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Ristorante Giglio

Restaurant | Lucca | Tuscany | Italy

The "Ristorante Giglio" in Lucca, Tuscany, is a renowned restaurant housed in a historic 18th-century palace, offering an impressive view of Piazza del Giglio. The restaurant's decor combines classic elegance with modern accents, creating a pleasant and stylish atmosphere.

The cuisine at "Ristorante Giglio" is known for its creative interpretation of traditional Italian recipes. Dishes are prepared with high-quality, seasonal ingredients and are presented both tastefully and visually at a high level. An example of the innovative cuisine is the "Siphoned Potato", sprinkled with bottarga and served with squid sauce, chanterelles, and spicy parsley cream.

The restaurant offers both indoor and outdoor areas for guests to enjoy the surroundings. The service is described as professional and attentive, contributing to a successful dining experience.

In October 2024, "Ristorante Giglio" decided to relinquish its Michelin star to offer a more informal and accessible dining experience. This decision reflects a trend where some restaurants are leaving behind the pressure and formality of a Michelin star to create a more relaxed atmosphere.

Overall, "Ristorante Giglio" offers a successful combination of traditional Italian cuisine, modern ambiance, and excellent service, making it a recommended destination for lovers of Italian gastronomy.

Contact details



Piazza del Giglio, 2
55100 Lucca

Map view

Opening hours

Sunday12:30 - 14:30
19:30 - 22:00
Monday12:30 - 14:30
19:30 - 22:00
Thursday12:30 - 14:30
19:30 - 22:00
Friday12:30 - 14:30
19:30 - 22:00
Saturday12:30 - 14:30
19:30 - 22:00


820 Reviews

Mostafa Safaie

Amazing restaurant, very unique, creative and delicious dishes
Filippo Versienti

Ambiente qualcosina in meno rispetto a quanto meriterebbe in quanto opterei per qualche coperto di meno considerata l’importanza del luogo. Servizio ottimo da parte del titolare. Piatti stellari, consigliatissimo
Buble Home

Lucca est une petite ville vivante , élégante , généreuse et gastronomique ! En particulier Chez Giglio , pour ce feuilleté aux légumes acidulés entre terre et mer !
Lana Cooper

C'ero stata l'ultima volta alcuni anni fa, dispiace dire che ho trovato una situazione completamente diversa, come se avessero cambiato gestione o lo chef magari è andato via. Sapori completamente sbilanciati, menù non all'altezza del costo delle portate. Che peccato..
Iacopo Masini

Che delusione. Siamo arrivati con un quarto d’ora di ritardo è vero, parcheggiare a Lucca è sempre un casino, però prima di darci via il tavolo e lasciarci quello di appoggio per le evenienze, tra l’altro nemmeno addobbato a Natale come gli altri, potevano aspettare o chiamare. Io ho provato a chiamare più volte per avvertire ma nessuno ha risposto. Per il resto, la carta dei vini( in formato tablet!!) ci è stata consegnata quando l’antipasto era già in tavola, idem le posate, nel menù sono presenti errori grammaticali( nella sezione primi e nell’ultima pagina) e ok i camerieri in t-shirt ma almeno datele uguali a tutti quanti. Abbiamo assaggiato 5 portate, l’antipasto con fegatini e pan brioche è interessante, nel risotto invece la riduzione copriva del tutto gli altri sapori mentre l’altro primo sugo grossolano e pasta erano del tutto slegati tra loro. Per il pollo al tartufo stesso discorso del risotto, la riduzione copriva gli altri sapori. Dolce buono ma nulla di che. Prezzo finale 236€, 70 di vino e 166 di cena.

Nel passo da stellato a normale (intelligente) auspico più verità: un servizio maggiormente premuroso e familiare (leggermente impersonale), menu impaginati con cura e rigore e non ‘wannabe chic’ (ho trovato la ripresa dei loghi G come nei Gucci di Bottura di cattivo gusto) ma coi bordi rotti. Torneremo, il cibo e il contesto stra-meritano.
Jessica Ft

Il ristorante merita 3 stelle per la ricerca dei piatti e la qualità di essi, per il resto ci sono delle mancanze che non possono esserci in un ristorante come questo. Nonostante la gentilezza del personale di sala nel consigliarci e spiegarci vini & piatti, si sono dimenticati di portarci l'acqua al tavolo (tra l'altro da loro stessi proposta) e con il caffè non sono stati portati i cucchiaini : una volta richiesti ci è stato detto che purtroppo erano finiti, al massimo potevamo averne uno. In un ristorante di questo tipo e dato il conto bello salato non penso sia una cosa accettabile, tra l'altro il tavolo a fianco ha ricevuto tranquillamente i cucchiaini poco dopo.

