Cattedrale di Pisa | Pisa | Tuscany | Italy

Cattedrale di Pisa

Sightseeing attraction | Pisa | Tuscany | Italy

The Cathedral of Pisa, or the Cathedral of Pisa, is one of the most outstanding examples of Romanesque architecture in Italy and forms the center of the Piazza dei Miracoli, also known as the Square of Miracles. This magnificent church is a symbol of the artistic, architectural, and religious significance of Pisa and attracts millions of visitors each year who wish to admire the beauty and history of this architectural masterpiece.

The Cathedral was built in the 11th century on the ruins of an older church at the behest of Bishop Ubaldo and was consecrated in 1118. It was designed by several famous architects and artists, with the main architects being Buscheto di Giovanni Giudice and later Giovanni Pisano. The architecture of the Cathedral is an impressive example of the Romanesque style, characterized by the use of massive stone structures, round arches, and clear, geometric lines. Particularly notable is the facade of the Cathedral, which is adorned with a variety of white and green marbles from the region, emphasizing the majestic effect of the building.

Inside the Cathedral, visitors will find a wealth of artworks reflecting the religious and cultural significance of the region. The ceiling is adorned with golden mosaics depicting scenes from the life of Christ, and the walls are decorated with frescoes and sculptures that belong to the most significant artistic achievements of Romanesque and Gothic art. Particularly noteworthy are the works of Giovanni Pisano, who was involved in the design of the main altar, and the impressive mosaic cycle that adorns the entire dome of the choir, depicting the "Apocalypse of John."

Another outstanding feature of the Cathedral is the impressive marble floor, decorated with intricate patterns and geometric shapes. This floor is not only an aesthetic highlight but also a significant art historical element reflecting the skills of medieval artists and craftsmen.

The Cathedral of Pisa is not only an architectural masterpiece but also an important religious center. It houses numerous relics and is the seat of the Archbishop of Pisa. Over the centuries, the Cathedral has been renovated and expanded multiple times, incorporating various style periods such as the Renaissance and Baroque into the original design. These diverse architectural elements contribute to the unique beauty and significance of the building.

The Cattedrale di Pisa is also inseparably linked to the history of the Leaning Tower of Pisa, located right next to the Cathedral. The Tower was built as a freestanding bell tower for the Cathedral and is world-famous for its distinctive lean. The close connection between the Cathedral and the Tower has made the square one of the most famous historical and cultural centers in the world.

The Cathedral is not only a place of prayer and devotion but also a significant cultural heritage reflecting the history of Pisa and its role in the Middle Ages. Visitors entering the Cathedral experience not only the spiritual atmosphere of an important religious site but also the artistic and historical grandeur of one of the most significant buildings in Western cultural history.

Overall, the Cattedrale di Pisa is a fascinating example of medieval architecture and art and is an essential destination for any visitor to Pisa. With its impressive construction, intricate decorations, and religious significance, the Cathedral remains a captivating landmark that enthralls art lovers and spiritual visitors alike.
Cattedrale di Pisa Pisa

Contact details



Piazza del Duomo, 11
56126 Pisa

Map view

Opening hours

Sunday10:00 - 18:00
Monday10:00 - 18:00
Tuesday10:00 - 18:00
Wednesday10:00 - 18:00
Thursday10:00 - 18:00
Friday10:00 - 18:00
Saturday10:00 - 18:00


11166 Reviews

Luis Augusto Carlino

C est mon Soleil


Pasha Minets (Mina)

Видеть Пизанскую башню своими глазами - это что-то невероятное! Я ожидал, что наклон будет не таким сильным, но когда я увидел ее вживую, то былпросто поражен. Конечно, было немного волнительно подниматься по такой высокой и наклоненной лестнице, но вид, который открывается сверху, стоит того. Особенно впечатляет площадь Чудес, которую видно целиком. Так что, если вы еще не были в Пизе, обязательно посетите это место!
Maria del mar Perez Pérez

Una auténtica joya! Tienes que entrar a la catedral para comprobar que no solo la Torre se lleva el protagonismo !
angel espinosa

Impresionantes vistas exteriores e interiores. Es bastante más grande de lo que parece, tiene varias plantas aunque no sé si están abiertas al público. Para entrar hay que comprar los tickets en la oficina que hay en el edificio de al lado. Acceso muy claro, catedral muy limpia e impresionante.
maria ficetti

Un luogo sacro che vi saprà sorprendere anche per la sua bellezza e la ricchezza di opere al suo interno
Hugh So

教堂在黃昏中發出溫暖的鵝黃色澤,猶如浮光掠 影,從黃昏散步到天黑看著天空的顏色變化心情就 能平靜下來。
unbroken rafa85

La entrada es gratuita pero hay que entrar a la oficina a por el ticket. Vale la pena entrar.
Lets Play

Hatalı bir projeyi dünyanın turist ceken bir yapısına donusturmusler bravo
Jorge CM

Precioso lugar para visitar. Todo el entorno está muy bien cuidado. El día que fuimos estaban con reformas, pero aún así se dejaba ver la inmensidad artística que tiene el monumento. La peor parte de la experiencia fueron los vendedores ambulantes que se ponen alrededor (no hacer caso de ellos ni aceptar supuestos “regalos” puesto que siempre intentarán sacar provecho, además de ponerse agresivos en ciertos casos).
Tomek Tomasz

Aż można się nawrócić
Romina Aguilera

Hermosa por fuera, pero mucho más por dentro. Su exterior hace un hermoso contraste con el verde del parque que lo rodea.
Carlos Higuera

Pueden entrar a la catedral de Pisa gratis, solo deben obtener un ticket de entrada en la tienda de regalos. Y si hay misa no lo necesitan.
Natalia González

Hermosa! No verdad solo estuve poco tiempo, la arquitectura me sigue sorprendiendo y el mármol....todas las construcciones.
matthieu bonnet

Très belle cathédrale qui mérite d'être visitée.
Nuria R

La Catedral de Pisa, o Duomo di Santa Maria Assunta, és una joia de l'arquitectura romànica pisana situada a la Piazza dei Miracoli. Construïda al segle XI, combina influències clàssiques, bizantines i islàmiques, reflectint la riquesa de Pisa com a potència marítima. Destaca per la seva impressionant façana de marbre blanc amb decoració escultòrica i mosaics. A l'interior, sorprenen el sostre de caixons daurats, el púlpit de Giovanni Pisano i el mosaic de Crist Pantocràtor. És un símbol d'elegància i espiritualitat.
Daniel Fonseca

Hermosa. Algo más pequeña que la de Florencia, pero con un interior mucho más bello.


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