Lupa Capitolina | Pisa | Tuscany | Italy

Lupa Capitolina

Sightseeing attraction | Pisa | Tuscany | Italy

Capitoline Wolf – A significant landmark in Pisa
The Capitoline Wolf, also known as Lupa Capitolina, is a famous bronze monument and one of the most recognizable landmarks in the city of Pisa in Tuscany. This statue, depicting a legend from Roman founding history, is closely connected to the city's history and Roman mythology, attracting both art enthusiasts and historians. The Capitoline Wolf not only represents the legend of Romulus and Remus but also symbolizes the connection of Pisa to ancient Roman culture.

# History and significance of the Capitoline Wolf
The Capitoline Wolf is deeply rooted in Roman mythology. The statue shows a she-wolf nurturing the twins Romulus and Remus, who are considered the founders of Rome in legend. This famous scene symbolizes the birth and origin of Rome and holds a profound symbolic meaning as a representation of motherly love and protection. It is believed that the statue was originally created in the 5th century BC and served as a political symbol and a sign of Rome's strength and founding history.

The Capitoline Wolf in Pisa is a replica of the well-known Roman original statue, which originally stood on the Capitoline Hill in Rome. This statue is a symbol of the Roman Republic and later the Roman Empire, becoming one of the most admired monuments of ancient art over the centuries.

# The statue and its details
The Capitoline Wolf in Pisa is a monumental bronze statue depicting the she-wolf, who in Roman legend is said to have nursed the twins Romulus and Remus, in a silent yet powerful pose. The details of the statue are impressive, and the realistic expression of the wolf conveys strength and care simultaneously. It is a masterful work of ancient art that reflects both the wildness of nature and maternal affection.

Notably, the twins Romulus and Remus in the original statue are traditionally depicted with crimson robes and a unique posture. The depiction of the she-wolf itself is enhanced by its monumental size and lively form, giving the statue an almost supernatural presence.

# Historical relevance for Pisa
Although the Capitoline Wolf originated in Rome, it holds a special significance for Pisa. The statue was presented as a gift to the city of Pisa when the city and the Vatican maintained a close relationship in the 19th century. Pisa was heavily influenced by Roman culture during this time, and the gift of the Capitoline Wolf to the city was a recognition of the connections between Pisa and Rome.

In Pisa, the statue is also revered as a symbol of independence and strength. The legend of the she-wolf saving and protecting the twins Romulus and Remus from death reflects the resilience that Pisa has demonstrated throughout its own history. The city, which was a significant maritime power in the Middle Ages, saw in the Capitoline Wolf a true guardian spirit.

# Cultural significance and symbolism
The Capitoline Wolf holds deep-rooted symbolism in Tuscan and Italian culture. It represents the connection of cities and cultures in the Mediterranean region and the heirs of Roman traditions. In Pisa, it has an additional symbolic meaning as a monument to the city's historical triumph and ancient importance.

The statue is not only revered as a work of art but also as a cultural heritage that plays a role in many public celebrations and processions. The pride that the people of Pisa feel for the statue is reflected in the care and presentation of this monument, which stands for the values of the Pisan community.

# Conclusion
The Capitoline Wolf in Pisa is more than just a work of art – it is a symbol of the connection between Pisa and ancient Roman history, as well as the pride and strength of the city. Its significance spans millennia and offers a fascinating glimpse into the mythological and historical tradition that shape Pisa and its cultural identity. Today, the Capitoline Wolf remains a central landmark of the city, captivating tourists and locals alike and bridging the gap between ancient past and modern present.
Lupa Capitolina Pisa

Contact details



Via Cardinale Pietro Maffi
56126 Pisa

Map view

Opening hours

Sunday0:00 - 0:00
Monday0:00 - 0:00
Tuesday0:00 - 0:00
Wednesday0:00 - 0:00
Thursday0:00 - 0:00
Friday0:00 - 0:00
Saturday0:00 - 0:00


226 Reviews


Constitui um conjunto com o anjo caído ornamentando um lindo gramado ao lado da torre Pendente.

