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Scavi Archeologici "Località Capanne"

Museum | Castro | Lombardia | Italy

The archaeological excavations at the "Località Capanne" in Castro, Apulia, Italy, are of great importance for understanding the ancient history of the region. Several remarkable finds have been made in this area, pointing to the existence of a temple dedicated to the goddess Minerva.

Key finds:

Bust of the goddess Minerva: A significant discovery is a bust believed to represent the goddess Minerva. This find confirms the worship of the goddess in the region and provides valuable information about the religious practices of the time.

Altar of the temple: Another important find is the altar associated with the temple of Minerva. This altar dates back to the second half of the 4th century BC and is the only monumental Greek altar in Apulia. It was used as a sacrificial site for animal offerings in honor of the goddess.

Bronze statuette of the goddess Minerva: Additionally, a small bronze statuette of the goddess Minerva was found, now exhibited at the municipal museum of Castro. This statuette depicts the goddess with a Phrygian helmet, indicating oriental influences.

Significance of the excavations:

These finds are of great importance as they not only document the religious practices of the ancient population of Castro but also demonstrate the cultural and historical connections of the region to other parts of the Mediterranean. The discoveries confirm the existence of a temple of Minerva mentioned in the writings of Virgil and provide archaeological evidence of the worship of this goddess in the region.

Current research:

The excavations at the "Località Capanne" continue with the aim of obtaining further information about the ancient city of Castro and its religious practices. The ongoing research is conducted by a team of archaeologists led by Professor Francesco D'Andria.

The results of these excavations contribute to deepening the understanding of the ancient history of Southern Italy and preserving the cultural heritage of the region.

Contact details



Via Paolo da Castro, 17
73030 Castro

Map view

Opening hours

Sunday0:00 - 0:00
Monday0:00 - 0:00
Tuesday0:00 - 0:00
Wednesday0:00 - 0:00
Thursday0:00 - 0:00
Friday0:00 - 0:00
Saturday0:00 - 0:00


5 Reviews

Riccardo Rufinelli

Da vedere . Scavi archeologici che portano questa cittadina nei libri della nostra storia italiana . Anche solo pensando che Enea sbarco qui prima di arrivare in Lazio
Gianluca L

Punto di interesse storico che fa entrare la citta di Castro nei libri di storia, identificando con la recente scoperta dei resti del tempio dedicato alla dea Minerva, come punto di sbarco di Enea descritto nell'odissea. Questi ritrovamenti possono essere ammirati nel vicino museo sito nel castello di Castro, all'ingresso del centro storico. Un grazie a tutti coloro che si sono impegnati per portare alla luce questo pezzo di storia.. zona ancora in fase di scavi, regala di continuo nuove scoperte
Silvano Zanatta

Scavi archeologici di varie epoche
Giovanni Marturano

Dall’area archeologica del fondo “Capanne” di Castro è emerso un altare in stile greco (unico in tutta la Puglia), su cui si svolgevano i riti sacrificali e votivi dedicati alla dea Atena. Si tratta di una struttura circolare di circa 7 metri di lunghezza e 2,5 metri di larghezza, all’interno della quale, attraverso particolari cerimonie rituali, si venerava la divinità. Si tratta del primo altare monumentale di stile greco trovato in Puglia e rappresenta l’ennesima conferma, insieme ai numerosissimi reperti rinvenuti, che la rocca con il tempio dedicato alla dea greca descritta da Virgilio nell’Eneide sia effettivamente Castro. La scoperta riveste una importanza altissima, ma ha ancora tanto da dire perché non emerge totalmente. Sono infatti stati scavati solo circa 3 metri, mentre per il resto della struttura bisognerà intervenire anche sotto il manto stradale e un terreno privato, di circa 300 metri quadrati, frontale al luogo degli scavi, l’area chiamata fondo “Capanne”- From the archaeological area of ​​the fund "Capanne" of Castro emerged a Greek-style altar (unique in all of Puglia), on which the sacrificial and votive rituals dedicated to the goddess Athena were held. It is a circular structure of about 7 meters long and 2.5 meters wide, inside which, through special ritual ceremonies, the deity was venerated. It is the first monumental altar of Greek style found in Puglia and represents yet another confirmation, along with the numerous findings found, that the fortress with the temple dedicated to the Greek goddess described by Virgil in the Aeneid is actually Castro. The discovery is extremely important, but it still has a lot to say because it does not emerge completely. In fact, only about 3 meters have been excavated, while for the rest of the structure it is necessary to intervene also under the road surface and a private land of about 300 square meters, frontal to the excavation site, the area called "Capanne"


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