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Ecomuseo Storie di carri e carradori

Museum | Zimone | Piemonte | Italy

The "Ecomuseum 'Storie di Carri e Carradori'" in Zimone, Piedmont, is a cultural center dedicated to the history and techniques of wagon building. Located in the former chapel of San Rocco, it was established to preserve the traditions of local craftsmen, known as "Carradori," and to bring them closer to the public.

Collections and Exhibitions

The museum houses a variety of exhibits documenting the craft of wagon building:

Historical wagons: Various types of agricultural wagons, carriages, and wheelbarrows that were once used in the daily life of the region.

Tools and equipment: Original tools such as planes, blacksmithing tools, and workbenches used by the "Carradori."

Photographs and documents: Historical images and documents providing insights into the life and work of wagon builders.

These collections allow visitors to understand the techniques and materials used in wagon construction, and to recognize the importance of this craft for the local community.

Significance for the community

The Ecomuseum plays a central role in preserving and promoting the cultural heritage of Zimone and the surrounding region. It serves as an educational center, offering both locals and visitors the opportunity to discover and appreciate the history and traditions of wagon building.

A visit to the "Ecomuseo 'Storie di Carri e Carradori'" provides the opportunity to delve into the history of wagon building and develop a deeper understanding of the craft and way of life of the "Carradori."

Contact details



Presso l'Ex Chiesa di San Rocco, Via Roma
13887 Zimone

Map view

Opening hours

Sunday10:00 - 12:00
15:00 - 18:00
Saturday15:00 - 18:00


2 Reviews

Enrico Ripamonti

Il museo è ospitato dall'ex chiesa di San Rocco, un edificio del 1500 che deve l'aspetto attuale a modifiche apportate soprattutto nel 1700: a riprova di lavori effettuati in quell'epoca abbiamo una data incisa sull'abside. Non si hanno notizie sui motivi che hanno causato l'abbandono della chiesa come luogo di culto. Oggi appare in buone condizioni e presenta una facciata elegante e slanciata. All'interno abbiamo una collezione di vecchi carri in legno e degli attrezzi che venivano utilizzati per costruirli.