl.
Steven Suer

Fantastic gardens, wide selection of plants showing what you can put in your borders. Amazing setting, well worth visiting.
Chris Wilson

Beautiful house and gardens. With picturesque walks in the grounds. Very warm and welcoming owners. A local treasure.
Amanda Hamilton

What a lovely place to visit. Spend a couple of hours there yesterday. Beautiful gardens, owners very friendly, delicious home made cake. Well worth a visit. Thank you.
Mark Chamberlain

Excellent! Great hosts and much to see and do. From Meadowland walks, with standing stone and a pond, to beautiful walled gardens. A must see if ever. Paradise regained!
Robert Murdoch

Excellent experience
stephen paul dennis mcleish

Really great visit

Wonderful day out in the summer. Great value for coffee and homemade cakes.


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