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We'll Meet Again: WW2 Museum: Freiston

Museum | Boston | England | Großbritannien

Das "We'll Meet Again: WW2 Homefront Museum" in Freiston Shore, nahe Boston, Lincolnshire, ist ein lebendiges Museum, das sich der Geschichte des Zweiten Weltkriegs widmet und insbesondere das Leben an der Heimatfront beleuchtet. Es wurde mit dem Ziel gegründet, Menschen jeden Alters durch eine umfangreiche Sammlung von Memorabilien und interaktive Ausstellungen für das Thema zu begeistern.

Geschichte und Bedeutung

Ursprünglich als mobiles Museum konzipiert, das Schulen besuchte, um das Leben in Großbritannien während des Zweiten Weltkriegs zu vermitteln, eröffnete das Museum 2017 seine festen Räumlichkeiten. Seitdem hat es sich zu einer bedeutenden Bildungseinrichtung entwickelt, die sowohl lokale als auch internationale Besucher anzieht. Das Museum wurde mit dem TripAdvisor Travellers' Choice Award 2024 ausgezeichnet und befindet sich unter den Top 10 % der weltweiten Attraktionen.

Sammlungen und Ausstellungen

Das Museum beherbergt eine beeindruckende Sammlung von Artefakten aus dem Zweiten Weltkrieg, darunter:

Alltagsgegenstände: Originale Produkte und Verpackungen aus der Kriegszeit, die das tägliche Leben der Zivilbevölkerung veranschaulichen.

Militärische Ausrüstung: Exponate, die das Leben und die Herausforderungen der Soldaten an der Front dokumentieren.

Interaktive Erlebnisse: Ein virtueller Flugsimulator, der den Besuchern die Möglichkeit gibt, das Gefühl zu erleben, in einem Lancaster-Bomber zu fliegen.

Blitz-Erlebnis: Eine Nachbildung eines Luftangriffs, die den Besuchern einen realistischen Eindruck von den Bombenangriffen auf Großbritannien vermittelt.

Bildungsangebote und Veranstaltungen

Das Museum bietet verschiedene Programme und Veranstaltungen an, darunter:

Workshops und Vorträge: Regelmäßige Veranstaltungen, die sich mit verschiedenen Aspekten des Zweiten Weltkriegs befassen.

Sonderausstellungen: Wechselnde Ausstellungen, die unterschiedliche Themen und Perspektiven der Kriegszeit beleuchten.

Café: Das "Ration Book Café" bietet den Besuchern die Möglichkeit, in einer authentischen Umgebung der 1940er Jahre zu speisen und zu entspannen.


Das "We'll Meet Again: WW2 Homefront Museum" bietet einen tiefgehenden und interaktiven Einblick in das Leben während des Zweiten Weltkriegs und ist ein wertvoller Ort für Bildung und Erinnerung. Es ermöglicht den Besuchern, die Herausforderungen und den Alltag der Kriegsjahre hautnah zu erleben und zu verstehen.




We'll Meet Again Museum, Shore Rd
Freiston Shore
PE22 0LY Boston



262 Bewertungen

Simon Cooke

The whole place was immaculate, the staff and volunteers were kind, helpful, informative, we had a great time. The flight simulator is was just fantastic.
Dave Bedford

Much bigger and better than we expected, the best collection of ww2 artifacts we've seen, plenty of knowledgeable, helpful staff too.

Mannequins freak me out
Olga Cicha

Príjemné múzeum v hangári , ochotný a milý personál od úplného začiatku. Kaviareň aj s ponukou koláčikov a chutnou kávou. Vstupné veľmi prijateľné dospelý 7 libier, dieťa 5 libier ale za malého syna (4) som neplatila. Pekná zbierka vecí. Najviac sa mi páčili staré gramofóny , nemecká pištoľ a policajná stanica a dozvedela som sa o britskej speváčke Vera Lynn, podporovateľke múzea. Určite sa raz vrátime. Alebo... We'll meet again

Fly the virtually reality so life like we'll worth £45 .and so many things too look at booking the V.R FLIGHT BEST TIME
Janet Pawley

Excellent exhibition. Knowledgeable friendly staff, nice cafe.
William Brown

Went down today with family while on holiday and can say it was very interesting and informative and got to hold some of the weapons
Dave Boyer

Really great home front museum featuring WW1 and WW2 and a Lancaster VR goggle flight sim
Rob Mac

Excellent Museum, small, but filled with really interesting stuff. The staff are friendly, informative and very helpful. There are no concessions but the entrance fee is very reasonable. Clean toilets and cosy cafe. A must for any WW2 enthusiast, or anyone actually. I thoroughly recommend a visit! Robin McEwen Evesham

Amazing. I thought it would be a quick pop in to look at some artifacts how wrong l was .... the owner Paul and his team were so informative and very passionate about the museum. There are hundreds and hundreds of items, l won't tell you too much, you really should go and visit, it's only £7 admission £5 for children. It brought back so many childhood memories, my dad was in the home guard, l actually cried when l saw the home guard uniform .. l just saw him in it, Paul was lovely he spent time with us, what an amazing man. We will return. Fabulous place!
Andy Toes

