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Castello di Corniana

Museum | Corniana | Emilia-Romagna | Italy

The Castello di Corniana is a historic fortress located in the village of Corniana, a part of the municipality of Terenzo in the province of Parma, Emilia-Romagna. The ruins of the castle are situated on a prominent rocky outcrop near the church of San Michele Arcangelo.


The origins of the Castello di Corniana date back to the early 13th century. It was likely built at the beginning of the century by the Diocese of Parma to defend the surrounding area. In 1218, Emperor Frederick II of Hohenstaufen intervened in a dispute over the fief between the Diocese and the city of Parma, transferring the area to the city. Despite these changes, the castle remained a strategic point in the region.

In 1355, the Bishop of Parma, Ugolino de' Rossi, transferred the castle as compensation for an unpaid debt to his nephews Giacomo and Bertrando. In 1400, Pope Boniface IX officially invested the Rossi family with the fief. In the early 15th century, the villagers built a wooden tower for protection against conflicts between the Rossi and Ottobuono de' Terzi. This tower was later demolished by the Rossi.

In 1666, Scipione I. de' Rossi sold the castle due to financial difficulties to the Ducal Camera, which transferred it to the Marchesi Boscoli in 1689. By this time, the castle was already heavily decayed, and a landslide accelerated the fortress's decline.


Today, only ruins of the Castello di Corniana remain. The remnants of the walls and towers are still visible and attest to the former importance of the fortress. The strategic location on the rocky outcrop allowed for excellent control over the surrounding valley and was a crucial advantage in military conflicts.

Current use:

The Castello di Corniana is now a popular destination for hikers and history enthusiasts. The ruins can be reached via various hiking trails that traverse the picturesque landscape of the region. Visitors have the opportunity to explore the remains of the fortress and learn more about the history and significance of the castle.

The Castello di Corniana remains a fascinating testament to the medieval history of Emilia-Romagna and a valuable cultural heritage of the region.

Contact details



Str. Corniana Cazzola, 19
43040 Corniana

Map view

Opening hours

Sunday10:00 - 18:00
Saturday14:00 - 18:00


10 Reviews

Daniele Petruzzi

Visto dal basso. Molto suggestivo
Alessandra Fenoglio

Campanile spettacolare!
Alessandro Di Perna

Passa il tempo ma il fascino di questo remoto angolo di storia e serenità non passa mai. La passione della famiglia che cura la pieve romanica è davvero straordinaria ed encomiabile!


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