Eat Tokyo (Soho)

Restaurant | London | England | Großbritannien

Das Restaurant "Eat Tokyo" in der Soho-Niederlassung in London ist ein authentisches japanisches kulinarisches Erlebnis, das sowohl Einheimische als auch Touristen begeistert. Es gehört zu einer Kette, die ihre Wurzeln vor über 40 Jahren in Tokio gelegt hat und mittlerweile mehrere Standorte in Japan, Großbritannien und Deutschland betreibt. In London hat sich "Eat Tokyo" einen Ruf für qualitativ hochwertige japanische Küche zu erschwinglichen Preisen erarbeitet, was es zu einem beliebten Ziel für Liebhaber von Sushi, Sashimi und anderen traditionellen Gerichten macht.

Die Atmosphäre im "Eat Tokyo " ist lebhaft und unprätentiös, was dem typischen Flair eines geschäftigen japanischen Restaurants entspricht. Das Interieur ist schlicht, aber funktional gestaltet, wobei der Fokus klar auf dem Essen liegt. Es ist nicht unüblich, dass sich vor dem Eingang eine Schlange bildet, besonders zu Stoßzeiten, was ein Zeichen für die Beliebtheit des Ortes ist. Das Publikum ist bunt gemischt: von japanischen Expats und Studenten bis hin zu neugierigen Besuchern, die authentische Aromen suchen. Die Bedienung ist freundlich und effizient, auch wenn es aufgrund des hohen Andrangs manchmal etwas hektisch zugehen kann.

Die Speisekarte ist umfangreich und bietet eine Vielzahl an Optionen, die die Vielfalt der japanischen Küche widerspiegeln. Besonders hervorzuheben sind die frisch zubereiteten Sushi-Variationen, wie etwa der "Spicy Tuna Roll", der mit seiner würzigen Note überzeugt, oder der "California Roll", ein Klassiker mit cremiger Avocado und Krabbenfleisch. Die Bento-Boxen sind ein weiteres Highlight und bieten eine perfekte Kombination aus verschiedenen Komponenten wie gegrilltem Lachs mit Teriyaki-Sauce, Gemüse-Tempura und Reis – ideal für diejenigen, die eine abwechslungsreiche Mahlzeit genießen möchten. Auch das "Chicken Katsu Curry" erfreut sich großer Beliebtheit, mit seinem knusprig frittierten Hähnchen und der aromatischen, mild-würzigen Currysauce. Für Sashimi-Liebhaber gibt es delikate Auswahlen wie frischen Thunfisch oder gelbschwanzigen Amberjack, die die Qualität der Zutaten unterstreichen.

Neben den Hauptgerichten bietet "Eat Tokyo" auch eine Auswahl an Beilagen und Getränken, die das Erlebnis abrunden. Traditionelle japanische Getränke wie Sake oder importierte Biere wie Asahi ergänzen die Mahlzeiten hervorragend. Die Frische der Zutaten wird immer wieder gelobt, und die Zubereitung erfolgt oft direkt vor den Augen der Gäste, was dem Ganzen eine zusätzliche Authentizität verleiht.

Das Restaurant richtet sich an ein breites Publikum, darunter auch Vegetarier und Veganer, für die es angepasste Optionen gibt. Es ist ein Ort, der weniger auf schickes Ambiente setzt, sondern vielmehr auf solide, schmackhafte Küche, die an die Straßenrestaurants Tokios erinnert. Für viele Stammgäste ist "Eat Tokyo " eine verlässliche Adresse, wenn es um ein gutes Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis und ein Stück japanische Kultur mitten in London geht. Wer auf der Suche nach einem ungezwungenen, aber geschmacklich überzeugenden Essenserlebnis ist, wird hier fündig – auch wenn man gelegentlich etwas Geduld für einen Platz mitbringen muss.




16 Old Compton St
W1D 4TL London



Sonntags12:00 - 21:30
Montags12:00 - 22:30
Dienstags12:00 - 22:30
Mittwochs12:00 - 22:30
Donnerstags12:00 - 22:30
Freitags12:00 - 22:30
Samstags12:00 - 22:30


5154 Bewertungen

Gjeni Doda

I love LOVE Eat Tokyo!! I’m a regular here, I’ve been coming since 2016 and I’m super glad my friend recommended it to me. The food is excellent, well priced and I never regret coming, even when there’s a long wait. Service is excellent too. Always enjoy coming here when I’m in London.

The Bento boxes have changed and are no longer the amazing value they used to be
Leo Beaumont

Busy, bubbly atmosphere, with a menu that will intrigue you or confuse you haha Very well priced, fantastic service, divine food.

