Gea Ricerca e Documentazione Archeologica
Museum | Parma | Emilia-Romagna | Italy
The GEA s.r.l. Ricerca e Documentazione Archeologica is a company based in Parma, specializing in archaeological research and documentation. Since the 1980s, GEA has been offering a wide range of services, including archaeological excavations, preventive archaeology, support for construction projects, and museum activities.
Services and Activities
Archaeological Excavations: GEA conducts systematic stratigraphic excavations in both urban and rural areas.
Preventive Archaeology: The company offers services such as assessing the archaeological potential of construction projects, geophysical and geochemical surveys, and creating archaeological maps.
Support for Construction Projects: GEA provides archaeological support for projects such as road construction, highways, underground utility lines, and other public and private construction projects.
Museum Activities: The company organizes educational programs, lectures, exhibitions, and archaeological tours to promote public interest in archaeology.
Projects and Collaboration
GEA has participated in numerous significant projects, including:
Gas pipeline TAP in Lecce: Support for archaeological excavations along the route and analysis and reconstruction of dry stone walls in protected natural areas.
Urban development in Parma: Systematic excavations and documentation of remains of the Roman warehouse under the former convent of Santa Teresa.
Tangentiale Nord in Reggio Emilia: Archaeological excavations at the Terramara of Cavazzoli.
Contact and Location
The main headquarters of GEA is located in Piacenza, with an operational branch in Parma and a warehouse and laboratory in Baganzola.
For more information or specific inquiries, you can reach GEA through the provided contact details.