Jedna z moich ulubionych legend 🥰
Paweł Smyk

Miłe doświadczenie i ciekawe zabytki

Zadbane jak cała reszta dookoła. Przyjemnie się zwiedza
Michele Corleto

Emblema del potere e della grandezza dell'impero romano, fu posta in questo luogo nel 1926 per commemorare la visita a Pisa di Benito Mussolini.
Paul Ciprian

Common monument.
Kevin Rchll

Très sympa, mérite le coup d’œil.
Louis Vacheret

Vraiment magnifico
Michał Pawełka

Pomnik wilczycy.
Artūrs Ivuškāns

Apskatot Pizas torni, tā apkārtnē apskatāmi arī citi leģendāri Itālijas mākslas un vēstures darbi! Starp leģendāro Pizas torni un katedrāli, drīzāk aiz tām atrodama vēl kāda leģendāra Itālijas skulptūras reprodukcija (kas gan vairāk asociējas ar Romu nevis Pizu) - Kapitolija vilks, kas baro brāļus Romulu un Remu, kas ir varenās Romas dibinātāji! Varbūt nedaudz uzmanības šim mākslas darbam ir par maz, esot novietotas blakus tik iespaidīgiem Itālijas arhitektūras pieminekļiem!
Lluis Higini Melero Peris

Recorriendo la plaza de los Milagros en la parte trasera de la Catedral y de la Torre de Pisa, me llamo la atención la reproducción de la famosa estatua de la loba capitolina, que representa a la loba que amamanta a los hermanos Rómulo y Remo, fundadores de la ciudad de Roma. Posteriormente pude saber que es una de las tantas copias que se puede ver en diversas ciudades de italianas que fueron levantados en torno a finales del S. XIX durante el período de la Unificación de Italia. Una curiosidad por su ubicación en este lugar, que queda un poco fuera de contexto.
Stanisław A. ADAMCZYK

Jedna z licznych rzeźb słynnej Wilczycy. Znajduje się tuż obok katedry i Krzywej Wieży w Pizie.
A Cuchy

Nice surprise to see a replica of the 5th Century B.C.E. Capitoline She-Wolf bronze statue. It shows the area has deep history back beyond the founding of Rome. We first spotted it from the top of the Tower.

Lástima que no se puede apreciar bien la escultura de la loba alimentando a Rómulo y Remo.
Benjamin LOUIS

La louve du Capitole. Elle est un symbole associé à la mythique légende de Romulus et Remus et à la fondation de Rome depuis l'Antiquité et l'une des icônes les plus reconnaissables de la mythologie antique. L'épisode le plus connu de la légende constitue le moment où les jumeaux nouveau-nés sont abandonnés et sont recueillis par une louve qui les allaite. Le meurtre de Remus par son frère et d'autres récits de leur histoire ont inspiré les artistes de tous les temps. Depuis l’Antiquité, l'image des jumeaux allaités par une louve est un symbole de la ville de Rome et de son peuple. Bien que l'histoire se déroule avant la fondation de Rome vers 750 av. J.-C., le plus ancien récit écrit du mythe date de la fin du IIIe siècle avant notre ère.
R. M.

Loba de Rómulo y Remo.
Carlos Casado

Una pena no poder meterse dentro y poder admirar mas esta escultura, pero sin duda una delicia de Pisa
Rocco G.G

Emrah M.

Lupa Capitolina, Roma mitolojisine ve tarihine dayanan ünlü bir heykeldir. Bu heykel, Roma'nın sembolü haline gelmiştir. Efsaneye göre, Roma'nın mitolojik kurucusu Romulus ile Remus adlı ikiz kardeşleri emziren bir dişi kurtu temsil eder. Romulus ve Remus, Roma'nın efsanevi kurucuları olarak kabul edilir.
Davide Pizzi

Elemento presente dal XX secolo in epoca Fascista. Lo trovo fuori luogo e non adatto al contesto.
Apurbo Fahad (Sobuj)

Muhteber Kılıç

İlginç ve güzel .Ancak kalabalık yorucu

Pisa kulesinin hemen yanında bir sütun üzerinde bulunan bir kurt ve onu emen 2 çocuk bunlar Romüs ve Romülüs Romanın kurucuları 2 kardeş bu şekilde tasvir edilmiş herhalde bunlarda Romalıların Tarkanı😂
Alessandro Calabrò

La lupa capitolina è presente in molte piazze italiane, non fa eccezione piazza dei miracoli. Molti non notano questo monumento nella splendida piazza, forse sovrastato dall’importanza della torre e, a seguire, della cattedrale, del battistero e del cimitero. Pare che sia stata donata nel 1926 da benito mussolini, poiché per un periodo è stato un simbolo dell’Italia fascista
johan A

Awesome environment.
Sławomir Andrysiak

Co prawda to nie Rzym, ale też ładnie
Alessandro Tarable

In un contesto "normale" questo monumento meriterebbe una valutazione più alta, ma in mezzo alle incredibili meraviglie che questa piazza offre, un po' "sfigura".
Albanian Tourist

La lupa capitolina simbolo per eccellenza della città di Roma. Si trova in questo punto della piazza dei miracoli dal 1926. E stato inserito in questo complesso monumentale durante una visita dell'allora primo ministro Benito Mussolini. Tuttora si trova in questo luogo.


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