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Mura di Pisa

Museum | Pisa | Tuscany | Italy

The Mura di Pisa are one of the best-preserved medieval city walls in Italy, offering a unique insight into the history and architecture of the city of Pisa. The 3-kilometer-long elevated walk along the walls allows visitors to experience the city from a new perspective, discovering historical towers, bastions, and gates along the way.

History and Structure

Construction of the city walls began in 1154 in the northern part of the city and was completed by 1161. Later, in 1284, the wall in the area of Cittadella Vecchia was finished. In the southern part of the city, the walls were completed in 1186. The total wall extended for about 6.5 kilometers, enclosing an area of approximately 201.8 hectares. In the 15th and 16th centuries, under Florentine rule, further expansions and reinforcements were made, including the construction of bastions and the creation of the Cittadella Nuova.

The Walk along the Walls

The elevated walk along the Mura di Pisa provides a unique opportunity to view the city from a bird's eye perspective. The path leads through various historical areas and allows access to several towers and bastions, including:

Torre di Legno: A medieval tower offering an impressive view over the city.
Bastione del Parlascio: A well-preserved bastion providing insight into military architecture of the time.
Torre Piezometrica: A tower originally used as a water tower and now offering a viewing platform.
Piazza delle Gondole: A historical square that once served as a boat landing and is now used as an access point to the walls.

Special Features

Along the walk, visitors can discover various gardens, including the Giardino Scotto, as well as archaeological and artistic treasures. The Mura di Pisa not only offer a historical context but also a peaceful retreat from the hustle and bustle of the city.

Access and Visit

Access to the Mura di Pisa is available through various points, including the aforementioned towers and bastions. Tickets can be purchased online or at the entrances. It is recommended to wear comfortable shoes and bring enough water as there are no dining options along the way.

Overall, the Mura di Pisa offer a fascinating journey through the history and architecture of the city and are a must-visit for anyone looking to gain a deeper understanding of Pisa and its development.

Contact details



Piazza dei Miracoli
56126 Pisa

Map view

Opening hours

Sunday10:00 - 17:00
Monday10:00 - 17:00
Tuesday10:00 - 17:00
Wednesday10:00 - 17:00
Thursday10:00 - 17:00
Friday10:00 - 17:00
Saturday10:00 - 17:00


466 Reviews

Andrea Arieti

Passeggiata spettacolare da un punto di vista diverso e particolare. Assolutamente a fare!
Valentina Celtron

La scoperta di questa passeggiata è stata piacevole ma man mano che ci si allontana dal sito in campo dei miracoli il camminamento diventa sempre più trascurato e mal gestito fino infatti alla sua fine dove si esce dal camminamento in piena zona residenziale senza saper bene che fare.
Patricia sunriver

Les remparts de Pise sont à faire si vous avez un maximum de temps sur place. Si vous êtes là pour 1 journée, allez voir les spots les plus intéressants du mur parce-que le tour est assez long et vous perdrez du temps. Un des plus anciens murs d'Italie bâtit au 12e siècle encore bien conservé. Il entoure la Piazza dei Miracoli. Les remparts permettaient de protéger la ville. On y accède en allant à la Tour carrée juste derrière le Baptistère. Le pass de la Place ne permet pas d'accéder aux remparts. C'est privé donc il faut payer votre billet. Ensuite, vous monter dans la Tour Santa Maria par un escalier en fer (avec rampes). Arrivé au bout, vous avez le choix entre commencer tout droit ou à gauche. Le mieux est de commencer tout droit pour faire de belles photos de la Tour et de la Cathédrale juste en face. Belle perspective. Long de 3 km, il longe la Piazza dei Miracoli. Vous pouvez voir le cimetière juif, la Tour du Lion, les bains de Néron etc...
Marcos Llambrich Casanova

Les Muralles de Pisa ofereixen una experiència única per veure la ciutat des de les seves altures. Aquestes estructures, que daten del segle XII, han estat restaurades i ara es poden recórrer en un passeig elevat que permet gaudir d’unes vistes espectaculars de la Piazza dei Miracoli i altres zones de la ciutat. Els visitants ho describim com una manera diferent i relaxant d’explorar Pisa.
Manuel Urquidi

Great to get a different perspective of the complex
Jennifer Cabrera

Bof, apart la vue sur la place des miracles, le reste des remparts est sans intérêt !
Taylor Hensson

I absolutely loved this. 5€ entrance per person, we entered close to Pisa tower and ended the walk next to the river. We took ca 1.5h at a calm pace with a little break. The walls are well maintained and the walk gives a super nice view of Pisa and all the life that goes on, passing the cathedral and tower, schools, sports fields, university, regular residential areas, some churches and more, while being in peace and a good distance away from the noise if the streets and traffic. Some entrances have a toilet to use (see the map). Keep in mind that there's not many benches or places to rest on the way. We went in off-season during the week and it wasn't crowded at all, maybe saw 10 people during the whole 3km. Some explanations and historical context for the main places is provided, but otherwise the walk itself was the main event. Really enjoyed and would recommend!

