

Museums in Sovana

Tuscany, Italy

Sovana, a picturesque village in southern Tuscany, Italy, offers a number of museums that provide a deep insight into the history and culture of the region.

Museo di San Mamiliano: This museum is located in the church of San Mamiliano and showcases artifacts from the Etruscan and early medieval periods. One outstanding exhibit is a small vase containing 498 gold coins from the 5th century, discovered during archaeological excavations in 2004.

Parco Archeologico Città del Tufo: This park encompasses several Etruscan necropolises and rock-cut tunnels, providing a fascinating glimpse into ancient burial culture. Particularly notable are the "Vie Cave," deep roads carved by the Etruscans into the tuff stone that served as religious and cultural pathways.

Museo di Palazzo Pretorio: This museum is located in the historic Palazzo Pretorio and showcases a collection of artifacts documenting the history of Sovana and the surrounding region. The exhibitions include Etruscan and Roman finds as well as medieval artworks.

These museums offer a comprehensive insight into the rich history and culture of Sovana and are a worthwhile destination for any visitor.