
Sightseeing attraction | Pisa | Tuscany | Italy

"Mattonelle" is a fascinating sight in Pisa that reflects the city's historical and cultural heritage in a very unique way. It is an impressive collection of tiles found in various areas of the city, often serving as artistic wall decorations or flooring. These tiles are not only practical, but also an important part of the Pisan architectural tradition.

The "Mattonelle" are characterized by their artistic decoration and significance to local history. They often display symbols or patterns deeply rooted in Pisa's history and culture. Many of these tiles are in the traditional style of the region, featuring vibrant colors and geometric patterns. They can be found in both public and private buildings, including churches, palaces, and historical sites.

Of particular note are the intricate "Mattonelle" in the streets and on the facades of the city, which not only serve as decoration but also provide insight into the culture and craftsmanship of past eras. These tiles were often crafted with elaborate handiwork, making them unique works of art that shape the architectural landscape of Pisa.

In Pisa, one can also come across some historical "Mattonelle" dating back to the medieval and Renaissance periods. These tiles offer a fascinating glimpse into the development of local craftsmanship and are a valuable heritage of the city. Some "Mattonelle" even feature religious or allegorical depictions, contributing to the spiritual and cultural atmosphere.

In addition to their aesthetic significance, the "Mattonelle" also play an important role in preserving the cityscape and providing visitors with a sense of Pisa's historical and cultural heritage. They are an excellent example of the fusion of art and functionality in architecture, presenting the beauty and history of this Tuscan city in a tangible way.

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3 Reviews


Una delle chicche nascoste di Pisa, l'ho scoperta per caso quando ancora non era presente su Maps e ricordo di aver provato l'entusiasmo di una bambina, oltre alla piacevole sensazione di non aver visto proprio tutto della mia città. Vi consiglio di passare, almeno una volta, potrebbe sorprendervi.
Internet Agency (

In this Alley more Pisan artists have dontated his own work with him spirit of redeveloping the common space. This path is dedicated to the friend Maurizio Andruetto who has always believed and ideally guided this project wanted by the Associazione delle Vettovaglie.
Massimiliano Romoli (Max)

Museo a cielo aperto gratuito visitabile da chiunque piace l'arte e sta passeggiando lungo l'Arno a Pisa. Entrando nel vicolo possiamo notare tante mattonelle di dimensioni variabili, decorate in diversi stili vi consiglio di visitarlo e apprezzate questi lavori. Oltre a questi foto dei lavori ce ne sono tanti altri. Se vi è piaciuta questa recensione mettete un like 👍. Grazie


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