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BAS – Opfer für die Freiheit

Museum | Bolzano | Trentino-Alto Adige | Italy

The museum "BAS – Victims for Freedom" in Bolzano is dedicated to the history of the "Befreiungsausschuss Südtirol" (Liberation Committee of South Tyrol) and the events associated with it in the 1960s. The BAS was a resistance movement that opposed Italian policies in South Tyrol and advocated for the rights of the German-speaking population.

Collection and Exhibitions

The exhibition provides a comprehensive insight into the activities of the BAS and the political tensions of that time. It includes a variety of exhibits, including historical documents, photographs, personal items of activists, and eyewitness reports. A central element of the exhibition is the "Mitterhofer Collection", which was gathered over many years by Sepp Mitterhofer, one of the first BAS activists. This collection is the centerpiece of the exhibition and provides an authentic impression of the resistance movement.

Activities and Events

In addition to the permanent exhibition, the museum regularly organizes cultural events such as workshops, lectures, and temporary exhibitions focusing on various aspects of the history and resistance in South Tyrol. These activities promote dialogue between history and the present and contribute to the cultural enrichment of the region.

The museum "BAS – Victims for Freedom" thus represents a significant contribution to the preservation and dissemination of the cultural heritage of the region and offers visitors the opportunity to immerse themselves in the history of resistance in South Tyrol.

Contact details



Via dei Portici, 9
39100 Bolzano

Map view

Opening hours

Tuesday10:00 - 12:00
15:00 - 17:00
Wednesday10:00 - 12:00
15:00 - 17:00
Thursday10:00 - 12:00
15:00 - 17:00
Friday10:00 - 12:00
15:00 - 17:00
Saturday10:00 - 12:00
15:00 - 17:00


29 Reviews

Giancarlo G.

Mostra veramente ben curata, vale sicuramente la pena di visitarla. Nei locali ho avuto la fortuna di incontrare uno dei curatori, il dott. Speckner, che devo ringraziare per la disponibilità e la cortesia. Credo che ogni cittadino dovrebbe visitarla per scoprire veramente cosa è stata per queste genti l'annessione all'Italia.
Joan Ramon Zaballos Rubio

Una exposició bàsicament sobre el moviment BAS - Befreiungsausschusses Südtirol – ( Comissió d’Alliberament del Tirol del Sud) als anys 60. El nostre guia de l’exposició Thomas Sinha, que va fer una magnífica guia de tota l’exposició ens va explicar també la història del Tirol del Sud una vegada acabada la I Guerra Mundial i els efectes que va tenir desprès en el territori. També el famós pacte entre Hitler i Mussolini, que va fer que molta gent del Tirol del Sud, deixes les seves cases i marxes cap a Alemanya, abans de quedar-se i veure com eren italianitzats per Mussolini. És un període de la història d’Europa molt desconeguda per la gent i que va implicar la mort, tortures i presó de força gent. També va intervenir l’exercit italià i finalment desprès d’anys de conflicte i negociacions entre Àustria i Itàlia, es va poder arribar a uns acords per aquesta zona que encara es mantenen, però que encara no són de satisfacció de part de la població de parla alemanya.
Enzo Cestari

Conoscere e sapere veramente come sono andate le cose è molto importante per poter scegliere il futuro. 👍


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