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Teatro Antico di Taormina | Taormina | Sicily | Italy

Teatro Antico di Taormina

Sightseeing attraction | Taormina | Sicily | Italy

The Teatro Antico di Taormina, the ancient theater of Taormina, is one of the most significant and impressive attractions in the Sicilian city of Taormina. It is an ancient Greek theater, originally built in the 3rd century BC, but later expanded and redesigned by the Romans. It is located on a picturesque hill with breathtaking views of the Mediterranean Sea, Mount Etna, and the surrounding coastline, giving the theater not only historical significance but also a spectacular backdrop.

The theater of Taormina was originally built by the Greeks as an open-air stage for dramatic performances and religious ceremonies. It was a center of cultural life and entertainment, contributing to the spread of the Greek theater tradition in Sicily. Later, under Roman rule, the theater was renovated and additional structures were added to make it more accessible to the Roman public, including an improved seating arrangement and a larger stage.

The architecture of the Teatro Antico di Taormina is remarkable for both its historical significance and beauty. The theater has the typical semicircular shape of a Greek theater, with a stage and an orchestra level surrounded by rows of stone seats. The seating accommodates several thousand spectators, and the preserved parts of the theater reveal impressive acoustics that are still used in events today.

The backdrop of the theater is particularly noteworthy. The view of Mount Etna in the background, with its smoking summit towering over the theater, and the azure blue sea stretching to the horizon, make the theater one of the most picturesque ancient sites in the world. This scenic beauty has made the theater a popular destination for tourists and photography enthusiasts from around the world.

Over the centuries, the theater of Taormina has hosted numerous events and performances. Today, it continues to be used for cultural events, especially the famous Taormina Film Fest, which presents international film productions in this ancient setting every year. Additionally, concerts and other cultural performances regularly take place, making it a vibrant part of modern cultural life in Taormina.

The Teatro Antico di Taormina is not only a significant archaeological heritage, but also a symbol of Sicily's long history and culture. It is a fascinating place where visitors can learn more about ancient Greek and Roman culture and experience the stunning beauty of the island and its landscapes. Visiting this ancient theater is a unique opportunity to immerse oneself in the history and cultural heritage of Sicily while enjoying the wonderful surroundings that envelop the site.
Teatro Antico di Taormina Taormina

Contact details



Via Teatro Greco, 1
98039 Taormina

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33828 Reviews

Plamen Ruskov

Amazing view

Przepiękny teatr, robi ogromne wrażenie. Niestety gdy tam byliśmy, zejścia na dalsze tereny były zamknięte. Nigdzie nie było takiej informacji, cena również jak za pełną atrakcję.

Pięknie jest tu być, poczuć to miejsce
Marcin Chojnacki

Przepiękny widok i fantastyczna lokalizacja. Warto odwiedzić to miejsce
Grzegorz Grzegorz

Prawdziwy skarb w Taorminie, trzeba zobaczyć. Piękne widoki na wybrzeże w obie strony. Położenie cudowne!
Agnieszka M

Piękne miejsce. Luty, więc praktycznie całe dla nas. Pogoda piękna. Doskonały widok na Etnę, o ile chmury są akurat łaskawe. W niedzielę wejście gratis.
Salvatore Siligato


Jedno z najpiękniejszych miejac jakie do tej pory widzialem. Naprawdę warto.
Unplugged from the Matrix

This place is amazing. I loved the tv screen showing what the theater looked like. Amazing view from the top. Worth the trip
Mykhaylo Maslov

Lo scenario è mozzafiato. La visita degli scavi del teatro lascia senza parole di fronte alle soluzioni ingegneristiche degli antichi Greci e Romani. Prezzo del ingresso è di €12.00 Orario invernale ridotto dalle h 10.00 alle h 16.00
Jerry Weeks

Well preserved and wonderful views.
Pierre Verhoeven

De moeite om te bezoeken. Mooi zicht op de Etna. Maar dat heb je ook elders in de stad en dan gratis.
Justyna F

Fantastyczne miejsce z cudownym widokiem
Corben Rees

10/10 views. Don't miss this spot
Agata Luźniarek

Wstęp kosztuje 15€, ale dla mnie to jedne z lepiej wydanych pieniędzy podczas całego pobytu na Sycylii. Można obejrzeć milion zdjęć, ale one nie oddadzą tego klimatu, który czuje się będąc w samym środku. Moim zdaniem po prostu trzeba odwiedzić to miejsce będąc w Taorminie 🥰
Attila Hajdú

Szuper látnivaló, belépő 14Euro
Franky Nendels

Imposant bouwwerk uit vroeger tijden! Geweldige akoestiek en indrukwekkende vergezichten!
Marta Castro

Interesante. Bastante bien conservado. Una muestra más de la cultura griega en la isla.
Madi Tom

Ez is egy olyan hely, amit egyszer az életben látni kell!
Myriam Montenegro

Hermoso. No se lo pierdan. Es un lugar bellisimo. Y con una historia para recorrer con audioguia.
Boris Rangelov

Definitely a must-visit in Taormina. Enterance fee 14 EUR per person. Don't miss out to get a coffee from the bar on the top of the theater.


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