Tomb Of Sir John De Graeme | Falkirk | Schottland | Großbritannien

Tomb Of Sir John De Graeme

Sehenswürdigkeit | Falkirk | Schottland | Großbritannien

Das Grab von Sir John de Graeme befindet sich auf dem Gelände der Falkirk Old Parish Church in Falkirk, Schottland. Sir John de Graeme war ein schottischer Ritter und enger Vertrauter von William Wallace, dem berühmten Freiheitskämpfer. Er fiel am 22. Juli 1298 in der Schlacht von Falkirk, einer entscheidenden Auseinandersetzung während der Schottischen Unabhängigkeitskriege. Der Überlieferung nach trug Wallace persönlich den Leichnam seines Freundes vom Schlachtfeld und sorgte für seine Beisetzung in der Kirche von Falkirk.

Das Grabmal selbst ist ein bemerkenswertes Beispiel viktorianischer Denkmalpflege. Im Jahr 1860 wurde es vom Falkirk Iron Company mit einer neugotischen gusseisernen Kuppel versehen, die das Grab schützt und verziert. Diese Restaurierung spiegelt das wachsende Interesse des 19. Jahrhunderts an der schottischen Geschichte und den Helden der Unabhängigkeitskriege wider.

Die Inschrift auf dem Grabstein lautet: "Hier liegt Sir John der Graham, sowohl tapfer als auch weise, einer der Häuptlinge, die Schottland dreimal retteten. Ein besserer Ritter wurde der Welt nicht geschenkt, noch war guter Graham an Wahrheit und Tapferkeit überlegen." Diese Worte ehren seine Tapferkeit und seinen Beitrag zur schottischen Sache.

Das Grab von Sir John de Graeme ist nicht nur ein Ort des Gedenkens an einen bedeutenden schottischen Helden, sondern auch ein Zeugnis für die reiche Geschichte der Region Falkirk. Es zieht Historiker, Touristen und Einheimische gleichermaßen an, die mehr über die Ereignisse und Persönlichkeiten erfahren möchten, die Schottlands Vergangenheit geprägt haben.
Tomb Of Sir John De Graeme Falkirk




Manse Pl
FK1 1JN Falkirk



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17 Bewertungen


A fascinating piece of forgotten history within easy reach, this is the tomb of William Wallaces Knight Sir John De Graeme , the protective cage adds a lot to the charm to the church and this is frequently a spot used for occasions for reenactment and historical groups. Something of note that might not be as well known is that there is even a very active historical society based around the knight with links to other historical areas, well worth a look.
Lloyd Cochran

In the footsteps of hero's
Andrew Dacey

This sits in the church in the high street; I grew up not to far away from Falkirk but knew nothing about this and must have passed it hundreds of times not knowing how important the person laid to rest there is in scottish history. If you are going to visit Falkirk, it's well worth a visit, but read up on him and the other sites to visit around Falkirk. Also worth a visit to the society's shop in the high street by the steeple.
Fernanda Cardozo

Unfortunately the church was closed and was not able to go in so we only walk around the tomb.
Janet Richardson

Found this "Tomb" by accident after wee walk down High Street from the guided tour in the Steeple. Glorious sunshine and enjoyed coffee Sitting outside on a bench under the trees in the surrounding gardens and church yard. The area is full of atmosphere. Unfortunately the Church was not open that day.
James Hendry

A quiet spot in the middle of the town
Gary Mitchell

The tomb of Sir John De Graeme is located in Falkirk, Scotland, at the east end of the aisle in Falkirk Old Parish Church. Sir John De Graeme was a member of the Scottish nobility who lived in the late 13th and early 14th centuries. He is best known for his role in the Battle of Falkirk in 1298, where he fought alongside William Wallace against England's King Edward I. After the battle, Sir John De Graeme was captured and executed by the English. His body was returned to Falkirk and buried in the Old Parish Church, where a tomb was erected in his honor. The tomb is made of sandstone and features a recumbent effigy of Sir John De Graeme dressed in armor. Over the years, the tomb underwent several restorations and additions. In the 17th century, a canopy was added to protect the effigy from the elements, and in the 18th century, a new pedestal was added. In the 19th century, the tomb was restored again, and a railing was added to enclose the tomb. Throughout the centuries, the tomb of Sir John De Graeme remained a significant landmark in Falkirk. It became a popular destination for tourists and history enthusiasts, who admired the intricate details of the effigy and the impressive architecture of the tomb. In 1922, the tomb was designated as a Scheduled Monument by the Scottish government, which helped to preserve it for future generations. Today, the tomb of Sir John De Graeme is still a popular tourist attraction in Falkirk. It is revered as a symbol of Scottish heroism and bravery, and it continues to inspire visitors with its impressive design and rich historical significance. The tomb is a testament to the enduring legacy of Sir John De Graeme and his contribution to Scottish history.
Simon Robb

Fantastic historical landmark for the William Wallace fans out there. Check out the rest of the faw kirk graveyard and Trinity Church while you’re there.

The graveyard has been 'modernised' and is accessable to all. No feeling of the weight of history and interesting for a mere 5 minutes.
Irene Watson

Lovely old Church in the middle of Falkirk. Lot of historical graves going back to Scottish wars of Independence.
Anamika M

Wee city center of falkirk.


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