This wall walk is a real hidden gem, giving you amazing views from an elevated position. The walls walking path is in an excellent condition and easy to use. There are elevators and stairs to take you up / down, and the walls stretch for a fair way and accessed at various points/ gates along the way. These’s also a great app you can download which has an audio guide for using while on the walls. All looks very newly renovated, and all very well organised. Definitely worth doing. You can buy tickets in advance on the app, or at the gates / access points.
Marco Fantozzi

Bellissima camminata lungo il perimetro del centro di Pisa. Evitare i giorni troppo assolati dato che ci sono scarse zone d'ombra... Raccomandata la lettura delle targhe espositive lungo il percorso...
Polikseni Drazho

It was a truly medieval experience and you could enjoy all of Pisa from above. I reccomend though using a lot of SPF and a hat, especially in hot sunny weather.
Lorenzo Cappelli

Abbiamo camminato tanto io e il mio amico, ma è stata una bella passeggiate tra le sue mura.
Arnau Salvia Perelló

Un poco caro pero muy bonito, adjunto foto de las vistas

Fajne miejsce, trzeba wykupić dodatkowy bilet , trasa bardzo ładna dookoła starego miasta
Renata Przybylska

Super miejsce do zrobienia zdjęć z góry na Piazza dei Miracoli. Nie ma tłumów turystów. Plac zyskuje zupełnie inną perspektywę i można zobaczyć rzeczy, ktorych nie widać z dołu. Cudowny widok na Appeniny. Proponuję wybrać się w niedzielę przed godziną 11. Słychać wtedy pieknie bijące dzwony katedry. Spacer dość długi, ale warto przejsć sie do samego końca prawie przy rzece Arno. Polecam tylko w chłodniejsze dni. Przy pełnym słońcu jest na murach naprawdę gorąco. Przy żadnym zejściu z murów nie ma toalet niestety.
Han & Will Tebbs

Worth the 5 Euro fee, great unique views of the Piazza, Duomo and Tower of Pisa.
Alberto Tonnina

Attrazione della Città sottovalutata. Stupenda passeggiata che permette di apprezzare Pisa dall'alto. L'ingresso è utilizzato come spazio espositivo, mentre dai camminamenti si gode un panorama decisamente invidiabile. Il costo del biglietto è di cinque euro.
Flurin Weber

They don't open if there's even just a tiny bit of rain. Really annoying. You can check their website if they are closed today due to rain. So don't buy your ticket online in advance...
Leslie Tripp

Go early !!! This place gets crazy full of people later in the day!
Alex andre

Agréable moment suspendu sur les hauteurs de Pise sous une douce lumière de fin d'après-midi. Cette balade permet d'apprécier la ville sous un autre angle, plus paisible et d'apercevoir l'authenticité de la vie pisane.
steph moseley

A must when visiting the city. I would suggest starting near the Torre di Legno and walking toward the tower as this was you get fabulous views of the mountains and of the cathedral and tower. If you can I would also suggest downloading the app which allows you to listen to information along the route.
Michele Corleto

Vale la pena vederla
Alicja Magdalena

Bardzo fajne miejsce i lepsze widoki niż ,,z dołu", a przede wszystkim mniej ludzi. Można iść na spacer murami i przyglądać się nie tylko Krzywej Wieży, ale też życiu miasta. Cena za osobę to bodajże 5 euro, ja zapłaciłam 4 euro, ponieważ wcześniej byłam w Ogrodzie Botanicznym, a z tym biletem jest zniżka.
Oliwia Ś

Super widoki po drodze i dodatkowe atrakcje
Oana Dima

The Pisa Wall offers a complete and diverse view of the city and the historical complex: the Leaning Tower of Pisa, the Cathedral, the luxurious homes in the neighborhoods, and lush vegetation. The distance is 4-5 km, and the price is reasonable: 5 euros. I recommend visiting when the weather is cool; otherwise, it’s very hot.
romina mingardo

3 km di passeggiata anticipatoci dalla cassiera ma non è stata chiara sul fatto che non si tornava al punto di partenza ma si scendeva al termine da una scala di legno da cui perdevi l’orientamento per il ritorno …io e mio figlio per tornare all’hotel ne abbiamo aggiunto altrettanti km sfiniti, il Giro merita Pisa dall’alto molto carina ma non c’è un bagno in distributore di acqua e una segnaletica comprensibile di dove si sia nel percorso.Comunque bella esperienza per 5 euro a testa


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