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Folly Farm Adventure Park and Zoo

Sehenswürdigkeit | Kilgetty | Wales | Großbritannien

Der Folly Farm Adventure Park and Zoo in Kilgetty, Wales, ist eine der bekanntesten und beliebtesten Familienattraktionen Großbritanniens und ein vielseitiges Ausflugsziel in der malerischen Region Pembrokeshire. Ursprünglich als einfacher Bauernhof gestartet, hat sich Folly Farm seit seiner Eröffnung im Jahr 1988 zu einem weitläufigen Abenteuerpark und Zoo entwickelt, der jährlich Hunderttausende Besucher anzieht. Gegründet von Glyndŵr Williams und seiner Frau Anne, die ursprünglich eine Milchfarm betrieben, entstand die Idee, als Familien am Straßenrand anhielten, um die Kühe zu streicheln und beim Melken zuzusehen. Diese Begeisterung inspirierte die Familie, den Hof in einen Ort der Unterhaltung und Bildung zu verwandeln, der heute als einer der besten Tagesausflüge in Wales gilt.

Der Park erstreckt sich über eine Fläche von etwa 48 Hektar und kombiniert vier Hauptbereiche: einen Bauernhof, einen Zoo, einen nostalgischen Jahrmarkt und umfangreiche Spielbereiche im Innen- und Außenbereich. Der ursprüngliche Bauernhof, bekannt als „Jolly Barn“, bleibt ein zentraler Anziehungspunkt. Hier können Besucher eine Vielzahl von Tieren wie Pferde, Ziegen, Schafe, Schweine und kleinere Streicheltiere hautnah erleben. Der Jolly Barn ist überdacht und bietet somit auch bei wechselhaftem Wetter ein Erlebnis, das besonders bei Familien mit kleinen Kindern beliebt ist. Die Möglichkeit, die Tiere zu füttern und zu streicheln, macht diesen Bereich zu einem interaktiven Highlight.

Der Zoo von Folly Farm ist ein weiteres Herzstück des Parks und beherbergt über 200 verschiedene Tierarten aus aller Welt. Seit der Einführung der ersten Zootiere im Jahr 2002 hat sich das Angebot stetig erweitert. Zu den Höhepunkten gehören die einzigen Giraffen in Wales, die von einer erhöhten Aussichtsplattform, der „Giraffe Heights“, betrachtet werden können, sowie die vom Aussterben bedrohten Östlichen Schwarznashörner im „Kifaru Reserve“. Dieser Bereich wurde 2015 eröffnet und dient als Zuchtstation für diese gefährdete Art, wobei der erste in Wales geborene Nashornkalb, Glyndŵr, im Jahr 2020 das Licht der Welt erblickte. Weitere bemerkenswerte Bewohner sind Humboldt- und Makkaroni-Pinguine im „Penguin Coast“, Löwen, Lemuren, Zweifingerfaultiere und eine Vielzahl exotischer Vögel in begehbaren Volieren. Der Zoo ist Mitglied der British and Irish Association of Zoos and Aquariums sowie der European Association of Zoos and Aquaria und engagiert sich aktiv in Zuchtprogrammen zum Schutz bedrohter Arten.

Ein weiteres einzigartiges Element ist der überdachte Vintage-Jahrmarkt, der als einer der größten seiner Art in Europa gilt. Dieser Bereich bietet eine nostalgische Reise in die Vergangenheit mit traditionellen Fahrgeschäften wie Autoscootern, einem Karussell und der „Cakewalk“ – einem beweglichen Laufband, das Geschicklichkeit erfordert. Eine besondere Attraktion ist die Mighty Wurlitzer-Kinoorgel, die regelmäßig gespielt wird und die Atmosphäre eines alten Jahrmarkts perfektioniert. Da viele dieser Attraktionen überdacht sind, bietet Folly Farm auch bei Regen ein vollwertiges Erlebnis, was es von anderen Freizeitparks abhebt.

Die Abenteuerspielbereiche, sowohl drinnen als auch draußen, sind ein Paradies für Kinder. Im „Carousel Woods“ können sie auf riesigen Klettergerüsten, Rutschen und Seilbrücken spielen, während draußen Piratenschiffe, Traktorfahrten und Sandspielplätze für Unterhaltung sorgen. Ein landwirtschaftlich inspirierter Traktor-Landzug fährt Besucher durch die Außenbereiche, vorbei an weiteren Tiergehegen, und bietet eine entspannte Möglichkeit, die weitläufige Anlage zu erkunden. Diese Vielfalt an Aktivitäten macht Folly Farm zu einem Ort, an dem sich jede Altersgruppe wohlfühlen kann – von Kleinkindern bis zu Großeltern.

