
Museums in Latzfons
Trentino-Alto Adige, Italy
Latzfons, a picturesque village in South Tyrol, Italy, offers visitors a range of attractions that reflect the rich history and culture of the region.
Klausen City Museum
In the nearby town of Klausen, the City Museum is located in the former Capuchin monastery. A significant part of the museum is the so-called Loretoschatz, a collection of artworks and religious objects from the 16th and 17th centuries donated by the Spanish Queen Maria Anna. Another highlight is the exhibition on the Klausner artist colony, showcasing works by artists such as Alexander Koester. The tour of the museum also includes a visit to the baroque Capuchin church.
Black Lord of Latzfons
On the Latzfonser Kreuz, the highest pilgrimage church in South Tyrol, is the "Black Lord", a crucifix from the tomb of Latzfons. Every summer, this crucifix is carried up in a pilgrimage, and the church is a significant pilgrimage site.
These attractions offer a deep insight into the history, culture, and traditions of the region and are highly recommended for interested visitors.
Markstein der Mitte Tirols

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