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Sorgente di Maria

Museum | Giulianova | Abruzzi | Italy

The "Sorgente di Maria" in Giulianova, Abruzzo, Italy, is a significant religious and cultural center dedicated to the life and apparitions of the Virgin Mary. It includes a church, a monastery, a spring with allegedly healing water, and a museum.

History and Significance

In 1557, the Virgin Mary appeared to a farmer named Bertoldino in an olive tree near Giulianova, directing him to a healing spring. This apparition led to the construction of the sanctuary, which began as a small chapel and was expanded over the centuries.

Architecture and Furnishings

The church is built in the Baroque style and has a Latin cross shape. Inside, there are works by the painter Alfonso Tentarelli from 1954, as well as a wooden statue of the Madonna with Child from the 15th century, known as "Madonna dello Splendore." A remarkable painting by Paolo Veronese from the 16th century depicts the Virgin and Child in glory, surrounded by Saints Peter, Paul, Dorothea, and Francis.

The Spring and Fountain

In the monastery's garden, there is the "Fonte Miracolosa della Madonna dello Splendore," a spring with water believed by believers to have healing properties. A small temple with mosaics from the Old and New Testament was built around the spring.

Museum and Cultural Significance

The sanctuary also houses a museum established between 1990 and 2000, showcasing religious artworks and artifacts related to the history of the sanctuary and the Abruzzo region.


The "Sorgente di Maria" in Giulianova is a place of religious significance and cultural heritage. It attracts both believers and visitors interested in the history and traditions of the region.

Contact details



Viale Splendore, 112
64021 Giulianova

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8 Reviews

Gjenerali Gk

A holy place of pilgrims to wash away their sins in the water bath next to the spring.
caro Town

Secondo la tradizione, il 22 aprile del 1557, al pastore Bertolino apparve la Vergine Maria tra i rami di un albero. Ai piedi di questo stesso albero cominciò a scorrere questa acqua miracolosamente. Oggi la sorgente si trova sotto l'altare maggiore della Chiesa edificata in onore della Madonna dello Splendore. A poca distanza dall'edificio, inizia la discesa della Via Crucis, qui di fronte alla XIV stazione, accedendo dal cancello aperto fino alle 22,00, si arriva al tempietto dell’acqua. Una bellissima vasca azzurra accoglie questa acqua sorgiva con la quale i fedeli si bagnano le mani e il volto. Il tempietto dell’acqua è decorato da mo­saici raffiguranti alcune scene dell’Antico e del Nuovo Testamento sul tema dell'acqua come segno divino. Il luogo è davvero bello. Dal belvedere si gode dello splendido panorama sulla costa adriatica, da Alba a Roseto.

Bellissimo luogo
Mauro Vitale

Bellissimo luogo...