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Royal Armouries Museum

Museum | Leeds | England | Großbritannien

Das Royal Armouries Museum in Leeds ist das nationale Museum für Waffen und Rüstungen des Vereinigten Königreichs und beherbergt die größte Sammlung dieser Art im Land. Es befindet sich im Stadtteil Leeds Dock und wurde 1996 eröffnet. Das Museum präsentiert eine beeindruckende Vielfalt an Waffen und Rüstungen aus verschiedenen Epochen und Kulturen, darunter europäische, asiatische und islamische Exponate.

Sammlungen und Ausstellungen

Das Museum ist in mehrere thematische Galerien unterteilt:

Kriegsgalerie: Diese Galerie zeigt Waffen und Rüstungen aus verschiedenen historischen Perioden, von der Antike bis zum 20. Jahrhundert. Besondere Highlights sind die Rüstungen von Heinrich VIII. und die umfangreiche Sammlung von Feuerwaffen.

Friedensgalerie: Hier wird die Entwicklung von Waffen und Rüstungen im Kontext von Frieden und Diplomatie betrachtet, einschließlich der Kunst des Fechtens und der Darstellung von Waffen in der Popkultur.

Afrika- und Asien-Galerie: Diese Galerie widmet sich den Waffen und Rüstungen aus Afrika, Südasien, Zentralasien, China und Japan, mit besonderem Fokus auf die Vielfalt und Handwerkskunst dieser Regionen.

Turnier-Galerie: Eine zweigeschossige Galerie, die sich der Geschichte des Ritterturniers widmet und eine Vielzahl von Rüstungen und Waffen aus dieser Zeit präsentiert.

Selbstverteidigungs-Galerie: Diese Galerie untersucht die Rolle von Waffen und Rüstungen im zivilen Kontext, einschließlich der Entwicklung von Selbstverteidigungswaffen und der Darstellung von Waffen in der Kunst.

Interaktive Erlebnisse und Veranstaltungen

Das Museum bietet regelmäßig interaktive Veranstaltungen und Vorführungen an, darunter Rüstungsdemonstrationen und Fechtvorführungen, die den Besuchern einen lebendigen Einblick in die Geschichte der Waffen und Rüstungen ermöglichen. Ein besonderes Highlight ist die internationale Ritterturnier-Veranstaltung, die jährlich stattfindet und Teilnehmer aus der ganzen Welt anzieht.

Architektur und Design

Das Gebäude des Royal Armouries Museums wurde von den Architekten Derek Walker und Buro Happold entworfen und zeichnet sich durch eine moderne Architektur aus, die die historischen Exponate optimal zur Geltung bringt. Ein markantes Merkmal ist die "Halle des Stahls", eine beeindruckende Treppe, deren Wände mit 2.500 Objekten geschmückt sind, die an historische Trophäen erinnern.

Insgesamt bietet das Royal Armouries Museum in Leeds einen umfassenden und faszinierenden Einblick in die Geschichte der Waffen und Rüstungen und ist ein bedeutender kultureller Anziehungspunkt für Besucher aus aller Welt.




Armouries Dr
LS10 1LT Leeds



Sonntags10:00 - 17:00
Dienstags10:00 - 17:00
Mittwochs10:00 - 17:00
Donnerstags10:00 - 17:00
Freitags10:00 - 17:00
Samstags10:00 - 17:00


13189 Bewertungen

Chrissy Clayton-knott

It's absolutely brilliant. The exhibitions are really good and the staff are really friendly. I was chatting to one about where I'd travelled from, and he remembered and wished me a safe journey home on the train. I felt totally wanted there. The shop has a really good assortment and everything can easily be found. They have talks about various eras. It was so good that I was with her, on the Viking field, fighting with her in my mind. I intend on going back when I can. Everything was amazing.
Victoria Schofield

Great family day out. Parking very close by at a charge.
Jenny Christian

Very educational and interesting place to visit. If you have an interest in the evolution of weapons, look no further.
Grace Riggall

Not too busy, staff are super helpful. A great place to go to when you’re wanting to find a quick and quiet place to explore.
charles „Kingcarr“ carr

My son loved it. But nearly being hit by a crossbow bolt when he wasn't old hevwasnt old enough to shoot one wasn't expected. I did have a go but 2 different crossbows wouldn't work correct. The safety aspect of it was all wrong and ruined the rest of the day gor My son.
Max Henkner

I especially liked the re-enactments, the guy who played the American soldier did a fantastic job and answered a bunch of questions of mine afterwards in great detail and passion. Can fully recommend it.
David Indrawes

Nice presentation and the exhibitions are big, takes many hours to finish, they also do shows and workshops which I found entertaining.
T Dawn

Brilliant day out. Free to enter. Take throughout the day showing items and explaining them. Food at the cafe is very expensive. Allowed to take in your own food but only you eat at the designated location
Helen Lawrence-Webb

There is so much to see. It's a marvellous collection, and we will definitely be visiting again soon. Free entry, lovely coffee shop, and excellent displays what's not to love?
Steve N

Brilliant exhibition and displays. Way finding a bit haphazard, and there seemed to be lots of staff having meetings in public areas. Felt like I was intruding on them. But it's free, what's not to like.
Angela Gibbs

The Royal Armouries is always a great museum to visit. It outlines the history of armaments really well, and hourly demonstrations help to bring parts to life. The demonstrations with swords and jousting go down particularly well with children. There are plenty of photo opportunities. The cafe on the ground floor is excellent- probably one of the best Welsh rarebit’s I’ve had. My advice is to go when there is a demonstration as it will be a bit quieter. You can also try your hand with a crossbow, which is a bit of fun. And the museum shop is definitely worth a visit with a great selection of memorabilia, toys and books.
John Howarth

Great place to visit
Sarah Denton

Came here on a Wednesday afternoon with my 4 year old, during term and I think it may have been the wrong time to fully experience everything it had to offer. The place itself is good, it's huge with lots of artifacts with loads to learn and see but there wasn't that much happening when we were there. We saw all the stages for things and other people's photos so will definitely be back to see more. There were only a handful of hands on things to keep 4 year old entertained and was starting to get bored towards the end. The gift shop is amazing, so much on offer although obviously not the cheapest but the museum is free so totally get that. Cafe was nice, clean and tidy but was starting to close so obviously didn't have a full selection but the chocolate brownie was lovely and the staff were lovely too. Parking is fine next door in the multistory.
Matt Ellis

Fantastic - so interesting and the exhibits were mind blowing. All for free so make sure you buy from the shop or cafe on the way out
Marta D

The museum is really well maintained, artistic, complete, clean, all details are excellent. You can find history of arms and armours from almost all over the world there. Highly recommend to visit with family and friends. Free admission. There's a nice cafe, and a shop to buy souvenirs. The toilets were ok.
Adeline Izza Mahly

LOVED it! Beautifully curated. Great collections.
Ewan Brown

No tickets required, brilliant experience, lots of cool historical weapons and armour. From Roman, to medieval, Celtic. All sorts. Loved it.
Rebecca Gordon

Keep going back...
Ian Saunders

We had a great time there is so much to see. Definitely worth visiting.


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