Piramidi di Terra a Perca | Ritten | Trentino-Alto Adige | Italy

Piramidi di Terra a Perca

Sightseeing attraction | Ritten | Trentino-Alto Adige | Italy

The "Piramidi di Terra a Perca" in Ritten, a municipality in the Trentino-Alto Adige region of Italy, are an impressive natural phenomenon known for their extraordinary geological formations. These earth pyramids are among the most striking geological attractions in the region, attracting both nature lovers and geology enthusiasts.

The earth pyramids are natural tower formations made of earth and stone, formed over many millennia through the erosion of soft rock. The process of their formation began around 10,000 years ago during the last ice age, when the region was covered by glaciers. Over time, rain, wind, and other natural elements washed away the softer material, while the harder rocks above protected the pyramid heads. This led to the characteristic shape of the earth pyramids, with their narrow, pointed tips protruding from the ground.

The pyramids are of breathtaking beauty and unique architecture, creating an exceptional scenic backdrop. Each of these earth pyramids has its own character, with some being particularly tall and narrow, while others vary in shape. The sight is especially impressive when the pyramids glow in the light of the morning sun or at sunset, bathing the landscape in a golden light.

A marked hiking trail leads through the area of the earth pyramids, allowing visitors to closely observe the geological formations. Along the way, they can learn more about the formation of the pyramids and the significance of the mountain massif. The site offers not only an interesting geological perspective but also stunning views of the surrounding landscape and the Dolomites.

The "Piramidi di Terra" of Perca are a fascinating example of the power of nature and an extraordinary destination for hikers and nature lovers who want to learn more about the geological processes and the beauty of this unique region. The earth pyramids of Perca are landmarks of Ritten and an unmistakable part of the natural beauty of South Tyrol.
Piramidi di Terra a Perca Ritten

Contact details



plattl, 7c
39054 Ritten

Map view

Opening hours

Sunday0:00 - 0:00
Monday0:00 - 0:00
Tuesday0:00 - 0:00
Wednesday0:00 - 0:00
Thursday0:00 - 0:00
Friday0:00 - 0:00
Saturday0:00 - 0:00


2180 Reviews

Lenka V.

K pyramidám jsme šli z parkoviště 2, cesta začátkem vedla do poměrně příkrého kopce-po schodech ( 62 pater), ale asi od půlky už to byla spíš procházka lesem, konec opět kopeček, ale to už jste od pyramid kousek! Samotné pyramidy se nachází uprostřed lesů, v kopci, přístup k nim není, ale všude je hezký výhled i od zábradlí a rozhodně jsme cesty nelitovali! Úžasná podívaná a cestou krásně popsáno na 10 cedulích vše o tom, jak vznikají a spousta jiných zajímavostí.
Michele Caliari

Le piramidi sono delle creazioni uniche nel loro genere, e derivano dall'erosione di depositi sciolti di origine glaciale, caratterizzati da un certo grado di consolidazione. Sono visibili e raggiungibili da un piacevole sentiero.
Diana Vasys

Нереально красиво, как в сказке ... Очень легко добраться от парковки здесь Platten, 39030 Perca Autonome Provinz Bozen - Südtirol, Italien Мы шли с детьми рассматривая все по сторонам и читая инфо на стендах где-то 1,5 часа, можно и за 45 мин дойти :)
Ottavia Campanotto

Bella passeggiata per raggiungere questa meta, primo tratto in salita. Parcheggio 4€ tutto il giorno
Stefano Bianchini

Da vedere dal vivo, incredibile
Monica Casati

Bella passeggiata per sentiero facile, della durata di 30 minuti. Comodo parcheggio a 2 euro.
svetlana levenkova

Un posto meraviglioso. Consiglio
Cristina Mazza

Facile percorso x raggiungere le Piramidi, meritano una visita
Silvia Sláviková

Beautiful walk throught a forest, which take about 30 minutes. It is great idea when is cloudy, rainy weather- have been there when was rainy-snowy day, what was perfect, and still we saw the pyramides. On the way down you can use a road, which is closed for cars. We did it because of the rain, so it was not so “dangerous” and a bit easier. Go there!
Tereza H.

Moc hezké unikátní místo cestou do Dolomit. Stojí za to navštívit. Jde se k němu každopádně nějaký ten kilometr do kopce.
Viviano Gerevini

Uno spettacolo molto curioso che deve essere visto una volta nella vita. Non andrei a visitare le piramidi una seconda volta, in realtà non mi hanno regalato grosse emozioni, ma sono comunque contento di averle osservate da vicino. L'aspetto più difficile di questa escursione è capire esattamente da dove parte il sentiero e dove si parcheggia l'auto. I cartelli non sono molto chiari.


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