Camposanto | Pisa | Tuscany | Italy


Sightseeing attraction | Pisa | Tuscany | Italy

The Camposanto Monumentale in Pisa, one of the most significant and historic cemeteries in the city, is an impressive architectural and cultural heritage of Tuscany. The Camposanto, also known as the "Holy Field", is located in the famous Piazza dei Miracoli, right next to the Leaning Tower of Pisa and the Cathedral. It was founded in the 13th century and is considered one of the most beautiful examples of medieval cemetery architecture in Italy.

Originally intended as a peaceful place for the burial of prominent figures and church members, the complex is surrounded by an elegant, tent-like arcade hall supported by impressive columns. These arcades form a rectangular courtyard lined with intricately designed walls and monumental tombs. The cemetery exudes an atmosphere of tranquility and reverence, shaped by the beauty of the architecture and historical elements.

The most distinctive feature of the Camposanto is the marble building complex that serves as a large hall above the cemetery. Inside the Camposanto, there are numerous significant artworks, including frescoes from the 14th to 16th centuries depicting biblical scenes and representations of the Last Judgment. These frescoes were created by renowned artists of the Italian Renaissance and Gothic periods and are an important part of the region's art history.

In addition to the frescoes, the marble gravestones and sculptures adorning the walls and hall are also of great historical and artistic value. They depict a variety of scenes from ancient mythology, religious symbolism, and portraits of wealthy citizens of Pisa. Many of these sculptures were crafted by notable artists of the time, contributing to the unique aesthetic significance of the cemetery.

The Camposanto was also known as a place for the storage and preservation of artworks and relics. During World War II, the frescoes and artworks were protected in one of the annex buildings of the Camposanto to safeguard them from destruction. Despite the massive damage the city experienced during the war, the Camposanto survived with many of its valuable artworks intact, highlighting the significance of this place as both a religious and cultural treasure.

Today, the Camposanto Monumentale is not only a significant site for those who wish to experience Pisa's religious heritage and history, but also an essential destination for art and architecture enthusiasts. The beauty and importance of the Camposanto make it a unique cultural heritage that has endured through the centuries and continues to play a crucial role in the spiritual life and art history of the region.

Thus, the Camposanto is not just a cemetery, but also a museum and cultural center that fascinates visitors with its spiritual and art historical significance. It offers a deep insight into the history of the city of Pisa and its relationship with the art and architecture of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance.
Camposanto Pisa

Contact details



Piazza del Duomo, 17
56126 Pisa

Map view

Opening hours

Sunday9:00 - 18:00
Monday9:00 - 18:00
Tuesday9:00 - 18:00
Wednesday9:00 - 18:00
Thursday9:00 - 18:00
Friday9:00 - 18:00
Saturday9:00 - 18:00


874 Reviews


Super sprawa!
Romina Aguilera

Dentro del complejo de monumentos se encuentra este majestuoso cementerio. Sorprende la cantidadad de lápidas ornamentadas, esculturas y frescos.

Assolutamente da visitare. Consiglio di fare il biglietto che include l'ingresso al camposanto, alla torre, alla cattedrale, al battistero, al museo dell'opera del Duomo e al museo delle sinopie.
Alla Stepanova

Незвичне місце) при наймані лише гравірування підказує що це кладовище))) «Святими полями» називали перші християнські кладовища, які облаштовували на місці занедбаних давньоримських цирків, освячуючи їх землею, привезеною з Палестини. Згідно з легендою, Пізанське Кампосанто збудували на місці, куди Убальдо де Ланфранкі, архієпископ Пізи, кинув жменю святої землі, привезеної з Голгофи пізанськими галерами під час Четвертого хрестового походу 1202—1204 років. Легенда також стверджує, що тіла праведників, поховані у святій землі, протягом кількох днів перетворюються на скелети. Кладовище виросло на руїнах старого баптистерію церкви Святої Репарати (італ. Santa Reparata), яка раніше стояла на місці нинішнього собору.
Ricardo Ramos

Não é um local imperdível. Tem o seu significado histórico, está integrado todo um complexo, entende-se, mas não mais do que isso. Há um tentativa de recuperação das antigas pinturas, mas, atualmente, tem-se pouquíssima percepção do que foi.
Fran Camargo

Incrível na riqueza de detalhes, e o cemitério mais charmoso que existe, vale muito a pena conhecer cada detalhe!
Jarek S

Punkt obowiązkowy do zwiedzenia.
Franco Scintu

Tanta bellezza racchiusa in un camposanto, peccato le lapidi che formano il pavimento secondo me troppo calpestate
Richard Zahra

One of the most suggestive medieval cemeteries in Tuscany. Built like an abbey cloister, its walls are covered in grand frescoes depicting biblical scenes. The ground houses tombs of many Pisan notables, their coats of arms sculpted in marble.
Daniele Kleimann

Luogo pieno di storia.
Olga Lucia Triviño B

ES una edificación impactante por su largo muro de mármol adornado con columnas y arcos de meddio punto. Sobre su entrada lateral se aprecia . Interiormente hay muchas tumbas bajo el piso, lápidas, sarcófagos, esculturas y pinturas frescos bien conservadas, entre ellas una llamativa del demonio. Tien tam,bién un espacio dedicado a exponer reliquias y objetos sagrados.

