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Casa Cuseni

Museum | Taormina | Sicily | Italy

The "Casa Cuseni" in Taormina, Sicily, is a historic building that was built in 1905 by the British painter Robert Hawthorn Kitson. Kitson, a wealthy heir from Leeds, had the villa constructed in a classical style and commissioned the artist Sir Frank Brangwyn to design the dining room, including the furniture and wall paintings. The villa became a meeting place for numerous artists and writers, including Tennessee Williams, Roald Dahl, and Bertrand Russell.

After Kitson's death in 1947, his niece, Daphne Phelps, inherited the villa. She chose to preserve the property and operate it as a guesthouse, maintaining the charm and atmosphere of the original time. Phelps wrote the book "A House in Sicily" in 1999, in which she describes her experiences and life at Casa Cuseni.

Today, Casa Cuseni serves as a museum and guesthouse. Visitors can tour the original interiors from Kitson's time, admire the rooms designed by Brangwyn, and stroll through the Mediterranean garden adorned with flowers and plants native to the region. The villa was officially designated as a museum of the city of Taormina in 2015 and is a significant cultural heritage of the region.

Casa Cuseni is a unique example of the intertwining of art, history, and hospitality, offering insight into the lives and creativity of the artists who have shaped the property over the years.

Contact details



Via Leonardo Da Vinci, 5/7
98039 Taormina

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155 Reviews

Susie reid

Adriana Vela

We had a beautiful suite with views to Taormina, the beach and mount Edna. The location is excellent because it’s close to the center but without all the noise. The breakfast was good and the service too but the bed was not too comfortable.
Başak Daştan

I still cannot believe how we were able to stay at this gorgeous place. This was a art piece, amazong views, great rooms, great staff & owners. It was magical.
Senthil Sockalingam

Stayed here for 2 nights! Beautiful views of Etna and Taormina. Intoxicating perfume from the garden. Walking distance to the town. Most importantly our host, Maria was great with recommendations and stories of the property.

Owing to its notable historical and artistic value, it has been recognised as an Italian National Monument. The dining room of the villa is considered one of the best examples of the Arts and Crafts Movement in the world. 🏛️🏛️🏛️ Built at the beginning of the twentieth century, Casa Cuseni has been an international artistic centre that has hosted celebrities from the world of literature and painting, from Ernest Hemingway, who wrote his first short story here, to Anatole France, Tennessee Williams, Roald Dahl, Ezra Pound, Denis Mack Smith, Sir Frank Brangwyn, Sir Alfred East, Pablo Picasso, Salvador Dali, Sir George Clausen, Henry Faulkner and many others again, even in recent times.
Apis Mellifera

