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Rhaeadr Ewynnol / Swallow Falls | Betws-y-coed | Wales | Großbritannien

Rhaeadr Ewynnol / Swallow Falls

Sehenswürdigkeit | Betws-y-coed | Wales | Großbritannien

Rhaeadr Ewynnol, besser bekannt als Swallow Falls, ist ein beeindruckender Wasserfall in der Nähe von Betws-y-Coed im Conwy County Borough, Wales. Der Wasserfall befindet sich am Fluss Llugwy, der an dieser Stelle durch eine enge Felsschlucht fließt und eine spektakuläre Kaskade bildet. Die Umgebung ist geprägt von Buchen-, Nadel- und Birkenwäldern, die dem Ort eine malerische Kulisse verleihen.

Name und Bedeutung
Der Name "Swallow Falls" leitet sich von der Form des Wasserfalls ab, bei der der Fluss durch einen markanten Felsen in zwei Ströme geteilt wird, die an den Schwanz einer Schwalbe erinnern. Der walisische Name "Rhaeadr Ewynnol" bedeutet "schäumender Wasserfall" und beschreibt die sprudelnde Natur des herabstürzenden Wassers.

Im Jahr 1913 übergab der damalige Landbesitzer, der zweite Lord Ancaster, die Swallow Falls an den Gemeinderat von Betws-y-Coed. Der Rat beschloss, Eintrittsgelder für den Besuch des Wasserfalls zu erheben, um die Schulden für die Installation von Wasser- und Stromversorgungen im Dorf zu begleichen. Diese Maßnahme führte dazu, dass Betws-y-Coed einige Zeit die niedrigsten Gemeindesteuern im Land hatte.

Besucher können die Swallow Falls von einem Aussichtspunkt oberhalb des Flusses betrachten, der ohne anstrengende Wanderungen erreichbar ist. Für diejenigen, die die Szenerie aus nächster Nähe erleben möchten, führen Treppen hinunter zu einer Plattform nahe am Flussufer. Die beeindruckende Kraft des Wassers und die umliegende Natur machen den Wasserfall zu einem beliebten Ziel für Naturliebhaber und Fotografen.

Die Swallow Falls sind ein herausragendes Beispiel für die natürliche Schönheit von Wales und bieten einen faszinierenden Einblick in die geologischen und hydrologischen Besonderheiten der Region. Ein Besuch dieses Wasserfalls ist ein unvergessliches Erlebnis für alle, die die wilde und unberührte Natur des Landes schätzen.
Rhaeadr Ewynnol / Swallow Falls Betws-y-coed




Snowdonia National Park, Swallow Falls
LL24 0DW Betws-y-coed



Sonntags9:00 - 17:00
Montags9:00 - 17:00
Dienstags9:00 - 17:00
Mittwochs9:00 - 17:00
Donnerstags9:00 - 17:00
Freitags9:00 - 17:00
Samstags9:00 - 17:00


4887 Bewertungen

Glen Collinson

Turnstile entry, with contact less / cashless payment. Great view from both viewing platforms
Jim Mcilwain

I walked the river from the otherside up to the bridge and crossed over onto the A5 down to the turnstiles...2quid to enter card or cash and had the place to myself ♥️ there was alot of rainfall running off the hills and mountains ⛰️ so it was great to get up close and personal with mother nature in all her power and glory 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿♥️⛰️
Richard Seager

No doubt impressive but currently closed for building works.
Michael Harris

Beautiful, but much shorter than the 2.5 hours suggested, more like 1 hour

Called today, . Monday 20 Jan. Taking money but gate not opening .
Anatori Sealife

Swallow Falls, located within the stunning Snowdonia National Park near Betws-y-Coed, is an awe-inspiring natural wonder that provides an unforgettable experience for visitors. On January 1st, I had the pleasure of visiting this breathtaking site with friends and family, and it turned out to be a perfect way to usher in the new year. The falls are easily accessible, with well-maintained pathways leading to several vantage points. From the first glimpse, the powerful cascade of water plunging down the rocky terrain is nothing short of mesmerizing. The thunderous roar of the falls combines with the serene beauty of the surrounding woodlands, creating a magical atmosphere that left us all in awe. The light drizzle that day only added to the mystical ambiance, as the mist blended seamlessly with the lush greenery and sparkling water. Swallow Falls is a photographer's paradise, and we made the most of it by capturing countless photos. Every angle offers a unique perspective of the falls' grandeur, from wide panoramic views to close-up shots of the intricate water patterns. For nature enthusiasts, this location is a haven for appreciating the raw beauty and power of nature. The facilities near the site were convenient, with parking areas and a small fee to access the viewing platforms. We also appreciated the clean pathways and well-placed railings, which made the visit safe and enjoyable for everyone, including the younger members of our group. After soaking in the views, we stopped by a nearby café in Betws-y-Coed to warm up with tea and snacks, which perfectly complemented the day’s adventure. Overall, Swallow Falls is a must-visit destination that offers an enchanting blend of natural beauty and accessibility. It’s an experience we’ll cherish and highly recommend to anyone visiting Snowdonia National Park.
Sylwia Hukowska

Parking do wodospadu jest w zatoczce, sam wodospad jest ładny , uważam że warty zobaczenia jadąc po drodze bo specjalnie raczej bym go nie odwiedziła . My byliśmy tam z psami 🐕 nie ma Żadnej informacji że nie można czyli uważam że przyjazny psom 🐕. Płatny 2£ od osoby
Stuart Nobbs

We went late in the day and had a lovely time admiring the waterfall, a fantastic place, the village adjourned is lovely.
Alin Stanciu

Un alt motiv pentru care trebuie sa credem cä natura este absolut uimitoare 😲😲😲🏔️
Sathish Kumar Pachamuthu

Contactless payments available . Beautiful waterfalls, visited on Xmas day
Jibin Francis

Amażing water falls ! Worth to visit
Adrian Suarez Hasbach


Saw a review from a week ago saying it’s closed off, can confirm it is still closed.
Ken Joy

Best to go when it has been or is raining. Well worth a stop, with free parking.
Tony Newman

The most incredible place . Nature at its very very best 👍
Mark Graves, (Veteran,)

it cost £6 for me and miss and the dog very tiny we where the only ones there apart from work guys busy working, the falls where ok
lorraine stoba

It was closed sadly 😕
Tom Frost

Beautiful place. This would have been our second visit but unfortunately it was closed due to works going on around it. You can still see it a bit from the road but not the same experience. Will definitely be returning.
Alice B

Closed - no indication to when it'll reopen. Managed to park in the layby, drove from Betws-y-Coed direction, turned around in Cae'n y Coed just up the road on the left. There's tape across the entrance with signs saying sorry for the inconvenience. Photo is from over the fence on the walk back to the layby
Updesh Kaur

Quite lovely!

Lovely waterfall
Sian Elen

Beautiful spot and there is a handy place to park nearby. It is £2 to get in and was hoping for a bit more of a trail/walk for that. If you wanted a little walk though, you could park in Betws-y-coed and walk up. Great place for a beautiful view and some photos. Some benches if you wanted to take a little picnic too.
David Garforth

Beautiful falls in full swing after the wet weather. Well worth the £2 entry.


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