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Hamilton Toy Collection

Museum | Callander | Schottland | Großbritannien

Die Hamilton Toy Collection in Callander, Schottland, ist eine der größten privat geführten Spielzeugsammlungen des Vereinigten Königreichs. Sie wurde 1995 von der Familie Hamilton gegründet und umfasst über 175 Jahre kombinierte Erfahrung im Sammeln von Spielzeugen. Die Sammlung ist in fünf nostalgisch gestalteten Räumen untergebracht und bietet einen umfassenden Einblick in die Spielzeuggeschichte.


Bären und Stofftiere: Hier finden sich Exemplare von renommierten Herstellern wie Steiff und Schuco, die die Entwicklung und Vielfalt von Teddybären und anderen Stofftieren über die Jahre hinweg zeigen.

Puppen: Ein Raum ist dem Thema Puppen gewidmet, mit einer Vielzahl von Puppen aus verschiedenen Epochen und Materialien, die die unterschiedlichen Herstellungsarten und Moden widerspiegeln.

Actionfiguren und Brettspiele: Die Sammlung umfasst auch Actionfiguren und Brettspiele, die die Spielkultur vergangener Jahrzehnten dokumentieren.

Spielzeugautos und Eisenbahnen: Ein weiterer Bereich zeigt eine beeindruckende Sammlung von Spielzeugautos, darunter klassische Matchbox-Autos, sowie Modelleisenbahnen, die die Faszination für Modellbau und Eisenbahnen widerspiegeln.

Soldatenfiguren: Ein Raum beherbergt die umfangreichste Sammlung von Soldatenfiguren im Vereinigten Königreich, die die militärische Geschichte und die Entwicklung von Spielzeugfiguren darstellen.

Besondere Merkmale

Die Sammlung ist über zwei Etagen verteilt, was jedoch bedeutet, dass sie für Besucher mit eingeschränkter Mobilität möglicherweise nicht vollständig zugänglich ist. Ein nostalgisch eingerichteter Spielzeugladen bildet den Eingang und bietet eine Auswahl an Vintage-, gebrauchten und neuen Spielzeugen zum Verkauf. Die Bestände des Ladens wechseln wöchentlich, sodass es für Sammler und Interessierte immer neue Schätze zu entdecken gibt.

Die Hamilton Toy Collection ist ein faszinierender Ort für Spielzeugliebhaber und Familien, der einen nostalgischen Rückblick auf vergangene Spielzeuggenerationen bietet und die Entwicklung von Spielzeugen über die Jahre hinweg dokumentiert.




111 Main St
FK17 8BQ Callander



88 Bewertungen

Marco Ferri

Fantastic ❤️🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿❤️ @marcosakiletsgo
Niall o'rorke

What a way to spend an hour or so….. Brilliant.
Beatrice Bonzagni

Bel museo per appassionati di giocattoli vintage.
Steven Carson

Trip down memory lane and beyond, something for everyone.
Murdo Carmichael

What a find, very interesting place the owner really helpful and knowledgeable
Leah Slater

Wonderful toy collection, friendly people who run it. Worth a visit! Would love to come back to a weekend event.
Thunderclash Prime

Purchased an item from the shop in amazing condition for a great price. Would recommend visiting.
Megs Mac

Such a cute little shop, the yard is door is what initially drew us in then it was like stepping into not only our childhood but our parents and grandparents too! So much to choose from if you’re looking to buy and so much to see if you’re in for a browse/visit to the museum. The staff were really friendly and chatty, will definitely be back!
Tim Mitchell

Lots of toys, some with explanations, for instance how toy manufacturers moved away from making military toys after WW1. But lots of Gollywogs, which are offensive and they have no explanation of how they might offend. It is a museum so exhibits reflect the past and the time they are from. But, with no explanation they remain offensive toys.
Tom Miller Photographer

Brilliant and huge collection of toys and collectibles steeped in nostalgia from decades past. From the moment you enter the store you are faced with so many items from the toy world. The museum itself is like a journey back in time. The Hamilton family run affair that is a culmination of four generations of toy collecting. Highly recommended as an attraction to visit if you are in the Callendar town area.
Herbie Lethbridge

An amazing selection of old toys. You need to look up at the high level shelves too. Not suitable for disabled.
Stuart McLachlan

Absolutely amazing. The shop is stocked with great items at very affordable and competitive prices. Owneris very knowledgeable and let me and my partner go around the museum for free as we purchased items from the shop. I was completely blown away with the size of the collection and took me back to my childhood. Some of the items I didn’t even know existed. If you’re ever in the area it’s definitely worth a visit.

Excellent journey into the past, plenty of memories and the kids loved it too. We all brought back a little something from the gift shop, even the Mrs! Couldn't leave without Starsky & Hutch's 1976 Ford Gran Torino!
loulou nabot

extra ! A visiter absolument !
Sarah's Life

Lovely wee shop. Bought back so many memories of the old toys etc. Could spend hours and alot of money here but had to restrain myself. Jam packed of so many things new and old . Incredible
Blue Harvest Toys

Brilliant toy shop and museum. A must for any toy enthusiast.
Sandra Paton

With grandchildren aged 8 and 10. We all enjoyed our chats about the varied collection. A pleasant time had by all.
Tiffany Snyder

This place will not be for everyone. But our son is very much into figures and model displays. If you are looking for a near bit of history or looking to complete a vintage collection, def would recommend. Nice way to spend an hour or so on a rainy afternoon.
Amy Liv

Best £3 spent in Callander - lovely family store and so many memories in the toy museum
Paul Arnold

Great selection of memories of toys and games.
Elaine Stock

Brought back lots of memories
Sharon Mattison

A trip down memory lane loaded with nostalgia
Anna McIvor

A beautiful little museum even if a bit cramped. Seeing all these historic toys brought back such nostalgia for me. However one small issue is there are a lot of golliwog toys/dolls on display without any information or context as to why these toys are banned and the racist representation of people of color. If they would also add some more history to all the other toys it would be perfect. Owners are really friendly and helpful so hope to visit again soon
Angela Sloan

Great little place. So full of toys from days gone by. It was lovely to reminisce about them.
Kenneth Hamilton

A rabbit Warren of interesting toys, supe4b
Karen Jacobson

Great little attraction.

You have to visit Museum with your child!!

Very helpful sorting through Matchbox cars. Loved the museum.
michael kinghorn

Brilliant museum and great family run business.made you feel very welcome.sold me some good lps from a well looked after collection.highly recommended for a visit
Heather Alba

Melanie Reeks

Great little find, definitely recommend


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