ProLoco Linguaglossa

Sightseeing attraction | Linguaglossa | Sicily | Italy

ProLoco Linguaglossa is a cultural and tourist organization based in the heart of Linguaglossa, a charming village on the island of Sicily. This institution plays a central role in promoting the local heritage, culture, and tourism in the region. As one of the most significant organizations in the city, ProLoco collaborates closely with the community and other local institutions to preserve traditions and welcome visitors from around the world.

Linguaglossa is located at the foot of Mount Etna, the active volcano that shapes the region, and is known for its picturesque location and historical significance. ProLoco Linguaglossa is dedicated to preserving this heritage and sharing it with the wider public. They offer various services for tourists, including information on landmarks, events, and activities taking place in and around the village. This includes a variety of cultural and folkloric festivals celebrated throughout the year, offering a deep insight into the region's traditions.

A special focus of ProLoco Linguaglossa is promoting local cuisine and wine. The village is renowned for its agricultural products, including delicious olives, fresh vegetables, and especially the famous Etna wine. In collaboration with local winemakers and producers, ProLoco regularly organizes events that give visitors the opportunity to taste wines and specialties of the region and learn more about Sicilian agricultural traditions.

Furthermore, ProLoco Linguaglossa is a significant player in organizing hiking tours and excursions in the Mount Etna area. These tours provide visitors with the opportunity to explore the impressive volcanic landscape, discover the flora and fauna, and learn more about the geological history of Mount Etna. Winter activities, such as skiing and snowshoeing on the volcano's slopes, are also popular.

The organization also promotes cultural life in the village and contributes to the organization of art and music events. These events offer both locals and tourists the opportunity to discover the artistic side of Linguaglossa. In collaboration with local artists and craftsmen, exhibitions and workshops are organized to appreciate the creativity and craftsmanship of the region.

Overall, ProLoco Linguaglossa is a key pillar of cultural life in the region, offering diverse opportunities for both visitors and locals to experience the rich tradition and beauty of the Mount Etna area. It plays a crucial role in positioning Linguaglossa as one of the most vibrant and culturally rich destinations in Sicily.

Contact details



Piazza Annunziata, 8
95015 Linguaglossa

Map view

Opening hours

Sunday9:00 - 13:00
15:00 - 19:00
Monday9:00 - 13:00
15:00 - 19:00
Tuesday9:00 - 13:00
15:00 - 19:00
Wednesday9:00 - 13:00
15:00 - 19:00
Thursday9:00 - 13:00
15:00 - 19:00
Friday9:00 - 13:00
15:00 - 19:00
Saturday9:00 - 13:00
15:00 - 19:00


87 Reviews

mary curro

Una delle proloco meglio gestita nel territorio
D. Bellavia (Bellavia)

Efficiente e forse una delle poche aperte agli orari scritti. Disponibile e informato il personale. Noi abbiamo preso il passaporto per le big bench!
Manuela Nassi

Spettacolare direi creazioni bellissime da tornare
Amelia Nibi

Entrate in proloco che è un luogo entusiasmante
Roberto Greco

Un luogo simbolo per gli appassionati dell'Etna, dove ricevere sempre buoni consigli, indicazioni su cosa vedere e dove andare. Un piccolo museo etno antropologico, alcuni cimeli della storica scuola sci di Linguaglossa e una splendida accoglienza fanno da cornice ideale alla visita. Da non perdere
Helen Waine

pietro giuseppe sofia

Bello in un paesino molto accogliente alle falde dell'Etna
Francesco Galletta

Avevamo perso un telefono cellulare sulla neve dell'Etna. Casualmente ritrovato, tramite una delle guide del vulcano è stato portato prima al vicino rifugio e poi in deposito alla Pro Loco, dove siamo andati a recuperarlo qualche giorno dopo. Gentilissimi i responsabili della struttura e le ragazze al desk. Grazie infinite.
Antonino Di Francesco

Le più belle testimonianze della storia della città e del territorio limitrofo
stefano spicciani

Grazia Savoca

Its a tourist point information and a lovely place where you can admire old tools used for different crafts, it has a museum with corners of: butterflies , Etna's minerals, wood sculptures and wine's barrels painted by local painters Free Wi-Fi connection It worths a visit.
Lubomír Brychta

Nádherné městečko, s výhledem na Etnu.
Tatiana Nosova

Интересный музей. Можно погрузиться в атмосферу старой Сицилии. Увидеть , например настоящую винодавильню и другие предмета быта и жизни прошлых лет. Кроме того в музее представлены экспонаты флоры и фауны вулкана Этны , много предметов декоративно прикладного искусства и очень очень приветливый и дружелюбный персонал! Нам понравилось. Рекомендую 💓
Maria Gambino

Bel posto
Giuseppe Cascio

Info point,
Rosa Ponticello

Indispensabile punto di riferimento per le migliori informazioni su cosa visitare nei dintorni di Linguaglossa
Adam Pawelczyk (adamfoto)

Jest ok
Angelo Di Francesco

il punto info di linguaglossa più completo e professionale
Giovanni Statella

Buona raccolta di arte contadina degli inizi del secolo scorso o tardo 800. Interessante la raccolta di pietre e minerali. Da non perdere se andate in zona a passare una domenica diversa.


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