Museo della Zecca
Museum | Lucca | Tuscany | Italy
The Museo della Zecca in Lucca is a significant museum dedicated to the history of coin minting in the city. It is located in the Casermetta San Donato on the city walls of Lucca and provides a comprehensive insight into the centuries-old tradition of coin production.
History and significance:
The mint of Lucca, one of the oldest and longest-lasting in Europe, minted coins from the time of the Lombards until the year 1843. These coins were widely circulated in markets and held in high esteem. The museum allows visitors to trace the development of coin minting from its beginnings to modern times.
Collections and exhibitions:
Historical coins: The museum houses an extensive collection of coins documenting the evolution of currency in Lucca and beyond. Special pieces include the first coins from the time of the Lombards and the so-called "Tremisses" from the late Roman Empire.
Tools and machines: A collection of historical machines and tools used in coin minting provides a practical insight into the technical aspects of coin production. This includes dies, rollers, and machines from the 19th century.
Medal collection: The museum features a selection of medals created by outstanding engravers from Lucca. These medals reflect the craftsmanship and artistic expression of the region.
Library and archive: For research enthusiasts, the museum offers a library with over 1,000 volumes focusing on numismatics, engraving techniques, and the history of Lucca. The archive also contains numerous documents and photographs documenting the history of the mint.
Educational offerings:
The museum regularly organizes workshops and events focusing on the history of coin minting and numismatics. Visitors have the opportunity to mint historical coins and learn more about coin production techniques.
Overall, the Museo della Zecca in Lucca provides a deep insight into the history and art of coin minting and is a significant place for culture enthusiasts and history lovers.