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Sightseeing attractions


Sightseeing attractions in Roccamonfina

Campania, Italy

Roccamonfina, a picturesque village in the Campania region of Italy, offers a variety of attractions that appeal to both nature lovers and culture enthusiasts.

Sanctuary of Madonna dei Lattani
This historic sanctuary, founded in 1430, is dedicated to the patron saint of the region. Guests appreciate the spiritual atmosphere and impressive architecture. The surrounding area is perfect for contemplative walks and offers panoramic views of the surrounding mountains.

Ciampate del Diavolo
A fascinating archaeological site where footprints of early hominids were discovered. These traces, dating back approximately 350,000 years, provide a unique insight into the early history of humanity. The site is of scientific interest and attracts visitors interested in prehistoric finds.

Roccamonfina Regional Park
This regional park covers the area of the extinct Roccamonfina volcano and offers a rich flora and fauna. The dense chestnut forests and diverse landscape make it an ideal destination for hiking and nature observation. The park is a paradise for outdoor enthusiasts, offering numerous trails of varying difficulty levels.

These attractions make Roccamonfina a worthwhile destination for travelers looking to discover the natural beauty and cultural diversity of the region.
TEA VOR (TEANO) - Roccamonfina / Campania / Italy


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