Casa Cuseni: un gioiello liberty a Taormina Sulla collina di Taormina, con vista mozzafiato sul Golfo di Naxos e sull'Etna, sorge Casa Cuseni, una villa liberty che rappresenta un vero e proprio gioiello architettonico e artistico. Costruita agli inizi del Novecento dal pittore inglese Robert Hawthorn Kitson, la villa divenne ben presto un importante centro culturale, frequentata da artisti e intellettuali di fama internazionale. Un capolavoro del liberty siciliano Casa Cuseni è un esempio magistrale di architettura liberty siciliana. La villa si caratterizza per le sue linee sinuose, le decorazioni floreali, le maioliche colorate e le vetrate policrome. All'interno, la villa ospita una ricca collezione di opere d'arte, tra cui dipinti, sculture e ceramiche, che raccontano il gusto e la raffinatezza dell'epoca. La storia e le collezioni Nel 1948, la villa fu ereditata dalla scrittrice Daphne Phelps, che la trasformò in un museo e in una residenza per artisti. Ancora oggi, Casa Cuseni ospita mostre temporanee e incontri culturali, ed è possibile visitare la villa e ammirare le sue collezioni. Tra le opere più importanti custodite a Casa Cuseni troviamo: Dipinti del Grand Tour: una raccolta di dipinti realizzati da artisti inglesi che visitarono l'Italia tra il XVIII e il XIX secolo. Sculture di Robert Hawthorn Kitson: il fondatore della villa, era anche un apprezzato scultore. Ceramiche siciliane: una ricca collezione di ceramiche provenienti da diverse città siciliane. Arredi e oggetti d'epoca: mobili, tappeti, lampade e altri oggetti che raccontano lo stile di vita dell'epoca liberty. Un'oasi di pace e bellezza Oltre al suo valore storico e artistico, Casa Cuseni offre anche un'oasi di pace e bellezza. Il giardino della villa, ricco di piante mediterranee e fiori colorati, è un luogo ideale per rilassarsi e godersi la vista panoramica. Informazioni utili: Indirizzo: Via Leucatia, 2 - Taormina (ME) Orari: Aperto tutti i giorni dalle 10:00 alle 18:00. Chiuso il Lunedì. Biglietto: Intero € 6,00 - Ridotto € 4,00 (gratuito per i bambini fino a 6 anni). Sito web: Telefono: +39 095 932424 Consiglio: Per un'esperienza ancora più completa, vi consiglio di partecipare a una visita guidata della villa. Le visite guidate, disponibili in italiano e in inglese, permettono di approfondire la conoscenza della storia di Casa Cuseni, delle sue collezioni e del suo valore artistico. Casa Cuseni è una tappa imperdibile per tutti gli amanti dell'arte, della storia e della bellezza. Un luogo magico che vi conquisterà con la sua atmosfera suggestiva e le sue collezioni preziose! Voto: 5 stelle su 5 Altri aspetti da non perdere: All'interno della villa si trova un bar dove è possibile gustare un caffè o un aperitivo con vista sul panorama mozzafiato. La villa è spesso utilizzata come cornice per eventi e matrimoni. Se siete appassionati di liberty, potrete visitare altri edifici in stile liberty a Taormina, come il Palazzo dei Congressi e l'Hotel Villa Sant'Andrea. Se siete a Messina o nelle vicinanze, Casa Cuseni è una tappa che non potete perdere!
Seth Sonstein

If you make it to Taormina Sicily, the tour of Casa Cuseni is a must!
Simon Ward

Sue Knight

This doesn't feel like a hotel, you feel welcomed as a close friend. The hotel is set in beautiful terraced gardens and has a view which is absolutely breathtaking. The house itself is full of interesting art and artifacts and you really do feel the history as you walk through the rooms. The bedrooms are very clean, spacious and original. The staff were fabulous! Thank you for a wonderful stay.
Café du Tessin

Une maison de charme sur les hauteurs avec une vue panoramique à couper le souffle sur Taormina, la baie et de plus juste face du Vésuve mais proche de tout à pied. Tenue par un couple adorable et secondé par la pétillante Maria, ces amoureux de ce lieu particulier le gère avec une grande gentillesse. Petit déjeuner parfait, literie très confortable et excellents conseils pour trouver des petits bistrots tout près. Visite du musée privé magique! A conseiller sans modération
Perry ebbasta

Luogo incredibile, scrigno di opere d'arte e storici documenti sul passato recente ma anche remoto della città di Taormina.
Niklas Nilsson

Very cool stay. Special place. Nice rooms.
Brian Bales

Casa Cuseni is a world treasure and it is amazing that you can stay there. It was built in 1905 by wealthy orientalist artist Robert Kitson, and it quickly became a refuge for famous artists and intellectuals who stayed there. We stayed in the Picasso suite where there were many of Kitson’s works hanging on the wall just as he had left them. Some of the paintings are badly in need of preservation efforts, however. The view, the history, and the atmosphere really appeal to a type of person. Not those who want the most modern and convenient places, but those who want to immerse themselves in history and hear the echoes of those who came before. We really appreciated all the staff and their conscientious and kind attention. All the best to them and success to their efforts.
Richard Rivett