Der Alnwick Garden legt großen Wert auf Bildung und Naturschutz. Neben den regelmäßigen Tierpräsentationen bietet der Park spezielle Erlebnisse, wie das Füttern von Giraffen, Pinguinen oder Nashörnern, die einen Blick hinter die Kulissen ermöglichen und den Besuchern die Arbeit der Tierpfleger näherbringen. Diese Programme unterstreichen das Engagement des Parks für den Schutz der Artenvielfalt und die Sensibilisierung für Umweltthemen. Die Anlage hat zahlreiche Auszeichnungen erhalten, darunter den Titel „Best Family Day Out in Wales“ vom Wales Tourist Board und eine Platzierung unter den Top 10 Zoos weltweit in den Tripadvisor Travellers’ Choice Awards 2017.

Kulinarisch bietet Folly Farm verschiedene Optionen, von Cafés mit warmen Speisen und Snacks bis hin zu Picknickbereichen, die Besucher dazu einladen, ihre eigenen Mahlzeiten mitzubringen. Die Nähe zur Küste Pembrokeshires ergänzt das Erlebnis, da viele Besucher ihren Ausflug mit einem Besuch der nahegelegenen Strände von Saundersfoot oder Tenby kombinieren. Saisonale Veranstaltungen wie Halloween-Specials oder Weihnachtsprogramme mit dem Besuch des Weihnachtsmanns sorgen dafür, dass der Park das ganze Jahr über Attraktivität bietet.

Der Folly Farm Adventure Park and Zoo ist somit weit mehr als ein einfacher Freizeitpark – er ist eine gelungene Mischung aus Bauernhof, Zoo, nostalgischem Jahrmarkt und Abenteuerspielplatz, die Unterhaltung mit Bildung verbindet. Er erzählt die Geschichte einer Familie, die aus einem bescheidenen Anfang ein preisgekröntes Erlebnis schuf, und bietet eine einzigartige Möglichkeit, die Tierwelt und die Schönheit der walisischen Landschaft zu erleben. Für Familien, Tierliebhaber und alle, die einen abwechslungsreichen Tag suchen, ist Folly Farm ein unvergessliches Ziel, das die Essenz eines perfekten Ausflugs in Wales einfängt.



Sonntags10:00 - 16:00
Montags10:00 - 16:00
Dienstags10:00 - 16:00
Mittwochs10:00 - 16:00
Donnerstags10:00 - 16:00
Freitags10:00 - 16:00
Samstags10:00 - 16:00


10003 Bewertungen

Dan Lloyd

First visit August 2021 Good day out for the children. Fairly priced for what you get, bear in mind you need to pay extra for the rides inside, and if you have children, this is part of the day. There are plenty of animals to see from sheep to giraffes. At the time we visited the numbers where limited to 3000 people and I strongly recommend booking as we had to wait a few days. But with this in mind this worked very well as we could see absolutely everything and didn't have to que much. There was plenty of space and time to see and ride on everything. The reason for the 4 stars is I belive with the price of £12.95 paid for admission for a two year old I don't believe you should have to pay on top of this for the rides as this is part of the day out you advise. Visited again recently in 2025, and I must say the park is still worth a visit with many things to do there and over 800 animals. For the rides now, they offer a wrist band option, I think this is a really good idea and speed's things up, but why not include every ride I believe the go karts and one other thing isn't included from the signs up. The wrist bands make things so easy, but you still have to pay for one or two rides that kind of defeat the object. Surely, time and speed getting people on and off the rides and a guarantee price of a wristband is worth more than extra couple of £ for the go karts I the bigger picture. On the whole, it's still a great place to visit, and please keep going with any new developments as it's definitely transformed the park from what I remember a few years ago. Prices have changed since we last visited for obvious reasons. We purchased the family ticket online. I do recommend doing it this way as you have 5% discount and your ticket up front.
Gemma Norman

For £130 for 5 people 2 adults and 3 children 2 5 and 11 I think it's seriously over priced....children's tickets are as much as adults almost. We went on a very quiet day and the 2 year old spend most of it in the sand pit while we had to fork out extra for rides (some were working others were not) and £55 for mediocre food. Folly farm used to be a good day out at more of an affordable rate now it's a seriously expensive day out when you compare it to chester zoo it's seriously over priced. It's essential people take a packed lunch to save money. The animals were great and the shop was very reasonably priced surprisingly. Also the ticket only allows you to re enter in 7 days for free which I think should be extended to a month so you can arrange to go back. Very dissapointing with the price hike and probably won't visit again in the future as other zoos/parks have more to offer.
Ricki Sankey

Good day out however staff in play areas are slow in providing service at food stands and not very clean animals like the rhinos and giraffe look stressed being on their own but overall a good day
Ethan Alford

I came here in a vw camper had great facilities toilets were clean and there wasn't many people there until the Friday night
Mehmet Fatih Aden

We went in when it opened in the morning and left when it closed in the evening. The kids and We had a great time, making great memories. The zoo, indoor farms and race circuit were great. We had a picnic next to the children's playground, the kids ate while they played, a good point to rest and relax ;) In short, definitely recommended. 🌿
Sam Evans

