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Restaurants in Rivello

Basilicata, Italy

Rivello, a picturesque village in Basilicata, Italy, offers visitors a selection of restaurants that reflect the local cuisine and hospitality. Here are some of the top restaurants in Rivello:

Il Rifugio del Cavaliere
Rivello, Italy
This restaurant is known for its traditional Italian cuisine and offers a cozy atmosphere, ideal for a relaxed dinner. The menu includes a variety of regional specialties prepared with fresh ingredients.

Trattoria del Pellegrino
Rivello, Italy
Trattoria del Pellegrino serves authentic dishes from Basilicata and is popular with locals and tourists alike. The rustic decor and warm hospitality make it a pleasant place for lunch or dinner.

La Pizzeria da Massimo
Rivello, Italy
For pizza lovers, La Pizzeria da Massimo offers a wide selection of pizzas baked in a wood-fired oven. The casual atmosphere and friendly service make it an ideal spot for a casual meal.

These restaurants offer an excellent opportunity to enjoy the culinary delights of Basilicata and experience the local hospitality.
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