Esse é, depois da Catedral, o local mais interessante do complexo da Torre de Pisa. Trata-se do Cemitério da cidade na alta idade média. Aí há túmulos do século XIV em diante. Há também algumas tumbas romanas, ou seja, dos séculos II e III. Ainda mais Impressionantes são os afrescos das paredes que retratam passagens do evangelho mas também histórias de terror sobre inferno, monstros comendo intestinos das pessoas, outras segurando a própria cabeça numa bandeja. Acho que são expressões da Divina Comédia de Dante. Vale muito a pena a visita. História e arte de alto valor cultural no mesmo ambiente.
Giuseppina Zizzo

Un museo della scultura, una Bibbia per immagini, una galleria di personaggi illustri: tutto in un luogo da osservare e su cui riflettere

Beware of people trying to take your stuff
Marcos Llambrich Casanova

El Camposanto Monumentale és un cementiri històric que sorprèn per la seva bellesa serena i l'elegància de les seves arcades. Les parets estan decorades amb frescos antics que narren històries religioses i al·legòriques. Molts visitants el consideren un oasi de tranquil·litat, allunyat de les multituds, on és possible reflexionar i apreciar l'art en un ambient contemplatiu.

Monumento che completa la piazza è sicuramente il Camposanto che nella sua magnificenza per essere compreso a pieno deve essere sicuramente accompagnato da una visita precedente al Museo delle Sinopie. Molte spiegazioni degli affreschi presenti e perduti sono infatti presenti nel predetto Museo.
Manuel Urquidi

Constructed in 1278, the Camposanto was established to safeguard the burial sarcophagi that were in the Cathedral in a new building. As such, it has a collection of sarcophagi from Roman, medieval, and Renaissance times. It is decorated with an amazing collection of frescoes that you can see reconstructed in pictures in the museum. It was one of the first burial structures that became a museum. Worth a visit.

I highly recommend getting the ticket to include the Camposanto in your visit. From the exterior it is unimpressive but you will be amazed the minute you enter. It is an immense rectangular building partly open to the center lawn. There are beautiful frescos on the walls. Some of them a bit disturbing. You will see a satanic creature pulling a women's tongue out of her mouth. Gossip was considered a sin in medieval times. Many other frescos depict Biblical stories. The mathematician Leonardo Fabonacci 1170-1240 is buried here amount endless other notables. Their sarcophagie line the walls and their tombs are beneath the floor.
Patricia sunriver

Lors de la 2e croisade, on ramena de la Terre sainte qu'on dissémina sur le terrain du Campo santo qui fut le dernier monument construit de la Piazza dei Miracoli. De style roman, il ferme le côté Est de la place Belles fresques de "l'Assomption" le "Tiomphe de la mort" le "dernier Jugement" "l'Enfer" la plupart, restaurées après le bombardement en 1944. Il abrite aussi de belles sépultures qui va de l'époque romaine au Moyen-âge (84 sarcophages) dont les plus intéressants sont : le sarcophage d'Hippolyte et de Phèdre (2e siècle), le sarcophage du Bon Pasteur et des Muses (2e siecle) et celui de la chasse au sanglier Certains sarcophages ont été réutilisés au Moyen-âge par des nobles ce qui a permit une bonne conservation. Beau jardin arqué
Nedelcu Florin

Cimitirul este situat tot in Curtea Miracolelor si aici sunt ingropati oamenii de seama ai Pisei...Are arhitectura unei manastiri in mijlocul careia se afla un patrulater, înconjurat pe toate laturile de galerii acoperite! In aceste galerii se afla sarcofage, monumente funerare sau pietre de cripte in podelele galeriilor...Pe peretii galeriile se mai zaresc ( din pacate multe sunt deteriorate) fresce cu scene biblice. Din loc in loc gasesti panouri informative despre fresce... Interesant de vizitat cu ghidaj!
Nicolas D

On dirait un cloître mais il s’agit d’un cimetière. Ce lieu est très beau avec de très jolies fresques

The architecture is marvelous.

Possibilita' di visitare il Duomo , il Battistero , il Cimitero , il Museo delle Sinopie , l'interessante museo dell'Opera del Duomo e l'immancabile Torre di Pisa effettuando un biglietto che li comprenda tutti , risparmiando molto rispetto ai singoli acquisti . Interessante la realizzazione delle Sinopie e la storia del Camposanto che ha resistito anche alla seconda guerra mondiale , nonostante sia stato centrato da piu' di un ordigno . I parcheggi , soprattutto nell'alta stagione , non sono facili da trovare ed i prezzi sono alti : si consiglia di parcheggiare non in centro e poi di farsi una piacevole passeggiata . Da evitare i ristoranti nelle immediate vicinanze perche' sono tutto meno che tradizionali o caratteristici ...i gelati invece sono un'eccezione e sono molto buoni anche quelli nei dintorni della Piazza . Tantissimi i turisti , si consiglia la visita presto la mattina .

Takie miejsce zostanie na zawsze w mojej pamięci
David Krumm

Cool fresques, but they obviously they are quite old
Sergio Salas

La entrada al conjunto incluye también este monumento.


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