Tomba dei Biffi
Museum | Eupilio | Lombardia | Italy
The "Tomba dei Biffi" in Eupilio, Lombardy, is a significant Etruscan burial site dating back to the 5th century BC. It was discovered in 1922 and is located near Monte San Primo, a hill known for its archaeological finds.
Archaeological significance:
The Tomba dei Biffi is an example of Etruscan funerary architecture and provides valuable insights into burial practices and the life of Etruscan society. The burial chamber is adorned with wall paintings and inscriptions depicting scenes from daily life and mythological representations. These artworks are of great importance for understanding Etruscan culture and their religious beliefs.
Current use:
Today, the Tomba dei Biffi is open to the public and can be visited. It is an important part of the region's cultural heritage and attracts tourists and researchers interested in Etruscan civilization.
The Tomba dei Biffi is therefore a significant archaeological site that offers a deep insight into Etruscan culture and their burial rites.