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Strathnaver Museum

Museum | Thurso | Schottland | Großbritannien

Das Strathnaver Museum befindet sich im Dorf Bettyhill in Sutherland, Schottland, und widmet sich der Geschichte und Kultur der Region. Es befindet sich in der ehemaligen Pfarrkirche von Farr, einem Gebäude aus dem Jahr 1774, das für seine regionale architektonische Bedeutung von Historic Environment Scotland gelistet ist. Das Museum wurde 1976 eröffnet und bietet einen umfassenden Einblick in die Geschichte von Strathnaver, von der prähistorischen Zeit bis zur Gegenwart.

Sammlungen und Ausstellungen

Das Museum beherbergt eine vielfältige Sammlung von Artefakten, die das Leben in den nördlichen Highlands dokumentieren:

Prähistorische Funde: Ein intakter Becher aus der Bronzezeit, der 1981 bei Straßenarbeiten in Chealamy entdeckt wurde.

Kunsthandwerk und Alltagsgegenstände: Werkzeuge, landwirtschaftliche Geräte und Fischereiausrüstung, die das Leben der Menschen in der Region veranschaulichen.

Clan Mackay: Ein Raum, der dem Clan Mackay gewidmet ist und eine reiche Sammlung von Erinnerungsstücken und Clan-Geschichte präsentiert.

Militaria: Exponate, die die militärische Geschichte der Region beleuchten.

Zeitgenössische Kunst: Werke lokaler Künstler, die die kulturelle Vielfalt der Region widerspiegeln.

Besondere Merkmale

Ein herausragendes Merkmal des Museums ist der 9. Jahrhundert alte Farr Stone, ein kunstvoll gestalteter Piktischer Kreuzstein, der sich im Außenbereich des Museums befindet.

Bildungsangebote und Veranstaltungen

Das Museum engagiert sich in der Bildungsarbeit und bietet Programme für Schulen sowie spezielle Veranstaltungen für Kinder und Familien an. Es werden regelmäßig Sonderausstellungen und Veranstaltungen organisiert, die das kulturelle Erbe und die Geschichte von Strathnaver weiter vertiefen.

Insgesamt bietet das Strathnaver Museum einen tiefgehenden Einblick in die Geschichte und Kultur der Region und ist ein bedeutendes Zentrum für Bildung und kulturelles Erbe in den nördlichen Highlands.




KW14 7SS Thurso



139 Bewertungen

Jonny Gutteridge

I visited Strathnaver Museum a couple of weeks ago while doing the NC500. Well worth the stop - fascinating history that you don’t necessarily learn about when you’re from England
Elizabeth Todd

Average museum. Lovely staff. Enjoyed
Karl Thomas

Fascinating museum with lots of information about the clearances which coming from south of the border I've heard nothing about, and (un)suprisingly they make no mention of at Dunrobin castle. (Rich people have apparently always been horrible towards the poor.) Well worth a visit.
Scott Souder

Both the Museum and the Annex are very interesting. A part of history I was not aware of.
William Miller

Brilliant local museum
Donald Macgillivray

Great place to visit, very informative and also very helpful with family tree
Jeff Farr

Well done museum. We learned a lot about the area and the people who have lived in it.
George Luputiu

Glad we stopped here as even being a small place but great for history... From ancient times of the Picts almost into our times you can get a glimpse of the North Scottish history and clan Mackay... Definitely worth a stop if you're visiting the area or if you're on NC500 road trip...
John van der Hoeven

Leuk klein museum met veel history over de Clearance in dit gebied en de tijdlijn van de Mackays met de begraafplaats ernaast waar de generaties met nageslacht begraven liggen.
Mark Mackay

Very interesting
Gordon Walker

Really interesting and shocking in equal measure at how brutal the clearances were. Very helpful staff and a good wee cafe next door
Phil Willis

Very good little museum documenting the highland clearences.
Martin Scott

What a great museum for the children, and adults. Full of information about how Scotland changed to years ago and great interactive displays for the children. £5 per adult and U18's go free, worth every penny. Highly recommend a visit if staying nearby or passing through.
Richard Gilmour

Poignant and interesting. Lots of interactive screens.
mimmo puppin

Piccolo ma carino, molto interessante seguire la storia della Scozia
Two-Eyes Mckay

Excellent local museum. Very personal stories of Clearances. MacKay stuff very cool.
louise beverley

What an amazing place. I am disabled and although I couldn't get upstairs, I missed nothing as there was a tablet taking me on the whole tour can't recommended enough
Chrissie Burrell

Loved this little museum. Friendly staff. Really interesting. Beware of the access road, enormous potholes! Seriously, they could damage a vehicle.
Kyle Boutilier

Highly recommend for a stop to learn more about the highland clearances and local history.

Well worth a stop. Very informative with lots to read. Only £5 per person
Anne Sinclair

A wonderful volunteer run museum. Small though packed with great information and relics.
Gayle Rafferty

Could have spent many more hours just looking and listening. History made interesting. Highly recommended

This is a terrific museum: really thoughtfully curated with excellent and informative signage. We were happy to find it open in early November, and were told that they decided to try keeping it open year round and see how many visitors they get. I hope they'll have many. I was very glad to have the opportunity to learn more about the history of the area.
Alistair Easthope

Fabulous place with lots of information about local history.
Nik Undy

Very well presented and interesting. Well worth the visit

Nice museum and cafe
Anne Ferrard

Very interesting museum about the history of the area. Great place to visit !
Eddie Brown

What an interesting....well organised museum ....small but perfectly formed... lovely knowledgeable staff ..... interesting snapshot of local and Scottish history.
R Cameron

Interesting museum about the clearances. Moving.
Carrie Mann

As a MacKay, this was a great visit here
kev d

Lovely little place located just outside Bettyhill within a former kirk. Plenty of material relating to the clearances and the impact they had on the greater area. Plenty of exhibits showing how life was once lived and information on people of note from this area.
Massimo Ermes Pitto

Da vedere
Steve Van Rijen

Zeker de moeite waard.
andy argyle

Well worth a visit.


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