Beril Köker

Too much waiting , even for a menu card we waited for 15 minutes then we left the restaurant
Mattia Fabbri

Esperienza enogastronomica interessante

Incuriosito dalla scelta di rinunciare alla stella ho voluto provare questo ristorante, restando alla fine perplesso. Ho scelto il menù degustazione da 60 euro che con un bicchiere di vino (12 euro???) e una bottiglia di acqua sono diventati 75. Interessante la rivisitazione del crostino di fegatini, discreto il risotto alla parmigiana, così così il pollo al tartufo. Per carità, niente di negativo ma nemmeno sapori forti e decisi che meritino più di tre stelle. Una piccola delusione viste le aspettative.
Silvia Torri

non ho apprezzato niente della cucina purtroppo
marco manni

Non hanno bisogno di quella stella. Perfetti in tutto, e gli fa onore la scelta.
Justin Fields

Old review from last year. This experience was top-notch from start to finish. A true 5 star tasting menu with excellent service and great wine. The sommelier was very helpful. The location is beautiful with a nice outdoor seating section right in the square. I could not recommend this spot enough if you plan on being in Lucca.
Francesca Carlotta Bruno

Ho cenato in questo ristorante con il mio compagno provando il menù classico: squisito il paté di fegatini con pan brioche e il pollo al tartufo. Interessante anche la zuppa di farro e cannolicchi. Inaspettato e ottimo il dolce: un bignè di pasta choux ripieno di una crema al caramello. Qualche piccola disattenzione ma recuperata con eleganza
Mystery Client Europa

Perfetto per un' appuntamento.

Great dinner
Sharron La Fratta

I have been to this restaurant 5 times. I just took 8 ladies there from America and they knowing they were going to a Michelin star restaurant. While the food is good and the wait staff good the fact that staff from the kitchen kept coming into the dining room with dirty T-shirts on, no apron, no chefs coat, baseball caps on backwards was more than a shock. So much that one of my guest asked if the restaurant still had their Michelin Star. I was quite embarrassed. I had planned to drop 1200 euros on dinner but however, my guest only ordered two courses. If you are a Michelin star restaurant , then act like it!
David C

A fantastic restaurant we’ve wanted to try for years. The quality of the food was superb, the staff attentive and knowledgeable. We took the “espressione” menu, which featured a mix of exciting dishes. If we had one criticism, it’d be that the eclectic combinations made the experience over complicated (for example: rich pâte, delicate oysters, a potato & squid dish, and a stuffed pastry served at the same time; each delicious in their own right, but served together at different temperatures they competed for attention). That said, we are open minded and thoroughly enjoyed the evening and would love to return one day.
Andrew King

We were very disappointed I am afraid. It was OK but (like some other recent reviewers) this just wasn't Michelin-star quality food, service or ambience: did we come on an off night? The service was OK but pretty ignorant and not charming: we felt sorry for the staff who seemed unhappy. Explanations were mumbled and rushed and delivered without understanding, as if learned by rote. The menu promised innovation but it just didn't... We had the tasting menu - supposedly the house virtuoso act. The antipasti started decently - the oyster with so-called "Panzanella" (actually just dried breadcrumbs with some tomato) was nice; the chicken liver pate was too strong though - needed a tad more cream and less alcohol. The tiny pasta course wasn't very good at all (there's al dente and then there is undercooked - which this was). The following farro soup was hearty and good but we can get that the same or better in a lot of trattorie. The best dish was the entremet - though it didn't work *as an entremet* (cream flavoured with charcoal served with chopped macerated strawberries with olive oil and thyme - a dish familiar to us as a dessert). The lamb "main" was Ok - but only OK - we've had much better elsewhere in Lucca and certainly in the countryside. Pre-dessert was a small biscuit with a citrus cream while the dessert was a disgrace - a stale and burnt choux bun filled with a heavy hazlenut cream that could have been bought for a 4 euros for 6 at a poor supermarket. We'd been meaning to go for a couple of years and never got round to it, but it just wasn't worth it at all. We've learnt our lesson. Lots of better places in Lucca and around - including some truly outstanding ones that are half the price. I only hope that others have a better experience. We won't bother to give it another go though.
Olga Consentino

Adoro l’arte e mangiare bene. Li c’era tutto insieme ❤️ Staff attento e la pulizia impeccabile.
stella plebani

veramente ottimo! personale gentilissimo e cucina eccezionale. il paté di fegatini é uno dei piatti più buoni!! consigliatissimo
Michael Hinz

All is the best -

Ottimo! Consigliato il menu degustazione “espressione”.
Maggie Griffin

Overall, the food here was very good. We had the tasting menu, and a couple of the dishes were not the tables favorites. Dessert would be considered a "throwaway". However, the most disappointing aspect unfortunately was the service. At a Michelin star restaurant, I love hearing about each course while it's in front of you. Half our table would receive their plates, we'd hear about the course, and then the other half of the tables meal would come out - sometimes quicky other times not so much. Not quite sure why the kitchen was struggling on such a slow night. I probably would pass on this restaurant.
João Santos de Oliveira

Besides small details that could easily be improved, this place is definitely a go for everyone that enjoy and appreciate a good meal. The food was very well executed and the wine list was amazing! Congratulations to the kitchen, the service and the entire staff because you are doing something very special!
Sigurd Ruud

We went for the Classic tasting menu (€60) and a bottle of red wine (€55) recommended by the sommelier. Both were excellent. Four courses, mainly based on local ingredients and traditions. The staff were extremely pleasant and helpful. I would definitely recommend this to anyone visit Lucca. The sommelier was helpful in explaining local wines and liquori, as well as customs in drinking.
Tomeu Lliteras

Espectacular! Sin duda volveré! Hicimos el menu "Espression" y estaba todo increible!


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