

Museums in Novalesa

Piemonte, Italy

Novalesa, a picturesque village in Piedmont, Italy, is home to several museums that provide a deep insight into the local history, art, and culture.

Abbazia di Novalesa
Founded in 726, the Benedictine abbey is a significant historical and artistic landmark in the western Alps. The abbey includes several chapels, including the Chapel of Saint Eldradus, known for its well-preserved frescoes from the late 11th century. These frescoes are among the oldest in the region and offer a fascinating glimpse into medieval art. Inside the abbey, there is a museum showcasing archaeological finds and religious artworks reflecting the rich history of the monastery.

Museo di Arte Religiosa Alpina
Located near the parish church of Novalesa, this museum is part of the Diocesan Museum system of Susa. It houses a collection of jewelry, textiles, and paintings from the parish church and surrounding chapels. A highlight is the collection of relic containers and liturgical objects that illustrate the religious practice and art of the region.

Museo Etnografico della Val Cenischia
This museum provides insight into the traditional life and customs of the residents of the Cenischia Valley. It showcases everyday items, tools, and clothing documenting rural life in the past. Of particular interest is the collection of agricultural tools reflecting the development of agriculture in the region.

These museums offer visitors in Novalesa a comprehensive insight into the rich history and culture of the region and are worth a visit for culture enthusiasts.