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Amgueddfa Lloyd George Museum

Museum | Criccieth | Wales | Großbritannien

Das Amgueddfa Lloyd George Museum befindet sich in Llanystumdwy, einem malerischen Dorf in Gwynedd, Wales, und ist dem Leben und Wirken von David Lloyd George gewidmet, der von 1916 bis 1922 Premierminister des Vereinigten Königreichs war. Das Museum befindet sich in Highgate, dem ehemaligen Wohnhaus von Lloyd George, und bietet einen tiefgehenden Einblick in seine Kindheit und seine politische Laufbahn.

Geschichte und Bedeutung

David Lloyd George wurde 1863 in Manchester geboren und zog im Alter von zwei Jahren mit seiner Familie nach Llanystumdwy. Er wuchs in bescheidenen Verhältnissen auf und zeigte früh ein außergewöhnliches Talent für Rhetorik und Politik. Seine politische Karriere führte ihn von einem radikalen Reformer zu einem der einflussreichsten Politiker des 20. Jahrhunderts. Das Museum wurde 1960 eröffnet und bietet eine umfassende Sammlung von Artefakten, die sein Leben und seine Zeit dokumentieren.

Sammlungen und Ausstellungen

Das Museum beherbergt eine Vielzahl von Exponaten, darunter persönliche Gegenstände von Lloyd George, Fotografien, Dokumente und Erinnerungsstücke, die verschiedene Aspekte seines Lebens und seiner Karriere beleuchten:

Persönliche Gegenstände: Originaldokumente, Briefe und persönliche Effekte, die einen Einblick in das Privatleben von Lloyd George geben.

Politische Artefakte: Dokumente und Fotografien, die seine politische Laufbahn und seine Rolle in der britischen Politik veranschaulichen.

Multimediale Ausstellungen: Interaktive Displays und audiovisuelle Präsentationen, die die Geschichte von Lloyd George lebendig machen.

Highgate Cottage

Ein besonderes Highlight des Museums ist Highgate Cottage, das ehemalige Zuhause von Lloyd George während seiner Kindheit. Das Cottage ist im viktorianischen Stil eingerichtet und vermittelt einen authentischen Eindruck vom Leben im späten 19. Jahrhundert. Besucher können die Räume besichtigen und mehr über die frühen Jahre von Lloyd George erfahren.

Bildungsangebote und Veranstaltungen

Das Museum bietet verschiedene Bildungsprogramme an, darunter Workshops, Vorträge und Sonderausstellungen, die sich mit der Geschichte von Lloyd George und der politischen Landschaft seiner Zeit befassen. Es gibt auch spezielle Programme für Schulen und Gruppen, die einen tieferen Einblick in die Thematik ermöglichen.

Garten und Umgebung

Der Garten von Highgate Cottage ist im viktorianischen Stil gestaltet und spiegelt die Zeit wider, in der Lloyd George dort lebte. Er bietet einen ruhigen Ort zum Verweilen und Nachdenken über das Leben des ehemaligen Premierministers.

Insgesamt bietet das Amgueddfa Lloyd George Museum einen umfassenden und lebendigen Einblick in das Leben und die Zeit von David Lloyd George und ist ein bedeutender kultureller Anziehungspunkt in der Region.



Sonntags10:30 - 17:00
Montags10:30 - 17:00
Dienstags10:30 - 17:00
Mittwochs10:30 - 17:00
Donnerstags10:30 - 17:00
Freitags10:30 - 17:00
Samstags10:30 - 17:00


174 Bewertungen

Jon Foster

Good museum with lots of items and detail. Sit in video room of whole life. Plus a visit to another house nearby, just as it was long time ago. Plus short walk to magnificent grave on rivers edge. All included in ticket and really friendly staff. Highly recommended.
Christopher Bird

Great little museum but with lots to see.
Ken Swift

A lot of reading but well worth it, very informative and knowledgeable staff
paul hill

Lovely place and lots of sympathetic history and I learned a lot about Lloyd George.
Stu E

Very interesting!
Dimitri Kissoff

Very informative. Good bio film
Clive Palmer

Marvellous piece of history. Learned a lot. The film was fantastic. Never realised his contributions to winning WW2
Cindy Wall

A lot to read but very interesting and informative especially for us who did not know much about him. So glad we visited and recommend it.
Linda Lee

David Lloyd George is someone I had only the sketchiest of knowledge about. I found the information fascinating, and was also interested in seeing his childhood home, with his uncle who was a cobbler.
Dorothy Jenkins

Very interesting well put together exhibition about the life & experiences of Lloyd George
Diane Forrest

Shame house wasn't open, but museum was very interesting
Graham Hartney

Tells a story
Paul A

A lovely surprise. The museum is devoted to his interesting and varied life and causes. Next door is the cottage where he grew up and close by is his unusal burial plot. A must for anyone interested in British and Welsh history. Very helpful and friendly staff.
Mike Keane

Just a perfect place to visit, all the information on his life, his house and gardens and just across the road his grave. A truly amazing time
Phil Belfield

A charming local museum dedicated to the life and times of the Liberal Prime Minister. Helpful staff and they take you to the little cottage where Lloyd George grew up. His beautiful final resting place is a very short walk away on the bank of the river. Well worth a visit!
Mark Schaefer (Mark S)

Realistically it's not an amazing museum by modern standards - it's small, a bit gloomy, it doesn't have many things or fancy, interactive, multimedia displays. BUT... It really is worth a visit, the panels and artefacts tell the story well and quite briefly - the story of the prime minister who, took us through ww1, started the concept that became the NHS, negotiated as Ireland gained independence plus quite a lot of other very significant things at a time of huge change. Really interesting and only takes an hour or so.
Julie Cowley

Very informative
jane gracey

Closed due to renovation
Mark Watts

Thought some of the information boards to low and needed to bend to read ,no tea rooms
Carys Hollis

So so interesting definitely worth a visit.
bar mitchell

Brilliant collection. Very interesting
Andrew Smith

Small museum dedicated to the life of the late Prime Minister David Lloyd George. All exhibits, either photographs or items have a description of them in Welsh or English and most have a version also in French. A small video theatre is there to give you an introduction to the great man himself, and the reasons why he became the political force over time, that brought help to the poor and elderly of this nation.
Amanda Radburn

Good range of artefacts, and information. Useful film about his life, and a visit to his home. Well recommended.
Keith Richard Kirwan

Lots of interesting material I had read Lloyd Georges biography and seen documentaries but still learnt a lot more about the great man. Lovely grounds too
Evan Lloyd

I didn't realise politics could be so interesting. Lloyd-George did amazing things, and rarely gets the kudos nowadays.
Phil Beecher

This is an excellent little museum, it's small size belying the wealth of information well presented in the exhibits. It won't appeal to everyone, but if you have any interest in this country's history or more specifically in Lloyd George, then I would strongly recommend a visit. Entrance includes access to his childhood home and nearby grave site, which can be visited without paying for the museum. Toilets available within the museum but otherwise no other facilities though anything one might require is readily available in nearby Criccieth.
Davina Billows

Nice first time there more to see than I expected
George Kouloumbis

A must for all visitors in the area. At £7 per person is not for everyone. What an amazing political figure with a huge impact in UK politics. And of course he was Welsh.


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