Friuli-venezia-giulia (Italy)
The province of Friuli-Venezia Giulia, located in northeastern Italy, is a charming destination for tourists looking for a mix of culture, nature, and culinary delights. The region stands out for its diverse landscape, ranging from the snow-capped peaks of the Alps to the picturesque beaches along the Adriatic Sea.The capital of the province, Trieste, impresses with its multicultural atmosphere and rich history. Visitors can admire the magnificent architecture of the old town, linger in cozy cafes, and enjoy delicious local cuisine. A visit to Miramare Castle and the botanical garden is also worthwhile.
Friuli-Venezia Giulia is also known for its excellent wines and culinary specialties. Visitors should definitely try the region's traditional cuisine, characterized by fresh fish from the Adriatic, delicious prosciutto, and flavorful Montasio cheese. The many local wineries also offer the opportunity to taste the region's famous wines, such as Friulano and Ribolla Gialla.
In addition to Trieste, Friuli-Venezia Giulia has many other noteworthy places worth visiting. The charming city of Udine with its well-preserved historic center, the idyllic fishing village of Grado, and the picturesque wine region of Collio are just a few examples. Nature lovers will be delighted by the numerous hiking and cycling trails, nature reserves, and idyllic lakes in the region.
Overall, the province of Friuli-Venezia Giulia offers a rich variety of cultural, culinary, and scenic attractions that will enchant every visitor. From historic cities to idyllic villages to spectacular natural landscapes – this region has something to offer for every taste.
Top attractions in Friuli-venezia-giulia:
Cities in Friuli-venezia-giulia:
We found 1 suggestion, Parco Sculture Braida Copetti
Forni Di Sopra
We found 2 suggestions in 1 category, e.g. Ciasa dai fornés
We found 2 suggestions in 1 category, e.g. Museo "Tiere Motus"
We found 2 suggestions in 1 category, e.g. Lavatoio Avaglio
San Vito Al Tagliamento
We found 3 suggestions in 1 category, e.g. Associazione Museo Storico Friuli Occidentale
We found 2 suggestions in 2 categories, e.g. Museo Etnografico Casa Bruseschi
Arta Terme
We found 1 suggestion, Mostra Permanente del Fossile
Gemona Del Friuli
We found 3 suggestions in 1 category, e.g. LAB Terremoto
We found 1 suggestion, Parco Rizzani
Treppo Grande
We found 1 suggestion, Museo delle Fornaci
Pinzano Al Tagliamento
We found 3 suggestions in 1 category, e.g. Batteria di Col Colat
We found 3 suggestions in 2 categories, e.g. Museo Civico Archeologico di Codroipo
We found 2 suggestions in 2 categories, e.g. Centro Visite Parco Naturale Dolomiti Friulane
We found 2 suggestions in 1 category, e.g. Museo "Da li mans di Carlin" Frisanco in miniatura
We found 1 suggestion, Cascata di Cladonde
We found 2 suggestions in 2 categories, e.g. Timau Caves
We found 1 suggestion, Historical Museum of Mount San Michele
We found 1 suggestion, Trincee del complesso Ragogna bassa
San Daniele Del Friuli
We found 5 suggestions in 2 categories, e.g. Porta Gemona (Portonat)
We found 1 suggestion, Castello Savorgnan di Artegna/Cjstiel Savorgnan di Dartigne
Pasian Di Prato
We found 1 suggestion, Croce del Beato Bertrando
Prato Carnico
We found 3 suggestions in 3 categories, e.g. RESIDENZA TURISTICO ALBERGHIERA CASA PESARINA
We found 2 suggestions in 2 categories, e.g. Riserva Naturale Regionale del Lago di Cornino
We found 1 suggestion, Museum. Mostra archeo geo naturalistica di Tarcento
We found 1 suggestion, Casa degli Alpini
We found 1 suggestion, Museo
We found 2 suggestions in 2 categories, e.g. House of Bordano Butterfly
We found 5 suggestions in 2 categories, e.g. Tomba eta' del bronzo Tùmbule di Foscjàn
We found 4 suggestions in 2 categories, e.g. Museo Carnico delle Arti popolari 'Michele Gortani'
We found 1 suggestion, Valvasone Centro Storico
We found 18 suggestions in 2 categories, e.g. Museo del Duomo
We found 1 suggestion, Mulino di Basaldella - centro visite
We found 1 suggestion, Forte di Osoppo
We found 2 suggestions in 1 category, e.g. Museo di S. Osvaldo, Centro storiografico
We found 3 suggestions in 2 categories, e.g. Foro romano
We found 3 suggestions in 2 categories, e.g. War Memorial
We found 1 suggestion, Presepio di Teno
We found 1 suggestion, Illegio
We found 4 suggestions in 1 category, e.g. Gallerie Ex Ferrovia
We found 1 suggestion, Tomat Fucktory
We found 1 suggestion, Stazione di arrivo vecchia teleferica
We found 1 suggestion, Parco Naturale Dolomiti Friulane
We found 1 suggestion, Museo della Grotta
Villa Santina
We found 1 suggestion, Opera di Comando Rio Plera
We found 1 suggestion, Cercivento: Una Bibbia a cielo aperto
We found 1 suggestion, cjasa da duga
San Giorgio Della Richinvelda
We found 1 suggestion, Chiesa Di San NICOLO'
Rive D'Arcano
We found 5 suggestions in 3 categories, e.g. Mulino Nicli
We found 2 suggestions in 1 category, e.g. La Mozartina
We found 1 suggestion, Castello di Cassacco
We found 1 suggestion, Cascata rio Lastra
We found 1 suggestion, Ponte dell' Armistizio sul Torrente Arzino
We found 1 suggestion, Hospitale di San Giovanni
We found 1 suggestion, Castelliere di Variano
Tramonti Di Sotto
We found 2 suggestions in 2 categories, e.g. Pàlcoda
We found 1 suggestion, Tomba protostorica Marangoni di Sotto
Cavazzo Carnico
We found 2 suggestions in 1 category, e.g. Monumento ai Caduti
Cavasso Nuovo
We found 1 suggestion, Mostra "Scuole Professionali ed Emigrazione"
We found 1 suggestion, GRUPPO ARCHEOLOGICO ARCHEO 2000
We found 1 suggestion, Corte degli Artisti
We found 3 suggestions in 2 categories, e.g. Bunker Museo ex Sbarramento "Cherso" - Passo di Monte Croce Carnico
Fiume Veneto
We found 1 suggestion, Museo Storico Aeronautico del Friuli Venezia Giulia
Colloredo Di Monte Albano
We found 1 suggestion, Castello di Colloredo di Monte Albano
Vito D'Asio
We found 1 suggestion, Effige Conte Giacomo Ceconi
We found 2 suggestions in 1 category, e.g. Crcs onlus