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Sightseeing attractions in Morbegno

Lombardia, Italy

Morbegno, a picturesque town in the Valtellina, Lombardy, Italy, offers visitors a variety of attractions that reflect the rich history and culture of the region.

St. John the Baptist Collegiate Church
This church, built in the 16th century, is an outstanding example of baroque architecture in the Valtellina. It houses significant artworks, including paintings by Giovanni Battista Pittoni and Andrea Lanzani, as well as statues by Stefano Salterio and Elia Vincenzo Buzzi. Particularly noteworthy are the reliquary of the Holy Thorn and the remains of Blessed Andrea Grego da Peschiera.

Malacrida Palace
This 18th-century palace is a masterpiece of Rococo in the Valtellina. The frescoes in the ballroom, especially the work "Triumph of Truth through the Arts and Sciences over Ignorance" by Cesare Ligari, are impressive. The palace reflects Venetian influence in the region and is a significant cultural heritage.

Ganda Bridge
Reconstructed in 1778 by engineer Francesco Ferrari, the bridge spans the Adda River and connects Morbegno to Valgerola. It is a technical masterpiece of the 18th century and a landmark of the city.

St. Peter's Church
Originally built in the 14th century, this church has been renovated and restored multiple times. It houses baroque frescoes by Pietro Bianchi and paintings by Giacomo Parravicini. The church is a significant example of religious art in the Valtellina.

Maria Assunta Church
This pilgrimage church combines Renaissance and Baroque styles. The interior impresses with a wooden altarpiece from 1516-1519, carved by Giovan Angelo and Tiburzio Del Maino, and paintings by Gaudenzio Ferrari and Fermo Stella. The church is a significant religious center in the region.

Morbegno thus offers a rich selection of historical and cultural attractions that vividly reflect the charm and history of the Valtellina.