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Torre di Arbatax- Torre di San Miguel

Sightseeing attraction | Arbatax | Sardinia | Italy

The "Torre di Arbatax" or "Torre di San Miguel" is a historic watchtower located on the coast of Arbatax, a small coastal town in eastern Sardinia. The tower is an impressive example of military architecture that was widespread in Italy during the Middle Ages, and serves as a significant landmark in the region.

Built in the 16th century, the tower was part of a network of watchtowers constructed along the Sardinian coast to warn of pirate attacks and other threats. These towers were part of a defense system designed to protect the coastal areas and surrounding towns. The "Torre di San Miguel" is one of the most well-known and best-preserved of these towers, offering a deep insight into the military history of Sardinia.

Constructed from local red granite, the tower stands out with its striking color, especially against the backdrop of the coast. Standing at around 20 meters tall, the tower provides excellent views of the sea and coastline. On a clear day, visitors can see the surrounding beaches and the vast landscape of the Golfo di Orosei all the way to the distant mountain ranges of the Barbagia region. The views of the cliffs of Capo Bellavista and the coves, shaped by the stunning beauty of Sardinian nature, are particularly impressive.

The "Torre di San Miguel" is not only a landmark of the region, but also a cultural heritage that reflects the history of Arbatax and Sardinia as a whole. While the tower has undergone many changes over the centuries, its original purpose as a watchtower remains unmistakable. The surrounding area is characterized by lush vegetation and an impressive rocky landscape, providing visitors with a unique impression of the Sardinian coastal region.

Today, the tower is a popular destination for visitors who want to learn more about the island's history and military past. It is also a charming spot for hikes and walks, as it is located in close proximity to picturesque beaches and the clear blue waters of the Mediterranean. The "Torre di San Miguel" is therefore not only a significant historical monument, but also an ideal place to enjoy the nature and Mediterranean climate of Sardinia.

In conclusion, the "Torre di Arbatax" or "Torre di San Miguel" represents a fascinating cultural and historical heritage of Sardinia. The tower offers a unique view of the island's coastal landscape and is an important part of the region's history, making it a worthwhile destination for history enthusiasts and nature lovers alike.

Contact details



Torre di San Miguel, Via Lungomare
08048 Arbatax

Map view


57 Reviews

Luca Cicilloni

La Torre di Arbatax o Torre di San Miguel (San Michele) originariamente indicata in arabo come “Arba a Tasciar”, cioè la “quattordicesima torre”, avrebbe dato il nome al borgo di Arbatax, cresciuto, nel corso del tempo, proprio attorno ad essa. Costruita alla metà del XVI secolo, presenta una forma troncoconica (diametro inferiore di 15 metri, superiore di circa 11 metri) e una poderosa struttura muraria realizzata con blocchi di granito e porfido, alta 15 metri. Al suo interno era divisa in più livelli: la cisterna, il primo piano e la piazza d’armi. Il primo piano, voltato a cupola e sorretto da un pilastro centrale, ospitava gli alloggi dei militari che presidiavano la torre ed era messo in comunicazione con la piazza d’armi da una scala interna alla muratura. La torre era dotata di cannoni e di spingarde. L’accesso attuale, con scala in muratura con ringhiera in ferro, è stato realizzato nel XIX secolo.
Xu Len Pan

It a beautiful tower but there is really nothing else to see. Take some pictures and walk further to the Star 1 café for ice cream.
Corinna Rubiu

Giusto una torre alla fine del paese. Niente di particolare da vedere. Se siete in zona, potete passarci mentre fate una passeggiata ma non raccomando una visita dedicata.
Gianni Contini

Bellissima, situata nell'adiacenza del porto offre al passante un suggestivo scorcio d'antichità. Classifica torre in prossimità del mare punto di riferimento per i naviganti che arrivavano in porto da viaggi mercantili e di linea marittima, di notevole manifattura oggi destinata ad un invidiabile arredo urbano
Алтынай Тологонова

Красивая место
Paola Manca

Completamente ristrutturata, era allestita una mostra molto carina! Da visitare
Michael Lightcreature

I love this tower and it's name.
Alessandra Daga

Sito chiuso
michele „MICHELE75“ gia.

Posto facile da visitare ma vista meravigliosa come e la Sardegna
Anna M.C.

Nice tower, but around it the area is very dirty and sketchy. I would not recommend walking there at night. Sadly this touristy town is full of trash, one has to really be careful not to step on glass or dog droppings.
Orlando Chessa

Vista stupenda sul golfo....
Mattia Rc

Molto bella, da vedere
Alessandro Matteazzi

Parcheggio polveroso e a pagamento ma spiaggia unica da non perdere👍


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