Rodney Gardens | Perth | Schottland | Großbritannien

Rodney Gardens

Sehenswürdigkeit | Perth | Schottland | Großbritannien

# [Rodney Gardens]

Die Rodney Gardens sind eine städtische Parkanlage im Kinnoull-Viertel der schottischen Stadt Perth, gelegen am östlichen Ufer des Flusses Tay. Benannt nach Admiral George Rodney, befinden sich die Gärten auf dem ehemaligen Gelände einer Mühle.

Die Gärten sind bekannt für ihre gepflegten Blumenbeete, die insbesondere im Frühling und Sommer mit einer beeindruckenden Farbenpracht erblühen. Ein markantes Kunstwerk innerhalb der Anlage ist der "Millais Viewpoint" des Künstlers Tim Shutter. Diese Skulptur, in Form eines steinernen Bilderrahmens, rekonstruiert den Blickwinkel des Gemäldes "Autumn Leaves" von John Everett Millais aus dem Jahr 1856.

Südlich der Rodney Gardens liegt der Kinnoull Burial Ground, ein historischer Friedhof, der einst Teil einer früheren Version der Kinnoull Parish Church war. Die Tore des Friedhofs sind normalerweise verschlossen; Besucher können jedoch den Schlüssel an der Rezeption des angrenzenden Rodney Fitness Centre ausleihen, um Zugang zu erhalten.

Die Rodney Gardens sind Teil des größeren Riverside Parks und bieten einen ruhigen Rückzugsort für Spaziergänge und Picknicks entlang des River Tay. Die Anlage ist ganzjährig geöffnet und der Eintritt ist frei.
Rodney Gardens Perth




South St
PH2 7AA Perth



Sonntags0:00 - 0:00
Montags0:00 - 0:00
Dienstags0:00 - 0:00
Mittwochs0:00 - 0:00
Donnerstags0:00 - 0:00
Freitags0:00 - 0:00
Samstags0:00 - 0:00


380 Bewertungen

Assílio Simão

Rodney Gardens é um espaço urbano de lazer situado em Perth, na Escócia, localizado ao longo da margem leste do rio Tay. É um local apreciado por sua paisagem encantadora, jardins floridos bem cuidados e atmosfera tranquila. A área é especialmente vibrante durante o verão, quando as flores estão em plena floração, com destaque para os jardins de rosas. Entre os atrativos, destaca-se a escultura *Millais Viewpoint*, que recria o cenário do famoso quadro *Autumn Leaves* de John Everett Millais, através de uma moldura de pedra que emoldura a vista natural. O local também oferece uma conexão histórica, com a proximidade do cemitério Kinnoull Burial Ground, um marco antigo da região. Ideal para caminhadas curtas e relaxamento, Rodney Gardens faz parte de um conjunto maior de parques em Perth, sendo mantido pela comunidade local em colaboração com o conselho da cidade. É uma ótima escolha para explorar a natureza ou simplesmente apreciar a vista ao lado do rio Tay.
Tommy Linde

Very beautiful garden
Teresa Fitzsimmons

A beautiful, colourful, peaceful walk amongst lovely,well kept gardens!
Bloem Melis

Lekker om doorheen te wandelen!
Jacqui Woodward

What a beautiful peaceful place.
Paul Bawor

Starting to look neglected.
james robinson

Very nice walk, quiet and peaceful with places to sit and rest
John Isaacs

A wonderful garden with a wide range of plants including the national heather collection.
Colin Hewlett

Tucked away on a busy corner is a wonderful walk through very nice beds of Heather and other border plants. It's a shame the pavilion is not in use, but the car park is still available. The gardens overlook the river tay, and the paths lead you along its bank. Well worth a visit, hope the pavilion finds a user very soon, before any dramatic ideas are put in place.
Krzysztof Wcislo

Nice place
Amito K

Gorgeous park full of flowers and trees. The weather was fantastic and we had a great time.
Allan MacIver

We discovered this beautiful garden on a circular walk in Perth. It is a very peaceful oasis just away from a busy road. I think it was the variety, the details, smells that you encounter. The gardens are free to enter and well worth a visit.
Tony Granaghan

Bucolic! Idyllic!
Nadia Aminuddin

Clean, Spacious, Ample Parking with great river through it. Perfect.
Graeme Redpath

Mamun Bakth

Best beautiful garden ever in Perth.
Simone Lange

Stunning place. The volunteers help make this gardens look so beautiful! lots of little paths. Perfect for a wee stool


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