One of the definitive cheap eats in Chinatown. Portions are very large and for a very good price. The flavour is there too with everything we ate tasting great and everything made with good quality meat. There is quite a large menu with lots of variety so would recommend going with a group of people to try out different things. I had the pork katsu don which came with two large pork cutlets covered with egg and a delicious savory sauce - all for less than £12! Their bento boxes are also massive so great for trying a few things in one dish. This place is very busy so would recommend booking in advance to avoid a long queue and note they only take phone bookings. Definite recommend!
Laura Orlando

Good food, great portions and perfect value for money.
Keenan Kon

Really great Japanese food. Worth the queue
Samantha Joe Lam

用餐日期 27/02/2025 下午4點 (訂枱6個) 食物質素都好有水準,有日籍廚師處理,所以味道跟日式相似,沒有太多改變嚟迎合當地口味,所以價錢亦非常合理 最唔合理係咖喱飯同拉麵個份量大得有啲好怕,加大份量嘅飯同麵可以夠3個女仔share食,如果再叫好多其他嘢食嘅話,叫一個飯/麵4-5個女仔share食都OK 但係拉麵嘅面質係好食嘅,只係湯底比較偏淡唔夠味,而去跟嗰個豬肉係廣式燒肉形式,唔係日式叉燒形式,同埋佢跟嘅蛋完全唔係流心蛋 和牛壽司未去到入口即溶嘅程度,反而食到有根,以呢個價錢嚟計就唔係太值啦 但係其他所有食物都非常好食 特別係ToRo便當,入口即溶,ToRo份量亦相當多,超值 天婦羅便當亦相當抵食 天婦羅炸蠔,亦都係比我預期中好食,所有天婦羅食物完全唔油膩,正 另外佢個炸魷魚鬚嘅份量都好大,亦都相當抵食,配酒一流 建議如果人多食嘅話,可以分開兩次落Order,因為枱面比較細,佢上菜速度都算快,一次過放唔到太多嘢食,如果分兩次叫嘅話就可以慢慢食啦 建議日本菜可以試呢間!有回頭亦會回頭

Great food , great service. Usually a line outside. Wont be a line if you go in late an hour before closing like we did. Recommended.
Afjol Ahmed

My fave Japanese place, sometimes the service is a bit off, but hey, they're usually super busy.
madina s

Allen LUO

Worth the wait during dinner time. Very authentic Japanese food.
Stephen Lawmann

Brilliant experience for Japanese cuisine. Excellent variety and good value for money.
Maren Bauchspiess

We came here on a Monday evening and were seated quickly. Our waiter took our orders, we were served our drinks and miso soup and then it was a good 30min that nothing happened and no other food was served, whilst the people around us, who arrived later, were finishing up eating. Our waiter seemed to think it’s normal that we were there at an empty table. Eventually we asked him for an update on our food order and it turned out that “the ticket was lost”. He offered us some overly frozen mochis for the extra wait. They were not edible as rock hard and frozen. The bento boxes arrived shortly after and they were very very good. We had the chicken katsu. So whilst the food was very good, the service was below standard for me. Plus, you get charged a service fee. (In our case, it wasn’t clear what that was for but well…)
Austin King

Good variety in the sushi bento box. Asahi draft was elite
David C.

Authentic Japanese experience in the heart of Soho. You need to queue outside to get a table, if you go weekends go early or expect a 30/40 minutes wait if not more. All seafood is fresh and served quite quickly, and it's delicious.
DYH Hung

Big portion, food a bit greasy though with the thick coating
Secret ArtistNW5

I have enjoyed eating at Eat Tokyo for many years but today my experience there has possibly put me off forever. We were welcomed warmly at the door and I assumed we were in for the usual enjoyable time. Our miso soup arrived soon after ordering and my friend’s chicken teriyaki arrived soon after that. After fifteen minutes, my sushi/sashimi had not appeared and when we asked where it was we were told that sushi takes a long time. Ten minutes later two waiters and came along and said they had given my sushi/sashimi to another customer by mistake and they were getting mine now but it would take 30 minutes to come. When I protested, the manager came along and said it would just be a few minutes and three minutes later, he produced a plate of hurriedly assembled fish. My friend had finished her chicken long before I got to eat my food. I have recommended this place to many friends but I shan’t any more and I’m not sure if I’ll come back to eat here myself. This makes me very sad. I am also shocked that they did not make even a small token gesture by way of saying sorry.
Alan Aksenenko

Really good value Japanese restaurant. The lunch deals are fantastic, with lots of variety, combos and options to choose from. Service is usually fast, and service will be pretty decent. Fish quality in sushi is pretty good, especially considering the price. Definitely a steal when you compare to similar establishments across London. They have a few locations but I think this may be the best one. Very generous portions and quite filling too. Sometimes though, experiences can be a bit of a letdown, and I have been served fish that wasn't fresh. Overall however, considering all factors, great place for work lunch, or dinner too, especially in a group setting.


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