Visited the We'll Meet Again: WW2 Museum this afternoon. Met by very friendly staff who found somewhere for us to park our bikes. This historic gem is well worth the £7 adult entry fee with the dedication and knowledge of Paul & the team of volunteers clear to see. The attention to detail of the exhibits is amazing. A trip to the Ration Book Cafe for an excellent toasted ham & tomato sandwich, accompanied by a hot chocolate, is also a must, thank you Linda.
Anthony Lound

Absolute fantastic place to visit and politeist staff you will ever come across. All willing to explain ( volunteers ) and the guvnor a very nice man . Never saw a speck of dust. 10 / 10 will def visit again thank you all
Bridie Williamson

We had a lovely afternoon looking at att the many interesting things on display. I thought it was just the front building but was amazed that there was other buildings to go in at the back including a lovely cafe. The plane and other vehicles were amazing. The walkways were wonderful. The police station was fantastic. Finally the volunteers and owner were so helpful. If you haven't been -go. It's such a lovely place to visit.
Zuleika Hales

Absolutely wonderful museum. My son had a VR Lancaster experience which was exceptional. Hats off to the young lads (cadets I think) that were in the VR room, taking the time with the children and explaining everything. Lovely young lads and fantastic with our 4 year old. We will definitely be back x
Karen Phillips

Spent a lovely and informative day at this museum. Very friendly and helpful staff. Definitely worth a visit.
Nicola Shipston

Wonderful museum that deserves more recognition and support. Delightful, knowledgeable guides on hand at every point. Don't miss the sea bank defences!
Nick Grace

Excellent museum WELL worth a visit. Lovely exhibits that commemorate the war years for those who fought and those who stayed at home. A much more vivid experience than many museums which only concentrate on the horrors of war, the We’ll Meet Again concept is both uplifting and inspiring. Very knowledgeable staff on hand to answer any questions. Superb value for money worth every penny of the £7 entrance fee. 10/10
Lesley Wellings

Fantastic museum to visit VR Experience is well worth doing.
Trev Mitchell

Well laid out museum, very clean and stocked with memorabilia from WW2. Paul and his crew of volunteers are very professional and knowledgeable about the items on display and are more than happy to answer any questions you have. The ladies in the on site cafe are lovely and the ham and cheese toastie is almost as good as the cheese and ham toastie lol. All in all well worth a visit, if you haven't been I thoroughly recommend you do. Well done everyone.

Love this place. So much care and detail put in to every days work despite the hardship which has befalken them .Would recommend to all.
keith day

A great little Museum. Very friendly staff. Lots of history laid out to see and read. The kids enjoyed it and had Q&A for the staff. A huge thanks to the boss for the experience you gave my son with the jeep. Good parking and a great cafe.
Sharon Glasby

Bought the simulator experience for hubby, he was absolutely amazed, said he'll never forget it! He actually thought he was tilting the plane and landing was amazing thankyou for an incredible day! The site is spotless . The staff are amazing,friendly,helpful,anknowledgeable.we highly recommend you visit. Well worth the money. We shall be revisiting,
Ivor Stead

Fantastic museum, set in the vicinity of the old WW2 gun emplacements at freiston Shore. A very warm and friendly welcome was afforded upon arrival. Plenty to see and marvel at. The little cafe was a real pleasure with extremely reasonable prices and again, the staff were most obliging. Highly recommend.
Doran Hames

Wonderful day, had lunch in the cafe. Amazing exhibition and will be visiting again taking other members of our family.
james harry Wakefield

Absolutely brilliant flew a Lancaster took off and landed on VR really great museum was vary good also and you have a choice of 30 minutes or an hour as well as either Lancaster or mosquito
yvonne bryant

I’ve just had the most amazing experience on the Lancaster bomber simulator. I had heard how wonderful it was but experiencing it for myself far exceeded what I was expecting. Darren talked me through the whole process and made sure I landed safely!!! I can’t wait to do it again . For those who have not been the museum itself is a truly wonderful one staffed by people who really care about making sure your visit is a good one regardless of how many times you’ve been. The rations cafe is not to be missed also .
Chris bonsor

It was a privilege to be allowed to see this wonderful private collection and small cost of admission is well worth it
Ian Moore

Been to day very intresting the staff are helpfull and willing to answer questions. Possibly will return. Thanks.
fiona norton

Brilliant day out, lovely friendly staff . Very good value. The Ration Cafe good food at great prices. And they can do gluten free no problem
Spen Crowson

A fantastic little museum, the staff are very welcoming and knowledgeable, a perfect place for young and old. Nice cafe too.

Lovely setting well set out great information giving on items on show in museum and the Lancaster vr flight was brilliant many thanks for a great day
Phil Harrison

Very friendly and helpful staff, if you had a question about an exhibit, or any problem at all, they would soon help you out. The Lancaster Bomber experience was outstanding, nearest thing to actually flying. I have Parkinson's but they (staff) were there to help me into the cockpit, to make my dream come true. There were no restrictions to mobility that I encountered throughout the museum, and I was in a wheelchair for most of the time. Well worth a visit if you are interested, or want to learn about World War 2.
John Gresham

Just visited the museum and flight simulator .The simulator far exceeded my expectations I found the experience totally absorbing The museum was very interesting, the staff were helpful and very knowledgeable I would certainly recommend it and a big thank you to Paul , Linda And all of the volunteers
Liga Sarova

Very lovely staff. Good place to get educated


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