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Domschatzkammer Bozen

Museum | Bolzano | Trentino-Alto Adige | Italy

The Cathedral Treasury of Bolzano is located in the Old Provostship of the Cathedral of the Assumption of Mary in Bolzano and is one of the most extensive baroque church inventories in the Tyrolean region. It houses an impressive collection of liturgical items, including precious vestments, banner paintings, and exquisite goldsmith works from the 18th century. With almost a hundred selected objects, the Cathedral Treasury provides a deep insight into Roman Catholic liturgy and popular piety.

Layout and exhibitions:

The exhibition spans across four rooms and covers a total of 220 m²:

First Room: This room tells the history of the city of Bolzano and the cathedral parish church.

Second Room: This room is dedicated to the procession culture and the veneration of miraculous images, presenting the extensive collection of relics.

Third Room: In this area, valuable silver and goldsmith works are on display, including a silver late-Gothic tower monstrance dating back to around 1490, which is believed to come from an Augsburg workshop.

Fourth Room: This room focuses on the elevation of the parish to a collegiate church in 1717 and displays items such as the staff and the mitre of the provost, as well as the breast medallion bestowed upon the canons by Empress Maria Theresa in 1777.

The minimalist design of the exhibition rooms with steel elements creates a successful contrast to the baroque exhibits and directs attention to the artworks themselves.

Special exhibits:

Monstrances: Among the exhibits, there is a baroque sun monstrance with a circular device for securing the host, as well as a tower monstrance that seems to reach up to the sky, similar to Gothic buildings.

Relics: The extensive collection of relics includes a papal indulgence letter from the 14th century issued on behalf of a bishop or cardinal appointed by the Pope, as well as a Marian monogram intended to represent the name of the Virgin Mary.

The Cathedral Treasury of Bolzano thus offers a comprehensive insight into the sacred art and history of the region and is a significant place for art and history enthusiasts.

Contact details



Piazza della Parrocchia, 29
39100 Bolzano

Map view

Opening hours

Tuesday10:00 - 12:30
Wednesday10:00 - 12:30
Thursday10:00 - 12:30
Friday10:00 - 12:30
Saturday10:00 - 12:30


7 Reviews


Nonostante dovesse essere aperto, lo abbiamo trovato chiuso senza alcun avviso. Al telefono non hanno saputo darci giustificazione. Che delusione!
Sarah Norris

A lovely little museum just off the main square and next to the cathedral of Bozen.
C. Wenz

Piccolo Museo recentemente scoperto. non sapevo neppure che esistesse

Piccolo museo da non perdere. Materiale liturgico, reperti d’epoca e video esplicativi sul Duomo molto interessanti.
Gianfranco Comino

Ricca collezione di materiale liturgico ed arreso sacro


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