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Villa Umberto Fracchia Letterato

Museum | Bargone | Emilia-Romagna | Italy

The Villa Umberto Fracchia Letterato in Bargone, a district of Casarza Ligure in the province of Genoa, is a historic building dedicated to the life and work of the writer Umberto Fracchia. Fracchia, born in 1889 in Lucca, spent his childhood and youth in Alessandria and Rome, before moving to Bargone in 1927, the hometown of his mother. There, he devoted himself intensively to writing and published works such as "Il perduto amore" and "Angela". He also worked as a journalist and edited the literary magazine "La Fiera Letteraria". Umberto Fracchia passed away in Rome in 1930.

The villa, once the summer residence of the Fracchia family, was restored and transformed into a cultural center after the author's death. Today, it houses a library with a special section dedicated to Fracchia's works and correspondences. Additionally, the villa regularly hosts cultural events including readings, concerts, and exhibitions that honor the literary legacy of Umberto Fracchia.

A highlight is the annual "Premio Letterario Umberto Fracchia", a literary competition that promotes young talents and commemorates the author's legacy. This competition attracts participants of all ages and fosters literary creation in the region. The villa serves as a vibrant center for literature and culture, contributing to keeping the legacy of Umberto Fracchia alive.

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16030 Bargone

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