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Castello di Taormina

Museum | Taormina | Sicily | Italy

The Castello di Taormina, also known as the Saracen Castle, is a historic fortress that overlooks the city of Taormina in Sicily. The exact date of the castle's construction is uncertain, but it is believed to have been built on the ruins of the ancient Acropolis of Taormina. In 902 AD, the Arabs conquered the city and built the fortress in its current form with a trapezoidal layout and crenellated walls.

Architecture and Structure

The fortress covers an area of approximately 1,000 square meters and consists of several buildings, including an impressive cistern and an underground passage. The walls are made of local limestone and offer an impressive view of the surroundings. The fortress is accessible via a staircase that starts from the church of Madonna della Rocca and leads visitors directly to the entrance.

Significance and Use

Over the centuries, the Castello di Taormina has served various purposes, including as a military fortress and a retreat. Today, it is a significant historical monument that provides visitors with an insight into the medieval architecture and history of Sicily. The fortress is a popular destination for tourists who appreciate the stunning views and historical significance of the site.

Current Information

Currently, the Castello di Taormina is open to the public and can be visited. It is recommended to check the current opening hours and any restrictions before visiting.

Contact details



Via Madonna della Rocca, 9
98039 Taormina

Map view

Opening hours

Sunday10:00 - 16:00
Tuesday10:00 - 16:00
Wednesday10:00 - 16:00
Thursday10:00 - 16:00
Friday10:00 - 16:00
Saturday10:00 - 16:00


452 Reviews

Filip Zavadil

Hrad nabízí krásné výhledy do okolí.
S Andrea

Bellissimo il castello, vista eccezionale. Giuseppe, il guardiano, davvero gentile e simpatico. Da visitare!
Agnieszka Chudoba

Super miejsce górujące nad całym terenem, warto tam wyjść, widoki są piękne.
Sergey Gorgots

Не стоит платить за это 10 евро. Виды не лучше, чем от церкви рядом. Сами остатки крепости не представляют интереса
Alexander Kazartsev

Great view of Tormina! Though it was quite long way up the stairs.
Robert Hlavatý

There is nothing much to see inside the castle (for that price) but I really appreciate the outlok and it is also somehow tempting to climb up here from the city to get yourself rewarded by the beautiful view.
Luigi Alioto

Fantastico , vista da sogno
Stefano Grandoli

Arrivando su per la scalinata da Taormina si hanno due emozioni mozzafiato: una per esserci riusciti da vivi, l'altra per il panorama indescrivibile. Ci ha accolti Jessica che con gentilezza e competenza ha iniziato a farci scoprire questo luogo straordinario.
Per Gunnar Sund

The walk up to the castle is well worth it but the castle itself is not that interesting.

Cudownie położony. Dla samego widoku warto wspiąć się po milionach schodów. Na szczycie trochę historii i trochę ruin ale zwiedzając okolice warto zajrzeć. Mimo tego że większość odwiedzających których mijaliśmy to Polacy to przewodnik wszędzie w języku angielskim.
Gabriele La Ferrara

Must see , is amazing , it is a "natural postcard" with stunning Seaview. All the best !
Szabolcs Vágó

Taormina belvárosából alig egy óra alatt fel lehet sétálni. Lenyűgöző panoráma, érdemes megvenni a jegyet mert egy kedves személyre szabott ajándékot is adnak.
Gaetano Alessi

Bello, ma 10 euro di ingresso, esagerati. Non c'è neanche una stanza integra,nota positiva, il panorama
heinrich von stetten

Una gita speciale, prima la salita con vista favolosa su Taormina e il mare, poi Jessica, simpaticissima alla biglietteria, che ci ha dato tante informazioni interessanti e utili e alla fine una sosta dissetante al melograno presso il chiosco sottostante piu simpatico di Taormina con vista su Castelmalo e nel sottofondo musica di Freddy Mercury, memorabile
Jonathan Valcares

Très jolie et éprouvante ascension à pied depuis Taormine jusqu’au château ! Très beau point de vue tout en haut du château, à voir ! Des petits fun fact y sont écris sur certains cartels, cependant je ne trouve pas qu’il mérite de coûter « si cher »
Marie-Christine Valette

Le point de vue mérite l'effort pour grimper les marches jusqu'au sommet !
Jiří Kika

I will save you 10 euros. Only value of the place : the view. Nothing to visit, only 2 platforms of old stones to watch Taormina and Etna. View is great, price is clearly a tourist trap. Avoid.
Clara Tee

There isn’t a ticket price at the operating hour sign at the base of the stairs - €10 including audio guide.

la vista da lassù é stupenda, c'è da fare una salita abbastanza faticosa per arrivare fino su, 10€ del biglietto intero sono troppi però. 5€ 18-25 anni e gratuito minorenni
Bartłomiej Gąsiorowski

Ogolnie spoko, ale szału nie ma. Liczylem na coś więcej. Wejscie za dyszke... W porównaniu np z wejściem za 7 do greek roman theater w Katanii... To bez porownania! Nie jestem sknera, ale wejście tam za 5 byloby jeszcze ok, ale dyszka tak za nic w sumie... To troche sporo.
Jonathan Sorocki

Walk up the stairs. Pay the fee into the castle. The views, the history, the fresh air are all worth it.
Jim Greig

Came here on a whim after a walk up the steps from the town centre. Worth the entry fee for the view from the tower. Could see for miles. Our boys enjoyed the gory details of the prison and the ‘Well of Death’. When we left the staff gave us a certificate of visit with all our names on it. It looks cool enough that we may frame it when we get home!
bad 80

10 euro mi sembra un furto .....per 4 pietre! Bellissimo il panorama....


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