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APE Parma Museo

Museum | Parma | Emilia-Romagna | Italy

The APE Parma Museo is an innovative cultural and exhibition center in the heart of Parma, created by the Fondazione Monteparma. Since its opening in June 2018, it has served as a dynamic space for various forms of artistic expression and events. The name "APE" stands for "Arti, Performance ed Eventi" and reflects the aim to offer a diverse cultural program.

Architecture and Location

The museum is located in a historical building originally built as a palace for a nobleman, later serving as the headquarters of Banca d'Italia. After years of neglect, it was acquired and restored by Fondazione Monteparma to return it to the city as a cultural center. The restoration preserved the historical features of the building and integrated modern exhibition spaces, creating a seamless connection between past and present.

Collection and Exhibitions

The APE Parma Museo hosts a variety of exhibitions focusing on different art forms:

Painting and Photography: The museum showcases works by artists such as Amedeo Bocchi and Renato Vernizzi, prominent representatives of Parmesan painting. Additionally, photographs by Giovanni Chiaramonte, an outstanding photographer of the 20th century, are presented.

Theater and Performance: In addition to visual arts, the museum provides space for theater performances, concerts, and other performing arts that enrich the cultural life of the city.

Rotating Exhibitions: The museum regularly organizes temporary exhibitions that shed light on various aspects of art and culture, appealing to a wide range of interests.

Educational and Cultural Programs

The APE Parma Museo is actively involved in education, offering workshops, lectures, and seminars accessible to both the local community and international visitors. These programs facilitate dialogue between artists, curators, and the audience, contributing to the cultural enrichment of the region.

Overall, the APE Parma Museo makes a significant contribution to Parma's cultural landscape, providing a versatile space for art, education, and cultural exchange.

Contact details



Str. Luigi Carlo Farini, 32/a
43121 Parma

Map view

Opening hours

Sunday10:30 - 17:30
Tuesday10:30 - 17:30
Wednesday10:30 - 17:30
Thursday10:30 - 17:30
Friday10:30 - 17:30
Saturday10:30 - 17:30


211 Reviews

Giorgia Ori

Best museum to visit in Parma, together with Pilotta and CSAC. Especially if you are in the mood for contemporary art that is well curated. High level exhibitions, which is hard to find in small towns such as Parma. The building itself is worth a visit:)
Diedrik van der Berg

I think it's great. But unfortunately they have summer closure now: from 5th to 19th August 2024. I really would have liked to visit. Maybe next time you can change the opening times on Google Maps as well? (You can find the message in Italian on their website:
Missy Hellendale

€5 admission fee. €3 for over age 65.
Alice Marongiu

Propone delle mostre molto interessanti. Consiglio di andarle a vedere. La location è molto raggiungibile, merita una visita.
Fabio Veratti

Bellissima sede e magnifica esposizione della mostra,presente sui viaggi in oriente.
Paolo Fabbri

Bellissima sede museale Bellissime molte delle mostre organizzate, alcune eccezionali

bellissima mostra
Silvana Beretta

Piccolo museo nel cuore di Parma, facilmente raggiungibile, mostre particolari.
Bruno Barlucchi

Posto tranquillo.
maria teresa salomoni

Bellissima esperienza grazie a questa mostra molto interessante, ben spiegata e ricca di dettagli utili per differenti livelli di fruizione. Un grande plauso a coloro l'hanno ideata, realizzata, curata e mantenuta
Margherita Salati

Il luogo dove puoi concederti una pausa per coltivare le tue passioni e i tuoi intressi. Bellissima la mostra permanente, sempre interessanti le mostre temporanee.
Consuelo Castagna

Io e due amici abbiamo visitato la mostra Vedere L'invisibile una domenica. La struttura è molto grande al primo piano era allestita la mostra di Pasolini e sopra Vedere l'invisibile. Tutto accessibile anche per chi ha disabilità perché la struttura è munita di ascensori. Il prezzo della mostra è di 5 euro. Purtroppo non siamo riusciti a finire la mostra, perché alle 17e30 finiva e puntualissimi hanno iniziato a spegnere le ultime cose che ci mancavano da vedere,vi consiglio se andate a fare la visita di andare presto perché ci sono molte istallazioni e molte cose da leggere e da scansionare con qr-code . Il ragazzo alla biglietteria gentile e educato.
sara vase'

Due mostre molto interessanti. Bell'allestimento.
Fabrizio „Faber“ Savani

Bellissimo edificio storico in Via Farini a Parma
antoine et sandra morel torres pachon

Expo intéressante de l'infiniment petit à l'infiniment grand. Mais pas de légendes et explications traduites en d'autre langue ue l'italien...


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