Visited on the last day of half term and did the Rhino Experience with a friend. An absolutely amazing experience, Keeper Callum really looked after us! We had around 50 minutes in with the Rhinos where we fed them through metal fences, but we could still stroke and pat them too and get up really close! They said they usually only feed the 2 females most of the time but the male even popped in to say hi too which was fab! Really great experience and would recommend to anyone. Huge shout to Callum who was really friendly and answered pretty much any question we threw at him! Great day out with plenty of animals to see too. I do think food and drink is slightly overpriced however.
Ceri Williams

Very expensive for entry then have to pay for all the rides on top. Good day out though.
Sandra Brookman

Wow just seen this on channel 4. We used to take the kids there whilst on holiday in the late 80s/90s. They loved jumping on straw bales and feeding the lambs. Was at least 35 years ago how it's changed. Happy memories
Nikki Sterry

Class place the family love visiting here so so organised and clean great day out take a picnic the food and drinks can get expensive as you'd expect from these places. Only negative would be the 4 o clock close time a tad early i thinks for such a big venue
Peter Gwillim

Why is follies theatre closed??
Saera Wilson

Nice day out with the kids, clean and friendly and had free return tickets for tomorrow
Nisey Smith

Had another amazing family day out. Massive shout out to Jacob Gooding!!!!! He was so respectful and patient with us on arrival and even on the rides he is probably the most polite member of staff I have come across and I've been coming here for over 20 years. Thanks folly farm and Jacob. We will be back
Tom McQueeney

The farm was a really nice trip for the family, has a lot of different attractions such as the kids soft play, the rides and lots of places to eat! Price was a little steep.
Edge Furniture

We go quite regularly to Folly Farm as we live near by. It’s a great place to visit and the animal experiences are well worth a go.
Hal Sol

Probably my favourite farm, zoo and theme park in the UK! Folly Farm is reasonably priced and has something for everyone. The main farm section is indoors, although there is an outdoor extension of this across the road (accessible by ramp through a tunnel that goes under the road). When on the other side, there is a guided tour from a staff member driving a tractor pulling trailers. Some of these trailers are wheelchair accessible to. The whole place is good for wheelchairs and buggies to be honest. Then, the zoo is great. My favourite animals, the lions, are the best to be watch here. You can get so close and they’re quite active. Looks like all the animals are well looked after and cared for. There are plenty of outdoors play parks, as well as in indoor soft play in the same area as the indoor fairground (although the rides and the arcade machines and games are an extra cost). I’d recommend doing a full day seeing the animals, then making most of the free return visit within a week (make sure to get your ticket stamped at the ticket booth on your way out), and then coming back and paying the extra fee to access all the rides.
Gary Marling

Did not know hours turned up at 3pm but it closed at 4pmthey still wanted £120 for a day pass, so we swerved it, would have paid up to £50 ..

Folly Farm is a great day out for kids and adults alike. There are a range of animals, including penguins, giraffes, zebra, and more . There are other fun activities, including a vintage fun fair, which includes family fun traditional games such as Hook a Duck and Tin Can Ally. Rides include a carousel, dodgems, Waltzers (one for younger age and older), and more. All of which are enjoyable for all ages. You can either go on the rides by purchasing a wristband that enables you to go on all rides all day but excludes the games such as hook a duck. (Purchase tokens separately - note: pay by card only!) The food is good and ranges in price. Very short wait time and friendly staff :) Gift shops have an array of merchandise such as plushies, stationary, and toys at a pretty good price dependent on what you buy. Overall, it was a great day out with friends and family, and I would recommend it!
Adam Bates

Had an absolutely amazing time! Loved every second. Big thank you to Becky for taking us through the penguin experience! Feeding them was such a joy! The rest of the place is awesome. I dont think I've ever been so close to a lion! Will defo go back in the future. Fantastic place.
Neil Stewart

The reviews aren't over-hyped, it really is that good! We arrived at 10:10 and we're leaving as they turned the lights out at 16:30 and we didn't get round it all. Good thing is, you can return within 7 days for free... fantastic value! We were a mixed group from 8 yrs to 52yrs and there was something for everyone to do. The staff were amazing from the gate staff, cleaners, animal handlers, shops and ride staff; we never once encountered a grumpy or rude person. They were all super nice and always helpful. A real credit to the park and you feel there is a good vibe on the park. The park is clean, tidy and well laid out. The animals are well kept and a great variety, with conservation behind the scenes too. There is an outdoor play area, outside rides and then the indoor area. More funfair rides and vintage games than I've ever seen. The entry price does not include the rides but the £15 all you can ride wristband is well worth it. We will 100% be returning, perhaps in one of their accommodations on site. Best day out in Wales we had this holiday!!
Sabrina Garcia

Best farm / amusement park in the UK.


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