If you have an interest in history and art then this is the place for you in Taormina. And if that wasn't enough then there are some spectacular views over the town with Mount Etna as a backdrop, all surrounded by fantastic gardens and a soon to be commissioned swimming pool. Casa Cuseni will not provide you with a typical hotel experience for which Taormina has plenty to offer if that is what you are looking for. But what is does provide is character and loads of it, from the artefacts and works of art in every room (including the bedrooms which are very well proportioned), to the breakfast which is simple but wholesome, to of course the staff who are fantastic whether it be providing you a guided tour of the museum to recommending local restaurants. Things of note, Casa Cuseni is built into the mountains side and therefore on multiple levels. There is lift to assist and there are plans to install a lift from the parking area up to the house, which will save lugging cases up and down the hill. Additionally the town is below the hotel, so easy to walk down to dinner, not so easy walking back up, although there are taxis available in the town itself. Parking was easy and where necessary your car will be moved to a secure offsite parking. It's also work remembering that every penny goes towards maintaining the museum and its grounds for future generations. You don't get that at your average Hilton!
Erica Bonandini

Panorama da sogno.
Jose daModia

GRACIAS Casa Cuseni por vuestra generosidad al mantener abierto esa villa a huespedes que podemos sentirnos por unos días en el Paraíso, esos balcones que miran al Golfo de Naxos y al propio Etna o escalando sus perfumados jardines Arts and Crafts, el aroma de viajeros ilustres que allí se alojaron ... pero es sobre todo la amabilidad de Francesco y su mujer que se acercaron pasada la medianoche a abrirnos porque se retrasó nuestro vuelo , nos ofrecio su piscina , su salón musical con muebles de Gio Ponti.. y es la simpatía y profesionalidad de su staff con María que nos contaba apasionada la historia de esa maravillosa cámara de Sir Frank Brangwyn y nos facilito accedo a playa La Pigna y barco con Enzo ...quizás haya otros alojamientos más lujosos en Taormina , ninguno con el alma , ese poso de bellas historias que te aguardan en Casa Cuseni Marta y José Miguel .Madrid.

Dio Mia, Best boutique hotel in Taormina. Mimma, Francesco and Maria are cordial and their hospitality is outstanding. They go above and beyond to make your vacation exceptional. Baci e abbracci e tutti!
Nicholas A. Schulz

We stayed for approx. 1 week in the Greta Garbo suite. We took the museum tour first thing when we arrived (starts at 11:00 every day) which was very nice as we got to know the rich history of the place before enjoying our stay there. Overall we were extremely happy with our stay at Casa Cuseni. The staff is extremely nice and helpful, the breakfast is very good (better than most other hotels I’ve visited), the garden is great, the swimming pool which soon will be finished looks great, and the list of positive things keeps going on. Also, it was surprisingly easy to get to the beach - there were shuttle buses (tuktuk style) picking us up in the morning and dropping us off when we’d had enough sea for the day. The cost for this was included in the sunbed price at Lido La Pigna of 30 EUR per person for the day. We found this beach to be very nice and worth the price. In summary, we were very satisfied with our stay and we look forward to visiting Casa Cuseni again sometime soon!
Dario G.

Bel posto
Hervé Vanden Haute

Agréable chambre d’hôtes logée dans une belle bâtisse à flanc de coline avec une histoire et des jardins remarquables. La guide de la résidence en parlait avec passion et un amour communicatif! Le centre de Taormina est à à peine quelques minutes de marche. Vue splendide.
Tim Elliston

I'd say a visit to this house, and grounds is a must. This museum, its history is fascinating and inspiring.
Rosanna Alesi

Dormire nella storia
Mariangela Merlin

Ero a Taormina a Natale 1988 ospite di HotelVilla Diodoro e non conoscevo Casa Cusemi; negli anni successivi sul mercato di libri usati ho trovato il libro di Daphne Phelps”Una casa in Sicilia “ molto, molto interessante e si sono legate altre conoscenze letterarie. Non sono più tornata a Taormina, ora sono ottantenne e il libro di Phelps è testimonianza che rileggo volentieri, ( Biblioteca Neri Pozza)